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Global Warming


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Would be interested to know what people on here think about the issue of global warming, climate change etc.


Personally, I think it's nonsense on stilts. If I had my way, I'd make every eco-nutter that bangs on about this non-existent problem eat copy after copy of "The Emperor's New Clothes" (without ketchup, or brown sauce if you prefer) until they come to their senses.


Really...............so are you thick or what.............:)


You dont belive that its here, it exists or are you just ignorant?


Man has done great things to the planet, killed, burnt, buldozed, exploited, annihaleted his way through the planet.


Over fishing - I can remember when the seas around the UK were full of 20+lb Cod, where are they now.


Global warming. - well nothings melting is it.............not that hasnt been scientificaly proven.:yes:??




Ermmmmmmmmmmmm MCFLY........



I aint no tree hugger, but I think that you need to be thick not to understand that what we humans do has implication on the planet. Likewise Im not university lecturer so Im not going to be able to preach or explain...


Ignorance isnt a viable policy any more mate...................

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When you consider that we are still coming out of the last Ice Age then yes, Global Warming is a reality. I don't know just how much cause and effect that we have added to certain issues, but I am sure we have added our penny's worth.


I think you'll find that the reason it has become such an issue so quicky, is that, like yourself, it takes time to convince people of the changes that need to be made on this scale. So in esscence, the more you mention it, the louder you scream it, the more chance it has of getting through.


Personally, I think its silly for people to reject these issues because they simply don't beleive it. But I also understand that in order to accept it, you must be given enough information to be able to make an informed decision for yourself.


Besides, even if it really doesn't exist, it soon will if we continue to gorge on natures resources without allowing it to replenish. Rain forest ARE dissapearing at an alarming rate. Surely it pays to be cautious.

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Would be interested to know what people on here think about the issue of global warming, climate change etc.


Personally, I think it's nonsense on stilts. If I had my way, I'd make every eco-nutter that bangs on about this non-existent problem eat copy after copy of "The Emperor's New Clothes" (without ketchup, or brown sauce if you prefer) until they come to their senses.


Won't effect me in my lifetime.


Only difference is we now get snow in April instead of January

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We are just coming out of an Ice age so the planet is warming up still.


And did you realise that when the 9/11 attacks happened USA grounded all flights for like days and the temperature went up about 3 degrees. All this stuff about carbon dioxide blocking the sunlight in the earth wouldnt it block some light coming in from space.


If this country was to stop using oil it will be crippled.

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I can remember when the seas around the UK were full of 20+lb Cod



sounds like he is 80 not 34 years old. :)


There is no doubt that global warming exists, what I object to is that he government thinks it can cure it by taxing cars off the road,other countries and industry are all polluting the same sky but the motorist has to pay. Global warming and cooling is a natural phenomenon that has been happening for millions of years after all Britain was once tropical.

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I dont like the term "global warming" indeed from 1940 to 75 we as a little world actually cooled down I prefare the term "climate change" and to me NATURAL thing, after all I live a 1/4 of a mile from a petrified TROPICAL forest ( god knows what frightened it?) must have been warmer then eh! I also know it was warmer in the 3rd century than now, and again in the 17 hundreds,I know we have been covered in ice many times so and warmed up and cooled again, I also know that last years floods ( some summer that eh!) is now being dismissed as surprise surprise a natural phenomenon, nowt to do with global warming, strange how that one is not picked up on?


as yet I am not convinced about the effects of man and the climate, and seemingly any scientist who argues against the so called "connection" is Pooh poohed, by the MINORITY shout the loudest back to the cave merchants,


Much as one poster has already done to another in this thread?

cheers KW

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I can remember when the seas around the UK were full of 20+lb Cod



sounds like he is 80 not 34 years old. :)


There is no doubt that global warming exists, what I object to is that he government thinks it can cure it by taxing cars off the road,other countries and industry are all polluting the same sky but the motorist has to pay. Global warming and cooling is a natural phenomenon that has been happening for millions of years after all Britain was once tropical.

Must admit I believe your statement is correct, it was only 10years ago scientists were warning of another Ice age was coming??.. anyway China is building a new Coal fired power station EVERY month!!!Can you imagine the polution from the hundreds of coal fired stations?... plus of course India too is taking off in manafacturing, the amount of polution this Country is miniscule compared to the rest of the civalised world.... All these stealth taxes imposed by this UK Goverment is just to raise cash to pay for this illegal war,... and to pay for the millions who dont work, or dont want too. :yes:

Edited by berettaman1
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I'm still on the fence with this one. I was having this conversation with a farmer the other day, his words were; If they are drilling for gas and oil at the North Pole, then at one time these must have been forested". summed it up I thought, the North Pole in the past was obviously a lot warmer than it is now!

Having also read that the average climate around the 14th or 15th century was warmer than it is now, I am still undecided.

What I find hard to grasp is that America and China, the largest polluters, are doing nothing at all to curb their emissions, whilst we are being taxed, in effect, on their pollution.

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It's here, it's happening, and it's not going to go away.


As for the Eco loonies, they need to get haircuts and jobs :yes:



:) and its here two stay.




says who? even the united nations can only state very likely


this is an extract from their report


A United Nations report earlier this year said humans are very likely to be to blame for global warming and there is "virtually no doubt" it is linked to man's use of fossil fuels.

But other climate experts say there is little scientific evidence to support the theory


so who is right? all I know is its a bloody good way of taxing the hell out of us, christ we even "recycle" our rubbish to china,and guess what they do with it yep burn it, so thats ok we have done our bit! cobblers the lot of it,

cheers KW

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I'm not wholly convinced :)


Nobody alive today has ever come out of an ice age, so how can we know that this isn't a normal cycle? :yahoo:


I'm not saying that we're not dirty, filthy ********, who are doing our best to **** up the planet, but I'm not convinced that climate change, rather than the ice age cycle, is responsible.


I agree that we are ballsing the planet up, but not necessarily changing the climate.


I remember all those 20lb Cod too. Caught one off the beach once in Kent, and a 17 pounder. Can't see me doing that again in my lifetime :yes:


The lack of fish is all about overfishing and habitat destruction, not climate change.

Edited by Chard
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I'm not wholly convinced :)


Nobody alive today has ever come out of an ice age, so how can we know that this isn't a normal cycle? :yahoo:


I'm not saying that we're not dirty, filthy ********, who are doing our best to **** up the planet, but I'm not convinced that climate change, rather than the ice age cycle, is responsible.


I agree that we are ballsing the planet up, but not necessarily changing the climate.


I remember all those 20lb Cod too. Caught one off the beach once in Kent, and a 17 pounder. Can't see me doing that again in my lifetime :yes:


The lack of fish is all about overfishing and habitat destruction, not climate change.




Chard has it right here. i started working towards my geo-science degree this year with the OU (bloody hard as well). although things like deforestation and massive over use of carbon fuels, are not helping, there is a cycle that has been proven to show fluctuations in the GMST (global mean suface temp). if you look for the figures online, you will see that although they are following the "cycle", the temp is slightly higher.

you have to look at the bigger picture on this. cars are not the only problem. a major concern is modern living in general. if you think of how many cities we have, and think about the amount of concrete used, the amount of radiation to penetrate the earth is altered, as it is bounced back into the atmosphere, istheno, ect. this is just one of the points i have reserched, and there is some evidance to show that the world will colapse, but we need to sort the issues of a "green" nature.


my two bobs worth!

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Won't effect me in my lifetime.


I don't mean to be rude, but statements like this are pretty ignorant. What about your family that follows after you?


As ignorant as you want to make it but thats fact is'nt it?


There is anyone on this forum can do anything to change either- True?

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It was only in the thatcher era that Eco taxation was created. It was so the government could get the go ahead for new nuclear power stations. As they dont admit any CO2.


Guess what we ave just approved the construction of?


The thatcher government paid researchers milions to prove that climate change exists. This goverment is no different.


Unfortunately this Eco-fascist government is here to stay, they have found a way to cut services, and increase taxation without in an almost unlimited way.



If they had one solution that didnt involve direct or indirect taxation, was reliable and effectve and had gone nuts to get it rolled out and in operation they would be more plausable. For example heavily subsidised train travel for commuters. it would save me a fortune and get me out of the car.


ask yourself one question, why is this government so happy to buy items from the far east and allow them to pollute as much as they like if they really think there is a problem? If this were going to end the world in an appocolyptic fashion like they would have us believe why have they not made an EU wide statement saying any country wishing to supply goods to the EU must conform to our kyoto treaty protocols?


Its ********, they have just appealed to a bunch of people with an adgenda who have run with the idea. unfortunately they gave them the time of day.


I will get off the soapbox.

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I used to live near Rye in East Sussex. That was one of Henry VIII's "Cinque Ports" but is now a couple of miles from the sea due to the earth cooling over a period of time. We are in a period of climate change tending toward warming, that much is for certain. Whether we blame that on cars, fossil fuels or China is immaterial. It's happening and the chances are it'd happen whatever we do. As far as I'm concerned we should use it as an excuse to try and halt the destruction of the planets natural resources, as we will need them for future generations. Whatever nature throws at us! And as far as reducing our energy consumption, who wants bigger bills anyway??! :welcomeani:

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I can remember when the seas around the UK were full of 20+lb Cod



sounds like he is 80 not 34 years old. :good:


There is no doubt that global warming exists, what I object to is that he government thinks it can cure it by taxing cars off the road,other countries and industry are all polluting the same sky but the motorist has to pay. Global warming and cooling is a natural phenomenon that has been happening for millions of years after all Britain was once tropical.




This will go out of fashion and another Eco prediction/disaster will be along shortly for sheep to follow.






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