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A few on peas.

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Enthused by Bunny Blaster Ben's bounteous bag over the weekend I set out today looking for pea fields.

My four fields had none on so I travelled afar like the Magi looking for the unlikely event of Christ's birth. 

I  did find a field with a few on. I had no idea who owned it but I soon found out. That was a yes provided that I cleared it with the Contractor. That was a yes too.

There weren't many pigeons on to be fair but it was a nice morning with a fair wind so off I went.

The position was obvious, under one of four Ash sitty trees with another at right angles 50m away. The Cow Parsley offered good cover for the net.

The rotary was invaluable as were the flock coated shells on sticks.

After just less than two hours and a few less than two boxes of cartridges I packed up with thirty three pigeons in the bag.




Edited by JDog
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Well worth the effort looking further afield with a very good session and a pleasant few hours.

Nice report and thanks for posting.


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You done well to spot the Pigeons going on to the field now they are growing higher than a Pigeon , it also look a nice field to shoot over with a few places that stand out away from the hedge , you don't seem to have any problems seeking new permissions when you spot a promising situation :hmm: , for those members who are still looking for somewhere to shoot then you must give them hope as they might not think so but there are places up and down the country that very rarely get shot over and if they can go doing the week then they shouldn't have a lot of problems in finding somewhere to shoot over .     MM

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Posted (edited)
6 hours ago, marsh man said:

You done well to spot the Pigeons going on to the field now they are growing higher than a Pigeon , it also look a nice field to shoot over with a few places that stand out away from the hedge , you don't seem to have any problems seeking new permissions when you spot a promising situation  , for those members who are still looking for somewhere to shoot then you must give them hope as they might not think so but there are places up and down the country that very rarely get shot over and if they can go doing the week then they shouldn't have a lot of problems in finding somewhere to shoot over .     MM

I have said it before on this forum that the one thing I have going for me when I turn up in a farmyard of a farmer I have never met is that I am ugly.

Also, loads of decoying opportunities must go begging because shooters can't be bothered to track down those who can give permission when they see pigeons on a field. I am not one of those.

Edited by JDog
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46 minutes ago, JDog said:

I have said it before on this forum that the one thing I have going for me when I turn up in a farmyard of a farmer I have never met is that I am ugly.

Also, loads of decoying opportunities must go begging because shooters can't be bothered to track down those who can give permission when they see pigeons on a field. I am not one of those.

Well if it was a case of looks then I must easily be as ugly as you ,although my wife used to say that beauty is only skin deep so you might well be right .:good:.

When some of the top Pigeon shooters on the forum like P C, Motty , Muncher , Bunny Blaster and your good self  get a lean spell on there patch then they move further afield , this might involve moving into uncharted waters and going back to basics in gaining permission when a situation is spotted , they have to identify the crop ( which is sometimes not as easy as it sounds ) , and above all whose land is it on , that the easy bit , the hard bit is tracking the various people down who can grant you permission , on a small farm it would normally be the farmer himself , on a larger farm this would be , or could be his farm manager , then you get a large estate that have got a full or part time game keeper then this could involve a few phone calls , the estate office might be the first port of call , they might well give you the number of the estate manager , he might pass you on to the farm manager , if the crop is near release pens then you might have to ring the head game keeper up to see where you would be safe to go on , this might seem a lot of messing about but it could be the start of a lifetime shooting , if you are keen enough then these are only minor issues to sort out as you have got a lot more to gain if you get the go ahead than you have to lose .        MM


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