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Driven Pheasant day. Selling.


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(I know its very early and all, but im just testing the water.)


Most of you know about my shoot from the posts i have placed, this year we are releasing around 4-450 birds, last year we released 160, and shot 70 bag, 50 bag and 33 bag with a total of 140 pheasants shot last season+ other game.


Anyway we only have 3 days a year, and am hoping for a nice turn out and presentation of birds this coming season. Have spoken to the farmer about selling a day and he is happy with it.


So basically my shoot is in Suffolk, will be the 2nd day of the season and am expecting a 50-100 bag day, will know more after the first day's shoot and how the releasing goes. As we are not commercial we will be only wanting £1 per bird, per gun, so if 50 birds are shot over the day, then £50 is paid by each gun+ keepers tip which will be paying for the beaters.


Dont want to be charging silly money, as its only to help pay for the season, not to pay for it all.


Will need 9 guns, thought it would be a good opportunity for various pigeonwatch people to have a day out or something.


Anyway its no definates as yet, but just interested in the interest. :hmm:



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Hi FB,


Def. interested in this 2-3 guns, in fact I'll have the whole day if available but must say you could charge quite a bit more.


If your saying 50 birds is £50 per Gun and shooting 9 guns then thats only £9 a bird, your doing yourself out of quite a bit of money.


If you sold them at double that then it would still be cheap going on how the price per bird is set to rise next year due to the price of feed. Most around me are going to be £22 at least.!!


But count me in.



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i would love to come down for a day but its a it far for me to go if i make buddys with some one on hear down that way (hint hint ) i may be in for a day





Thats a great idea.

I would be interested in a drive down and stop overnite at B&B.

Maybe another gun or two from NE fancy joing me




well guys I'm just outside Carlisle I don't mind driving if you we split the petrol costs :welcomeani: I reacon I also have another gun who would be interested so the travel costs should be really low!

Edited by straightshooter1
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Crickey, lol, didnt expect this kind of response. Have confirmed today with the farmer that its definately ok, and he says he will just let me get on with it.


Have thought about prices also and am pondering on a set price/bag to make it easier for paying. Cant confirm definates as yet as its still early days.


Will only be doing one day this coming season, but hopefully will be increasing the days next year.


Thanks for the huge interest, if anyone has any other ideas etc on what can be done/planning then it would be greatly received. I shall eventually post a answer to all who have replied, and will be working on a first come first served basis.


Many thanks


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