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Putin announces 'military operation' in Ukraine.


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Putin closes Nord Stream 1 indefinitely after the G7 impose a price cap, the world is imploding and us being sat on hundreds of years worth of our own energy and Govt's refusal to use it should see policy makers locked up.  Things could get very nasty very quickly, we should be burning Politicians to keep warm.

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10 minutes ago, Weihrauch17 said:

Putin closes Nord Stream 1 indefinitely after the G7 impose a price cap, the world is imploding and us being sat on hundreds of years worth of our own energy and Govt's refusal to use it should see policy makers locked up.  Things could get very nasty very quickly, we should be burning Politicians to keep warm.

For once we’re in agreement. 👍

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1 hour ago, Weihrauch17 said:

Putin closes Nord Stream 1 indefinitely after the G7 impose a price cap, the world is imploding and us being sat on hundreds of years worth of our own energy and Govt's refusal to use it should see policy makers locked up.  Things could get very nasty very quickly, we should be burning Politicians to keep warm.

Bang on. 

We should have commenced fracking Day 1 the Russians invaded Ukraine (or rather commenced their ‘special military operation’).

Mind you, someone will be along shortly to explain how the closure of Nordstream 1 is perfectly normal / routine maintenance 😆 You couldn’t make it up - it’s like a parallel universe 😆

22 hours ago, Rewulf said:

Think about it, its really not. Its an excellent revenue stream, its also not good business practice to suspend services within contract, makes you look... Untrustworthy 😂

It's continued supply, and purchase also does an excellent job of causing division within the EU, why would you give THAT card up? 

It's not the stopping of the gas supply that they're after, it's the threat of it stopping. 

Personally, I don't believe any of them, but we have established that annual maintenance, is a thing, and that turbine is still in Germany {for whatever reason} yet media reports seem to suggest the gas stops  flowing at the whim of vlad, every time he has a funny turn? 

When one statement is known to be untrue, I tend to question all of them. 


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29 minutes ago, Mungler said:


Technically, that's trolling 😂

But let's look at it sensibly. 

If Russia decide {and you've agreed with this} to stop the glow of gas, due to sanctions, then that would be a rather foolish, possibly illegal, but a perfectly valid course of action. 

However, how on earth does a non  entity, like the EU, get to tell Russia how much its allowed to charge individual countries for said gas? 

You might as well tell your energy supplier, or the petrol station, how much you're prepared to give them for their stuff 🤔

Personally, I think a rapid EU climbdown is on the cards. 

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8 minutes ago, Rewulf said:

Technically, that's trolling 😂

But let's look at it sensibly. 

If Russia decide {and you've agreed with this} to stop the glow of gas, due to sanctions, then that would be a rather foolish, possibly illegal, but a perfectly valid course of action. 

However, how on earth does a non  entity, like the EU, get to tell Russia how much its allowed to charge individual countries for said gas? 

You might as well tell your energy supplier, or the petrol station, how much you're prepared to give them for their stuff 🤔

Personally, I think a rapid EU climbdown is on the cards. 

This is about the constant lies from Russia, the lies many willingly and freely accept.

They are lying and have consistently lied about the reasons behind the throttling of gas supplies and the closure of Nordstream 1; it was blatantly obvious they were lying but you defended their ‘maintenance’ program over pages and pages of waffle and a steadfast refusal to accept the obvious.

They have lied about the Salisbury poisoning, the shelling of the nuclear power station and pretty much everything - you know they are lying because their lips are moving.

Just so we’re clear - this new ‘leak’ in Nordstream 1 - do you believe them? Go on, give us all a good laugh.



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24 minutes ago, Mungler said:

They have lied about the Salisbury poisoning, the shelling of the nuclear power station and pretty much everything - you know they are lying because their lips are moving

Say all that's true, what are we going to actually DO about it, because I can definitely tell you, bitching about it on here isn't going to achieve Jack. 

Your personal crusade won't change my mind that they are ALL lying, manipulating the media, and cashing in on others suffering, THAT, is the only reality here. 

Everything else is suspect, and should be treated with utmost caution. 

30 minutes ago, Mungler said:

Just so we’re clear - this new ‘leak’ in Nordstream 1 - do you believe them? Go on, give us all a good laugh

Don't have a clue what you're talking about, link? 

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2 hours ago, Weihrauch17 said:

G7 impose a price cap,


the world is imploding and us being sat on hundreds of years worth of our own energy and Govt's refusal to use it should see policy makers locked up


G7 doesn't include 75% of the population of the planet and G7 have Govs have all imposed sanctions on their own citizens and companies buying Russian oil so price cap makes no difference as oil is fungible and can be sold, refined and resold. The only difference is we as end consumers get to pay the markup.


Reform UK has been banging on about fracking for months now, try voting for a different party if you don't agree with the current lot.

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11 minutes ago, Stonepark said:


G7 doesn't include 75% of the population of the planet and G7 have Govs have all imposed sanctions on their own citizens and companies buying Russian oil so price cap makes no difference as oil is fungible and can be sold, refined and resold. The only difference is we as end consumers get to pay the markup.


Reform UK has been banging on about fracking for months now, try voting for a different party if you don't agree with the current lot.

The G7 total the countries that can and actually do pay for the stuff they order - selling loads of oil into Burkina Faso for example is a fools errand because no one will get paid. The price cap will make a difference, a massive difference provided all the G7 stick to it.

There is a lot of opposition to fracking - notably funded by Russia. In fairness, if you’re flogging energy, energy independence is a swear word. 

28 minutes ago, Rewulf said:

Say all that's true, what are we going to actually DO about it, because I can definitely tell you, bitching about it on here isn't going to achieve Jack. 

Your personal crusade won't change my mind that they are ALL lying, manipulating the media, and cashing in on others suffering, THAT, is the only reality here. 

Everything else is suspect, and should be treated with utmost caution. 

Don't have a clue what you're talking about, link? 

It’s not about changing your mind - that’s demonstrably impossible even with good evidence, it’s highlighting that you’re supporting and spouting nonsense. The Nordstream throttling and ‘maintenance’ elements of this page are contemporaneous.

What are we going to do about it? Who knows, but I tell you what, whatever the plan is it won’t be helped by people punting pro Kremlin nonsense and accepting Kremlin BS.


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47 minutes ago, Mungler said:

This is about the constant lies from Russia, the lies many willingly and freely accept.

They are lying and have consistently lied about the reasons behind the throttling of gas supplies and the closure of Nordstream 1; it was blatantly obvious they were lying but you defended their ‘maintenance’ program over pages and pages of waffle and a steadfast refusal to accept the obvious.

They have lied about the Salisbury poisoning, the shelling of the nuclear power station and pretty much everything - you know they are lying because their lips are moving.

Just so we’re clear - this new ‘leak’ in Nordstream 1 - do you believe them? Go on, give us all a good laugh.



Russia is telling less lies than the Western Governments!

Given COVID Jabs are killing hundreds due to heart damage, babies being aborted etc ..... Why are you not shouting from the roof tops?

In case you haven't noticed Nordstream 1 is down to 1 turbine in the main compressor station (there are another 5 turbines under going maintenance in Canada) and whilst I am certain the Russians are likely on a go slow\working to rule on repairs and maintenance, pipelines compessors are high maintenance and prone to points of failure, when turbines are changed out, just like a plumber changing a boiler out, sometimes you get leaks, considering the high pressure a turbine operates at, it is surprising they are not more common.

Nordstream 2 is sitting there ready to go and Putin has offered to turn it on but Germans still refusing to allow... So both sides are taking the opportunity to blame each other.

Salisbury poisonings were a false flag... You don't recover in a few days from lethal nerve agent poisoning which is designed to happen less than 2 minutes after contact and the first person on the scene is never going to be the head nurse for the British army who knows specifically how to deal with nerve agents..... Then the Skirpals miraculously disappeared ......

How many times are you going to refuse to accept that despite all evidence to the contrary, the nuclear power plant is behind Russian lines and it is Ukraine shelling it from across the River Dnyper reservoir?




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16 minutes ago, Mungler said:

The G7 total the countries that can and actually do pay for the stuff they order - selling loads of oil into Burkina Faso for example is a fools errand because no one will get paid. The price cap will make a difference, a massive difference provided all the G7 stick to it.

There is a lot of opposition to fracking - notably funded by Russia. In fairness, if you’re flogging energy, energy independence is a swear word. 

It’s not about changing your mind - that’s demonstrably impossible even with good evidence, it’s highlighting that you’re supporting and spouting nonsense. The Nordstream throttling and ‘maintenance’ elements of this page are contemporaneous.

What are we going to do about it? Who knows, but I tell you what, whatever the plan is it won’t be helped by people punting pro Kremlin nonsense and accepting Kremlin BS.


The G7 is less than 25% of the world market, China and India will just soak up the oil, we will then buy more expensive oil from the middle East and pay for the privilege.... The oil price will not change one bit globally, but the price we pay will go up!


Likewise, simply spouting Western and MSM BS will not get you anywhere near the truth... If that was the case, Russia would have collapsed on day 1 of the SMO, but here we are 6 months later....

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29 minutes ago, Stonepark said:


G7 doesn't include 75% of the population of the planet and G7 have Govs have all imposed sanctions on their own citizens and companies buying Russian oil so price cap makes no difference as oil is fungible and can be sold, refined and resold. The only difference is we as end consumers get to pay the markup.


Reform UK has been banging on about fracking for months now, try voting for a different party if you don't agree with the current lot.

Don't agree with the current lot, I am 57 and this is by a country mile the worst Govt in my life time.  Johnson has been an absolute disaster.

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1 minute ago, Stonepark said:

The G7 is less than 25% of the world market, China and India will just soak up the oil, we will then buy more expensive oil from the middle East and pay for the privilege.... The oil price will not change one bit globally, but the price we pay will go up!


Likewise, simply spouting Western and MSM BS will not get you anywhere near the truth... If that was the case, Russia would have collapsed on day 1 of the SMO, but here we are 6 months later....

You’re wrong on the oil price - you will see next week. 

Indeed, remember the big deal Russia was going to do with Pakistan for oil - good luck anyone getting paid on that.

As for supplying China, they’ll fill their boots and their tanks with cheap fuel but they will see the European dependency fubar and not be so daft.   

Russia collapsing Day 1 - no one ever said that. They are and remain the bookies favourites. They are however invading murderers whom I won’t support.

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1 minute ago, Weihrauch17 said:

Don't agree with the current lot, I am 57 and this is by a country mile the worst Govt in my life time.  Johnson has been an absolute disaster.

The Reform UK energy policy isn't perfect but it at least shows an understanding of the issues and solutions, which is a lot more than most of the parties...



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19 minutes ago, Mungler said:


It’s not about changing your mind - that’s demonstrably impossible even with good evidence, it’s highlighting that you’re supporting and spouting nonsense. The Nordstream throttling and ‘maintenance’ elements of this page are contemporaneous.

What are we going to do about it? Who knows, but I tell you what, whatever the plan is it won’t be helped by people punting pro Kremlin nonsense and accepting Kremlin BS.


You're beginning to sound a bit delusional 😂

If it's not about changing my mind, why do you keep replying? Or have you made it your mission in life to combat 'pro kremlin nonsense'? 

'Beware the red under the bed' 

It's getting to the point where anything that doesn't agree with mainstream narrative, is 'dangerous' and subversive, its quite frightening how easily people accept this new ideology, we saw it so much with covid ect. 

I'll be honest, I'm a bit disappointed with your level of critical thinking on this. 

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2 minutes ago, Stonepark said:

The Reform UK energy policy isn't perfect but it at least shows an understanding of the issues and solutions, which is a lot more than most of the parties...



I gave a few hundred quid I couldn't really afford to Farage's party at the last election and then he pulled most of his candidates at the last minute, I was absolutely fuming he sold us down the river for Johnson who hasn't delivered Brexit in any shape of form just record levels of immigration both legal and illegal.  I will not fund Reform on the back of Farage as I suspect others won't.  Their vote share in recent bye elections is truly woeful.  I have voted Tory all my life but will not vote at the next GE.   

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Changing tack slightly: Now that Putins disdain for Gorbachev has become widely known for selling out the Soviet Union to end the cold war, could it be that Putins special operation is to commence restoration of the Union by retaking the largest (I think) country it lost?

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Gorbachev was a "globalist" in Russian terms who thought he could trust the West (primarily the USA) to keep its word over NATO not moving east. It is long recorded that Gorbachev himself was unhappy with the betrayal, Putin has simply learned from that naivety as have the Russian people.


Putin knows he can't reform the USSR or hold ground long term but he can take steps to reverse the illegal 2014 coup in Ukraine and restore a NATO neutral or Russian friendly regime as per the SMO.

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1 hour ago, Rewulf said:

You're beginning to sound a bit delusional 😂

If it's not about changing my mind, why do you keep replying? Or have you made it your mission in life to combat 'pro kremlin nonsense'? 

'Beware the red under the bed' 

It's getting to the point where anything that doesn't agree with mainstream narrative, is 'dangerous' and subversive, its quite frightening how easily people accept this new ideology, we saw it so much with covid ect. 

I'll be honest, I'm a bit disappointed with your level of critical thinking on this. 

What on Earth are you on about?

Your views have been comprehensively disproven (Nordstream and the attacks on the nuclear power plant being today’s cases in point) and yet you refuse to accept any facts when presented but which are contrary to your views and yet you keep on, being wrong. Brilliant. 

Again, I’ll ask the question and to underline the point - Nordstream 1 closure and the continued throttling of gas supplies - do you think that is because of planned maintenance or because of any of the other Kremlin stated reasons, today’s one being a leak? Simple enough question. You will of course remember espousing at length as to how it was all planned maintenance as stated by the Kremlin and just misinformation from mainstream news, such news we were all gullible unquestioning idiots for accepting. Oh the irony.

You talk of the danger of agreeing with the mainstream, but you don’t account for when mainstream media is reporting the truth, and when it comes to MSM and the Kremlin only a useful idiot would consider lapping up what the Kremlin are peddling.


1 hour ago, Dave-G said:

Changing tack slightly: Now that Putins disdain for Gorbachev has become widely known for selling out the Soviet Union to end the cold war, could it be that Putins special operation is to commence restoration of the Union by retaking the largest (I think) country it lost?

That’s always been the motivation behind Putin’s invasion of a Ukraine. 

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39 minutes ago, Mungler said:

What on Earth are you on about?

I could ask you the same question. 

You seem to keep repeating the same thing over and over.... 

40 minutes ago, Mungler said:

Your views have been comprehensively disproven (Nordstream and the attacks on the nuclear power plant being today’s cases in point) and yet you refuse to accept any facts when presented but which are contrary to your views and yet you keep on, being wrong. Brilliant. 

What's been disproven? 

You're more than happy to believe a known Ukraine propaganda account, rather than proper solid factual evidence. 

I showed you a graph, clearly showing planned maintenence over the past 4 years in july, it's a fact that Russia has 1 turbine to service the whole of Nordstream, the rest are either in Germany or Canada. 

The Siemens engineers have confirmed the working turbine is leaking, but say its an easy fix? 

Is Russia using it as an excuse to stop pumping, yes definitely, but is maintenance necessary, of course it is. The point is, who cares anymore? 

48 minutes ago, Mungler said:

You talk of the danger of agreeing with the mainstream, but you don’t account for when mainstream media is reporting the truth, and when it comes to MSM and the Kremlin only a useful idiot would consider lapping up what the Kremlin are peddling.

Simple questions, how do you know when MSM are telling the truth? 

Was the ghost of Kiev a true story? 

Are Ukrainian estimates of Russian losses accurate {They are 5x higher than NATO or Russian estimates}? 

Is Ukraine winning? 


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5 hours ago, Rewulf said:

I could ask you the same question. 

You seem to keep repeating the same thing over and over.... 

What's been disproven? 

You're more than happy to believe a known Ukraine propaganda account, rather than proper solid factual evidence. 

I showed you a graph, clearly showing planned maintenence over the past 4 years in july, it's a fact that Russia has 1 turbine to service the whole of Nordstream, the rest are either in Germany or Canada. 

The Siemens engineers have confirmed the working turbine is leaking, but say its an easy fix? 

Is Russia using it as an excuse to stop pumping, yes definitely, but is maintenance necessary, of course it is. The point is, who cares anymore? 

Simple questions, how do you know when MSM are telling the truth? 

Was the ghost of Kiev a true story? 

Are Ukrainian estimates of Russian losses accurate {They are 5x higher than NATO or Russian estimates}? 

Is Ukraine winning? 


Again, I’ll ask the question and to underline the point - Nordstream 1 closure and the continued throttling of gas supplies - do you think that is because of planned maintenance or because of any of the other Kremlin stated reasons, today’s one being a leak? Simple enough question.

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