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House of the Dragon🐲


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I never watched ''Game of Thrones'' until the covid lock down. I took the opportunity  and watched a couple of episodes each evening from start to finish. I was a fan, brilliant series IMO and I had no issue with the last episode like many seemed to have.

I watched the first episode of the prequel on catch-up last night and I think it has the potential to be pretty good. It doesn't have all the familiar faces of GOT, but anything with Paddy Considine in, is usually quality.

Any fans?

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I’m massive fan of GOT, the books are much better than the series and I’m hoping he can finish the books with a better ending (but doesn’t look likely he will even finish the next book!). I’m yet to watch house of the dragon but think I may wait till all the episodes are released before I sit down and give it a go 

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On 23/08/2022 at 21:25, B725 said:

I watched the GOT and have started with the new series hopefully will be as good. 

Hopefully 🤞

On 23/08/2022 at 21:54, discobob said:

I must be getting old - I found that the part "giving birth" was a bit ott - I was a massive GOT until the last series - or the last episode or two....

Not sure if it was OTT or not, but it certainly was gruesome and I have no problem saying I put my hands over my eyes and had to look away,I'm very squeamish with things like that. 

15 hours ago, MWildfowler said:

I’m massive fan of GOT, the books are much better than the series and I’m hoping he can finish the books with a better ending (but doesn’t look likely he will even finish the next book!). I’m yet to watch house of the dragon but think I may wait till all the episodes are released before I sit down and give it a go 

I'd imagine the books are better than the series as books are usually better than what appears on the screen. I probably won't watch the series religiously as it air's,  but will watch it in catch up when time allows. Daemon Targaryen looks like he could be and interesting character. I hope we have a stand out character like ''The IMP'' or ''The Hound'' or Joffery for that matter. Doubtful any will live upto them  strong characters, but maybe it's unfair to expect that! Time will tell.

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On 24/08/2022 at 07:44, MWildfowler said:

I’m massive fan of GOT, the books are much better than the series and I’m hoping he can finish the books with a better ending (but doesn’t look likely he will even finish the next book!). I’m yet to watch house of the dragon but think I may wait till all the episodes are released before I sit down and give it a go 

I'd read all the books before watching the show, without knowing the book series wasn't finished!

I actually think the program was better, but the last series or two lacked a bad guy with real character,  look at the B of Bolton, and how he met his end, and others before him, you need that level of evil, with twist turns and betrayal not just a zombie.

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@SuperGoose75 agreed you need those type of characters. The series wasn’t bad don’t get me wrong the ending was just horrible. 

@Mice! as I said above the programme was good but the books were just too good. At times it was a difficult read but it added so much depth and life into each character. I don’t think he’ll ever finish the books and if he doesn’t I really do hope Brandon Sanderson can finish writing them as I think he’s an amazing author who will do the serious justice! 

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  • 1 month later...

The show runners of GOT came out and admitted they had no idea what they were doing once they ran out of source material. The Westeros express in the final series was a joke, people and armies would move from one end to the other over night, fleets of ships were "forgoten about" and armies that where wiped out would respawn!. The battles were a joke with heros  surrounded by hoards of zombies and they escape because suddenly there where none, I could go on and on. First few series were very good but it went down hill at 5 and tanked on 7 and 8.

George  will never finish the next book never mind complete the series. He has had 11 years to complete with 2 years of lock down in that so if its not done now it never will be.

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On 25/09/2022 at 10:10, Lord O War said:

The show runners of GOT came out and admitted they had no idea what they were doing once they ran out of source material. The Westeros express in the final series was a joke, people and armies would move from one end to the other over night, fleets of ships were "forgoten about" and armies that where wiped out would respawn!. The battles were a joke with heros  surrounded by hoards of zombies and they escape because suddenly there where none, I could go on and on. First few series were very good but it went down hill at 5 and tanked on 7 and 8.

George  will never finish the next book never mind complete the series. He has had 11 years to complete with 2 years of lock down in that so if its not done now it never will be.

I get the impression you are  a bit of a film buff (Which I am not) so I won't or can't disagree with your comments and observations in GOT.

I took it for what it was, a fantasy series with Dragons,zombie monsters, giants,scary ice people, different tribes of people and some hot actresses and brilliant characters👍  I suppose it is kind of like the old westerns and action movies like Diehard..ect.. where a lot of it is far fetched and the good guys rarely get killed, even with hundreds of bullets being fired in their direction. Or ''Rocky''getting pummelled  and knocked down countless times in 13 rounds of a 15 round fight, but pulled it out of the bag in the end. Like GOT I enjoyed these movies and took them for what they were.

Ref- House if the Dragon, I'm enjoying it so far, although I was a bit miffed at the change of actresses in the last episode. I was liking the attitude of the young blossoming Princess Rhaenyra only to see she has been replaced "like Queen Alicent has''with an older actress. The show has jumped 10yrs forward and the younger actresses were deemed unsuitable. The new ones might grow on me, time will tell. I do wish these gory birthing scenes would stop though🤢

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House of the Dragon does seem to be doing well unlike Amazons the Rings of Powah. ROP has so much wrong in it it is un true and the script is just, well, bad is the polite way to put it. 

If you need to kill a few hours take a look at a youtuber caller Mauler, he does long format critiques of films and TV shows. He doesn't just go "it's ****" he will tell you why it's ****.  He is still doing the star wars sequals and I think each film has taken 9 hours to rip into and his last one was on the Dr Strange film and was 6 hours long, He is not known as the longman for nothing! I have watched many of them and ithey are very good.

Buy physical media of your fave films. There are cases of "problamatic scenes" being removed from fils or the films just being with drawn. As for downloads and streaming as far as I am concerned if you cannot hold it in your hand then you don't own it.

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Like others watched GOT during lockdown, enjoyed the series, recently found Book 1 in a charity shop so i will read at some point (got other books to finish first).  Watching House of Dragons, but with a different attitude, i was glad of GOT during lockdown....don't need the TV quite as much now, fishing, and shooting are available! 

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In my opinion and it is only that, GOT was the best TV show ever made... until season 6 then it started to drop off. Season 8 was a disaster. HOTD is OK, but it's such a slow burner. Usually a good thing, but it is very slow. Daemon is just too likeable as a bad guy. The actress swaps were well cast, but a bit disconcerting and a shame as the actress that played young Rhaenyra was very good. I'll keep watching, but it's disappointing. 

The Rings of Power on the other hand... Well, what an absolute pile of steaming woke, ill thought out ****!

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36 minutes ago, Houseplant said:

In my opinion and it is only that, GOT was the best TV show ever made... until season 6 then it started to drop off. Season 8 was a disaster. HOTD is OK, but it's such a slow burner. Usually a good thing, but it is very slow. Daemon is just too likeable as a bad guy. The actress swaps were well cast, but a bit disconcerting and a shame as the actress that played young Rhaenyra was very good. I'll keep watching, but it's disappointing. 

The Rings of Power on the other hand... Well, what an absolute pile of steaming woke, ill thought out ****!

GOT was off the chart because it was a complete story, utterly ruined by the ending. The Hodor plot link was off the chart.

Most series take a punt and never work out what next beyond that series - look at the Sopranos - season 1 and 2 off the chart, but downhill from 1 because there was no plot or plan for beyond 1. And by the last season the tanks didn’t even have fumes to run on.

As for Plan B GOT and LOTR. Alas I’ve given up and wandered off already. Tragic stuff. 

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11 hours ago, Lord O War said:


If you need to kill a few hours take a look at a youtuber caller Mauler, he does long format critiques of films and TV shows. He doesn't just go "it's ****" he will tell you why it's ****.  He is still doing the star wars sequals and I think each film has taken 9 hours to rip into and his last one was on the Dr Strange film and was 6 hours long, He is not known as the longman for nothing! I have watched many of them and ithey are very good.

Buy physical media of your fave films. There are cases of "problamatic scenes" being removed from fils or the films just being with drawn. As for downloads and streaming as far as I am concerned if you cannot hold it in your hand then you don't own it.

Or shorter ones - Critical Drinker, Nerdrotic, Heel, Disparu and of course the G&G crew. My wife has asked me to stop me watching them though as she feels they are misogynists (I spelt that right first time :yahoo:)  and it peeves off our woke son :whistling: - spoiler - they aren't - just anti what is being done.


Have you seen the Ryan Reynolds Deadpool 3 short leak that "broke the internet" and the follow up - now that is how you promote a film!!!! I think it is the only MCU that I am going to go to the pictures to watch..

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On 28/09/2022 at 20:52, Lord O War said:

Amazons the Rings of Powah

I'm still Watching it, it certainly started slowly,  lots of different characters and jumping around but the last episode was good, there must be something or I'd likely have stopped watching after a couple of episodes. 

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On 29/09/2022 at 08:41, discobob said:

Or shorter ones - Critical Drinker, Nerdrotic, Heel, Disparu and of course the G&G crew. My wife has asked me to stop me watching them though as she feels they are misogynists (I spelt that right first time :yahoo:)  and it peeves off our woke son  - spoiler - they aren't - just anti what is being done.


Have you seen the Ryan Reynolds Deadpool 3 short leak that "broke the internet" and the follow up - now that is how you promote a film!!!! I think it is the only MCU that I am going to go to the pictures to watch..

I hope the Deadpool 3 film is an R movie. The first one was best the second one was not as good but still ok.  I do indeed watch all the above channels I tend to listen to them when driving. The last FNT was very funny and AZz is stunning and brave now he has come out admitting to liking trans bewbs, not once but twice in a week 😂

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Watched thw latest episode of HOTD last night. Surely it can't stay at this pace for the duration of the series.Whilst I sense a story building for hopefully something more explosive, It has not gripped the attention like GOT did. I couldnt wait to stick on the next episode of Thrones as it was addictive, and could get people who watched it religiously from week to week at the time it went out had a appetite for the next episode to air, Im not feeling that with HOTD, as yet!

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1 hour ago, Mungler said:

 Slow does not come close.


I was being diplomatic :)

1 hour ago, Mice! said:

The latest Rings of Power was good, I'd have happily watched the next one, it seems unusual these days having to wait a week for next episode but it'll be on at the weekend. 

I am watching it - it is like when you see a car crashing - you can't turn away - Critical Drinker done a synopsis on it yesterday on YT

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