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Game Fair refunds


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This year my wife booked in show parking ar Ragley Hall. Then there was an illness in the family and we didn’t make it to the show. She has now asked for a refund 5 times once she was promised a refund within the week but it never happened. We’ve been travelling from Northern Ireland for the last 5 years and think this is a bit shoddy. Has this happened anyone else? Can anyone recommend a good fair for next year?

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would be nice if they gave you a refund on good faith given that you have traveled 5 years in a row, but sadly thats as far as you can take it, T&Cs are the same as every even like this. none refundable, none transferable and non negotiable.    if its through redbox events you can insure your ticket at the checkout, and they will be glad to remind you of that when you call.

fingers crossed for you mate but if you get a refund in this after the events already happened youll be the first ive heard of.

Edited by Sweet11-87
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6 hours ago, deerslayer said:

This year my wife booked in show parking ar Ragley Hall. Then there was an illness in the family and we didn’t make it to the show. She has now asked for a refund 5 times once she was promised a refund within the week but it never happened. We’ve been travelling from Northern Ireland for the last 5 years and think this is a bit shoddy. Has this happened anyone else? Can anyone recommend a good fair for next year?

They are ALL a RIP-OFF!   :cool1:

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they are what they are.  a day out with my mates looking at stuff and getting hands on. then i go home and find it way cheaper on line. if its not a big purchase and the diffrence is a few quid then i gan home with somthing new.  aslong as i get in for free with basc ill still go every year.


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On 25/10/2023 at 12:50, oldypigeonpopper said:

hello, i think the game fair is at Blenheim Palace next year , last time i went was free parking, if your BASC you get a free entry ? 

hello, it is very near to me next year so i may consider going if i can get a pass ticket, last time a friend gave me a ticket from the Fly Fishing stand but alas he has passed away and up fishing in heaven 

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On 28/10/2023 at 14:05, oldypigeonpopper said:

hello, it is very near to me next year so i may consider going if i can get a pass ticket, last time a friend gave me a ticket from the Fly Fishing stand but alas he has passed away and up fishing in heaven 

Are you a member of BASC? They have given free tickets to members in the past.

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