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Otters not too Koi


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1 hour ago, old'un said:

With all the protectionists in this country now all we will have is predators, then when they see a decline in a particular species they will have a scientific study to find out why they are declining and then blame farming or something else.

You missed climate change old'un?

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I'm torn on otters, as an angler they are bad news, although they do eat an awful lot of signal crays which can only be a bonus. As a wildlife lover i still get a thrill to see them as i do when i see peregrines, and even buzzards and red kites - all species that were nigh on extinct in this country during my childhood in the 80s...


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1 hour ago, Scully said:

I like to see Otters. They’ve made a bit of a comeback in our area, and I used to enjoy watching them when I was out fishing. 

I feel the same about Cormorants,  I keep hoping one will choke on the next 2lbs trout it is swallowing  !   🙄

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16 hours ago, Charliedog said:

They eat a large quantity of water birds, people may change their outlook for birds but never fish



15 hours ago, Rim Fire said:

Its like everything when it gets out of controll you get problems then you do something about it  i myself wont shoot Hares i love to see  them plus you got more chance of finding rocking horse ,,,. this way 

You simply can't with otters!!

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15 hours ago, Westley said:

I feel the same about Cormorants,  I keep hoping one will choke on the next 2lbs trout it is swallowing  !   🙄

The thing is, everything needs to eat. 
Us shooting and fishing lot have a long established history of trying to eliminate everything that kills what it needs to survive, that which we want to rear and preserve so we can just kill it for sport. 
Times change, and that is less acceptable these days than it once was. 

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