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Absolutely Tragic. 7 year old girl killed in hit and run.


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saw the report......saw all the tyre spin marks on the road....looks like a load of kids messing about with cars.....and motorbikes.....things with engines and wheels kill people....

how do you stop this sort of thing ......................you cant

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Absolutely horrific incident. Ironically I had need to call the Police a few weeks ago about a very similar problem,youths tearing up and down the street on two motorbikes. To be honest that will in all probability be the last time I will call them ,I was actually made to feel like I was the criminal by daring to even call them on 999 which I was led to believe was only to be used in emergencies or where there was a high chance of an arrest being made, which was definitely the case here . Anyway getting back to the original thread , thoughts and condolences to the family of the child who lost her life.

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1 hour ago, Jega said:

Absolutely horrific incident. Ironically I had need to call the Police a few weeks ago about a very similar problem,youths tearing up and down the street on two motorbikes. To be honest that will in all probability be the last time I will call them ,I was actually made to feel like I was the criminal by daring to even call them on 999 which I was led to believe was only to be used in emergencies or where there was a high chance of an arrest being made, which was definitely the case here . Anyway getting back to the original thread , thoughts and condolences to the family of the child who lost her life.

Seems like the modern service?

As an aside, a neighbours husband had a total collapse at home. She rang 999 and was told they would not respond  he died a couple of weeks later in hospital. Ongoing investigation.

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Let's face it, we all know this kind of thing is going to happen in the future, in fact I would guess that it will increase. IMHO the Police and the entire Justice system needs to pull it's finger out of it's backside. But that's also unlikely to happen, the only way the Police would pay any attention to these louts is if they were doing 35 in a 30 area. 

Edited by bruno22rf
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55 minutes ago, bruno22rf said:

Let's face it, we all know this kind of thing is going to happen in the future, in fact I would guess that it will increase. IMHO the Police and the entire Justice system needs to pull it's finger out of it's backside. But that's also unlikely to happen, the only way the Police would pay any attention to these louts is if they were doing 35 in a 30 area. 

I think that is a totally unjustified slur on what are, extremely hard pushed Police Officers. You obviously have not watched any documentaries on the current state of affairs within the CPS at present.  THEY are the ones responsible for the decision to charge or not charge an Offender, depending on the evidence and the likelihood of a successful conviction at Court. What happens when 'these louts' are caught, without any cctv evidence or witnesses coming forward and 'grassin' there is no job. The 'cover up' began within minutes of the incident occurring, the bikes disappeared. The suspects will be released on Police bail, pending further enquiries.  It takes 5 figure sums of money to 'persuade' people to come forward and give evidence, without which,  there is no chance of the Offenders being charged.  As Police Officers spend some 75% of their time dealing with mentally disturbed people, who would normally have been dealt with by the NHS, but are now 'better off' being housed in 'the Community ', the only ones left to deal with them are the Police. The number of Police Officers being assaulted, some seriously, DAILY,  is frightening, which is one of the reasons so many are leaving. 

I witnessed yesterday what I presumed to be a Father, watching and in fact assisting, 2 kids aged about 13 and 11, leave home, the elder on an electric scooter, the younger on an electric bike, which was far too big for him. They then proceeded to ride these things on the road to the local shopping area. This appeared to be a father condoning the actions of his children. I wonder what his attitude would have been if the Police had stopped them, or worse had been knocking on his door to say they would not be coming home, I dread to think  !


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A few months back I had to wait while the idiots blocked the road to ride across on crossers ( bike life ) then tonight I had 4 super bikes easily going 130-160 mph down the motorway with no plates on riding like idiots . Obviously weren’t meant to be on the road. .

the poor poor parents of that girl 😢😢😢. It hurts just reading it. My 8 year old daughter is my world . 

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10 hours ago, Westley said:

I think that is a totally unjustified slur on what are, extremely hard pushed Police Officers. You obviously have not watched any documentaries on the current state of affairs within the CPS at present.  THEY are the ones responsible for the decision to charge or not charge an Offender, depending on the evidence and the likelihood of a successful conviction at Court. What happens when 'these louts' are caught, without any cctv evidence or witnesses coming forward and 'grassin' there is no job. The 'cover up' began within minutes of the incident occurring, the bikes disappeared. The suspects will be released on Police bail, pending further enquiries.  It takes 5 figure sums of money to 'persuade' people to come forward and give evidence, without which,  there is no chance of the Offenders being charged.  As Police Officers spend some 75% of their time dealing with mentally disturbed people, who would normally have been dealt with by the NHS, but are now 'better off' being housed in 'the Community ', the only ones left to deal with them are the Police. The number of Police Officers being assaulted, some seriously, DAILY,  is frightening, which is one of the reasons so many are leaving. 

I witnessed yesterday what I presumed to be a Father, watching and in fact assisting, 2 kids aged about 13 and 11, leave home, the elder on an electric scooter, the younger on an electric bike, which was far too big for him. They then proceeded to ride these things on the road to the local shopping area. This appeared to be a father condoning the actions of his children. I wonder what his attitude would have been if the Police had stopped them, or worse had been knocking on his door to say they would not be coming home, I dread to think  !


Are the CPS not part of the justice system then? Where did I even mention who is, or is not, responsible for charging? But you are correct on one count - I dont watch documentaries, they are biased and exaggerated to atract viewers.

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12 hours ago, Westley said:

I think that is a totally unjustified slur on what are, extremely hard pushed Police Officers. You obviously have not watched any documentaries on the current state of affairs within the CPS at present.  THEY are the ones responsible for the decision to charge or not charge an Offender, depending on the evidence and the likelihood of a successful conviction at Court. What happens when 'these louts' are caught, without any cctv evidence or witnesses coming forward and 'grassin' there is no job. The 'cover up' began within minutes of the incident occurring, the bikes disappeared. The suspects will be released on Police bail, pending further enquiries.  It takes 5 figure sums of money to 'persuade' people to come forward and give evidence, without which,  there is no chance of the Offenders being charged.  As Police Officers spend some 75% of their time dealing with mentally disturbed people, who would normally have been dealt with by the NHS, but are now 'better off' being housed in 'the Community ', the only ones left to deal with them are the Police. The number of Police Officers being assaulted, some seriously, DAILY,  is frightening, which is one of the reasons so many are leaving. 

I witnessed yesterday what I presumed to be a Father, watching and in fact assisting, 2 kids aged about 13 and 11, leave home, the elder on an electric scooter, the younger on an electric bike, which was far too big for him. They then proceeded to ride these things on the road to the local shopping area. This appeared to be a father condoning the actions of his children. I wonder what his attitude would have been if the Police had stopped them, or worse had been knocking on his door to say they would not be coming home, I dread to think  !


This exactly. Look at the outrage projected against the police when they do try and do something about it. It is society who dictate what the police do. Society did/does not want police taking a proactive approach to kids on motorcycles/E bikes. Unless it impacts them directly. Just look at the amount of people on here who bash the police but remain silent when it's not affecting them. So it's no wonder that the police do not take a proactive approach when society and the judiciary do not back them. People need to look closer to home to find out where the blame truely resides.

As they always tell us. The Police police by consent of the public and in the large the public consent to this behaviour. Otherwise we would never have arrived at this point.

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As Rem 260 and myself say the attitude of the parents dictates the kids behavior and we are into the third generation that is like this. The police can only go so far in the justice system before the CPS takes over and if that part is biased or incompetent or reluctant to proceed then the case is closed. It is about time parents are made to take responsibility for thier offspring but i doubt that will happen as no one will have a conscience and give up the culprits

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