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Liz Jones...


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Cranfield - a reasoned letter to the Mail. I have just written to them asking how the dead lamb came to be put down by a vet. I await a response.


You are correct in spotting the different tenor of her response to the original article. The article makes flippant mention of the lamb. With time to consider her position, she is now trying to come accross as caring and responsible. All a bit late.

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dont stop there cranfield.... go and finish her off.....

well done......"mate"....


you can well imagine her type... been watching hugh fernley whittingstall and thinks the countryside is all village fetes and barn dances..... ive no doubt she will fabricate some sort of account portraying herself as some sort of sarah jessica parker/ mar larkin frankenbeast....

Edited by myzeneye
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I have a stack of "You" magazines next to the throne, for the half decent crossword contained within.

Have after reading this thread scanned them for Ms Jones' column

A ) Unhinged springs to mind, box of badgers ect

B ) Anyone recommend another crossword

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I have a stack of "You" magazines next to the throne


B ) Anyone recommend another crossword


No, but I reckon I can identify some savings to be made on toilet paper...




Those glossies just don't work, you can never get enough purchase.

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And still no posted comments. :unsure:


They'll be waiting for some townie to write in praising Ms Jones for her incisive wit and TERRIBLY interesting article, daaaaahling :hmm:


They'll only post the positive, and I think they'll have a long wait for one of those, because the woman can't write ???

Edited by Chard
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And still no posted comments. :unsure:


They'll be waiting for some townie to write in praising Ms Jones for her incisive wit and TERRIBLY interesting article, daaaaahling :hmm:


They'll only post the positive, and I think they'll have a long wait for one of those, because the woman can't write ???

maybe the lady in question and the editor are in a relationship (allegedly)

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And still no posted comments. :unsure:


They'll be waiting for some townie to write in praising Ms Jones for her incisive wit and TERRIBLY interesting article, daaaaahling :hmm:


They'll only post the positive, and I think they'll have a long wait for one of those, because the woman can't write :hmm:

maybe the lady in question and the editor are in a relationship (allegedly)


And the dog. Woof Woof (allegedly) ???

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I have just submitted a post in reply to the article, which portrays it as being a joyful read....


Will be interesting to see how long it takes to hit the board, then that can be questioned too....... as im sure it will be quicker than more questioning reply's...

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We will fully co-operate with any law enforcement authorities or court order requesting or directing us to disclose the identity or locate anyone posting material in breach of this clause.



i loved this in the terms and conditions section of the comments section, shame it doesn't apply to the article i also trust that the MOS will now ''We will fully co-operate with any law enforcement authorities or court order requesting or directing us to disclose the identity or locate anyone posting material in breach of this clause. [/color]'' with regard to the offences allegedly committed by the author


still no comments up !!!

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I have received an acknowledgement email from Sue Peart Editor of You magazine in which she states that she has passed my comments to Liz Jones and asked for her response.


I emailed Ms Peart thanking her for her help and reminded her that the comment section has still not appeared under Ms Jones article.


I then received the following email from Liz Jones;




Dear Mr Smith

Thank you for your email, and your concern.


For your information, upon finding the dog, I made

every effort to contact its owner. I put notices in

every local vet office, in the local paper, contacted

local dog rescue charities, and the police. I also

looked on all the appropriate web sites, but no dog

matching the description was reported missing. All

dogs should be microchipped and be wearing ID on their

collar; this dog was not marked in any way. It had

been badly mistreated, as my vet will testify, and so

if the owner had been found he could have been

prosecuted for cruelty and neglect.


When the dog was off the lead, it was on my land. The

sheep were on my land. I had no idea the dog would

worry sheep, but as soon as I found out that he did

this, I kept him in a muzzle and on a lead. I not only

paid the farmer for the loss of his sheep, I paid the

bill for the vet who had put the sheep down. I wonder

what more you suggest I should have done.

I have every right to be anti blood sports. It is also

my right to be a vegan, and to rescue a stray dog.


Elizabeth Jones




I then replied to Ms Jones ;




Dear Ms Jones,

I appreciate you taking the time to respond to my email.


None of the things you mention in your email appeared in your article

and are very easy and convenient to bring forward now, once you are



Whether the lamb was killed on your land or not, it was still killed

and probably suffered during its death.

It was your responsibility to control your dog.

I am afraid buying a muzzle for your dog and making it wear it (how

uncomfortable for the dog), is very much acting after the event.

You should have thought more about the responsibilities of owning a

dog in the countryside, before you decided to keep the dog.


I do not question your right to be a vegan, or to be anti country

sports, or anything else you choose to believe in and I would defend

those rights.


Your article painted you as a flippant "airhead", which is probably

the image you are trying to project and is quite harmless when dealing

with most of the things you write about.

However, when dealing with animal welfare and the serious sides of

country life, perhaps you would be best to leave this to the real

writers, who have real practical experience of these matters.



My real name.




I suspect that Ms Peart and Ms Jones have been receiving quite a few communications today and are a little bit sensitive, which is why the Comments section has still not appeared.



Cranfield - a reasoned letter to the Mail. I have just written to them asking how the dead lamb came to be put down by a vet. I await a response.


You are correct in spotting the different tenor of her response to the original article. The article makes flippant mention of the lamb. With time to consider her position, she is now trying to come accross as caring and responsible. All a bit late.

not only was the lamb supposed to be dead but had the missfortune of having its blood and guts strewn all over the place.

so did she pick all its bits and pieces up to be taken to the vets then have it put to sleep just to be sure,or did she call the vet out as she could still see the heart and lungs working so hard to fight for this poor lambs life.

i dont think that next time the farmer will be bothered who's land or who's dog it is could see the 12 bore to the back of the dogs head,if its worrying his sheep ,poor bloody dog really for having such a spinster which looking after you.

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See first page of thread about 4 entires down





Posted this


Ms Jones should stick to what she knows and know her place which is clearly not in the country, her sweeping judgment of a less than idyllic British Countryside (in her opinion) is without understanding or foundation and beggars belief . Any reader daft enough to give her article a moments thought without instantly dismissing her baseless views deserves to share and wallow in her self imposed ignorance replt


Thank you!

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so far no comments posted :yp:

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It seems the 'charm defensive' is gearing up. Today she seems to be claiming that her and her previously-declared killer dog are now heroically rescuing ickle lambie-wammies from their fates, unlike those nasty farmers.


Check this out:



Seems like a respinning of the previously told yarn, imho.

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just posted this and they thanked me!


oh what sport :yp:



For God sake stop your Ill informed ramblings “ I think she had panicked escaping a fox†one suspects the only Fox you have ever encountered came from Russia and hung round your neck at a dinner party, Please do us all a favour and discard the Hunters, move back to the city and resume comments on fluffy kittens and woolly jumpers from afar



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