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Fishing - Rod Licence.


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Just renewed my rod licence.

Tight wads at the Environment Agency sent me a piece of A4 the opening line of which states “Cards are no longer issued- this letter is your licence”.

How unhelpful and inconvenient is that? To have to carry a piece of paper rather than a card (which fits neatly in to your wallet). Another moronic Civil Servant probably believes he/she is saving the planet and cutting costs.

Bah Humbug

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Mine is really nice and shiny. I've fished since i was 6 years of age. I'm  63 now.

Frankly the ******* who own our waterways are profiteers, pollution and vile selfish mandates have ruined things. 

The Norfolk Broads should be an angling haven but the Broads Authourity are clueless and are only interested in keeping the rivers open for navigation and are blind to the benefits of angling.   




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8 minutes ago, Houseplant said:

How is coarse fishing in the UK now? I assume eastern Europeans have cleaned out a lot of the public waterways and carp now dominate private fisheries? I don't hear good things about the state of the rivers re: pollution. Too negative a view?

Hello, They have been know to take Swans let alone fish

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a few mths ago fishing a local canal the ea arrived to look at our licenses all ok my friend said to the gestapo i may be in your interest to check them chaps up there there was a group of whats known locally as bbb {bottle bobbing brigade} only for the ea  chap to walk the o😄ther way

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On 30/10/2024 at 16:46, Bobba said:

Just renewed my rod licence.

Tight wads at the Environment Agency sent me a piece of A4 the opening line of which states “Cards are no longer issued- this letter is your licence”.

How unhelpful and inconvenient is that? To have to carry a piece of paper rather than a card (which fits neatly in to your wallet). Another moronic Civil Servant probably believes he/she is saving the planet and cutting costs.

Bah Humbug

Take a photo on your phone, instead, in the very strong unlikelyhood that you'll see anyone from the EA.

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