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knock off nigel


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Unfortunately video and record producers cannot get their heads round the 'stack 'em high and sell 'em cheap' ethos. It's the same with numerous visitor atractions; they see a slump in profits and they all think the solution is to raise the price, admission fee etc., whereas the opposite is often the far better solution. Drop the price, give the customer a good time for good value and the profit is made in repeats and volume turnover. If DVD's and CD's represented value for money far more people would buy originals for their collections. Youngsters used to collect records but they have now been priced out due to pure greed and lack of foresight. The mantra of 'give the customer what he wants at value for money' has been long lost and mores the pity.

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Another thing to remember is, if customs and excise or the (real)police see this thread and decide to crack down on it, all your information, IP addresses and real time of your posts have to be given to them. This is then backed up by your ISP, even if it is a dynamic IP, and then you may lose or have your connection downgraded.


If kiddy fiddlers can be caught, then so can you........and they have an awful lot more to lose and therefore use more devious methods to prevent detection.

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drug dealers are profiting from the music industry anyway (ask amy whinehouse),and if knock off dvds are such a threat to society why don,t the authorities come down on ebay properly,thousands of them available now just a few clicks away.maybe it is that the bloke on the street is an easy target compared to ebay with all there lawyers. :D

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Drug dealers messing about with pirate DVD's?


They must be quite low down on the criminal chain.


To keep within the law you lot should do what I do....


Wait a concerable amout of time until the film you want to watch is on the .99p shelf..... For example I have only just watched the Bond film 'A view to a kill' and the 'The Patriot'............


Sitting smugly in my chair knowing it has cost me sod all to watch :good::yes::D


Do people from suffolk have to think of all the good idea's????????

Edited by starlight32
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Drug dealers messing about with pirate DVD's?


They must be quite low down on the criminal chain.


To keep within the law you lot should do what I do....


Wait a concerable amout of time until the film you want to watch is on the .99p shelf..... For example I have only just watched the Bond film 'A view to a kill' and the 'The Patriot'............


Sitting smugly in my chair knowing it has cost me sod all to watch :good::yes::D


Do people from suffolk have to think of all the good idea's????????

Have to agree with you here, I've just bought a couple that have been out for a few months, and are therefore cheaper, I recommend them both, "Dam busters" and "Reach for the sky".

Edited by bob300w
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The music and film industry have had a hugely valuable message shouted at them for several years from their audience " We don't want your product in this format" Now, remember Allegros, Maestros etc and all that 70's and 80's crud pumped out by firms that didn't see the changing trends in demand? Those films got drilled by the Japanese manufacturers. It's a simple lesson in supply and demand. Supply a product which has a falling demand and you are screwed. It is a shame to see these industries embrace CGI and digital production means but not be able to embrace digital distribution. It will happen, and probably because the pirates will cause them so much pain they will have to move over, shame they can't be a bit smarter.


Criminals will exist in the margins of every market place, I am not sure you can use the actions of professional criminals as the prime movers of commercial staregy.

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Drug dealers messing about with pirate DVD's?


They must be quite low down on the criminal chain.


Not really. They are not knocking a few out with the home computer but buying in bulk and selling on via smaller people. It's easy money for them and they can afford to buy them in the first place.



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Wait a concerable amout of time until the film you want to watch is on the .99p shelf..... For example I have only just watched the Bond film 'A view to a kill' and the 'The Patriot'............


If you wait a bit longer you can get them free in the Sunday papers :good:


Or just borrow them off a mate who's been stupid enough to pay full whack for.

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Have to agree with you here, I've just bought a couple that have been out for a few months, and are therefore cheaper, I recommend them both, "Dam busters" and Reach for the sky".



I was taken for my first ever visit to the Cinema to see "Reach for the Sky", it was a reward for passing the 11plus. :good:

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Have to agree with you here, I've just bought a couple that have been out for a few months, and are therefore cheaper, I recommend them both, "Dam busters" and Reach for the sky".



I was taken for my first ever visit to the Cinema to see "Reach for the Sky", it was a reward for passing the 11plus. :good:

The film is still quite clear in my mind, with no special effects, just real planes, real flying, and real acting.

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