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Gary Glitter


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I rmember watching him on Tv years ago on a kids programme(before he was outed as a nonce). The closing finale' was him singing in a shower of silver glitter bits of paper. he swallowed one and nearly choked to death on live TV....A classic.....shame he didn't really.


If thats what glam rock does to you I'm glad I'm into 80's music. :good:

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My personal feeling is the punishment should fit the crime, I know we don’t, cant, wont, but in such cases I really wish we could, I have no sympathy for the likes of Mr Paul Gadd AKA Gary Glitter he knows its wrong he known’s he has committed sick crimes against young kids and has no remorse quite frankly the world would be a nicer place without him


Exactly.....and whilst it's sort of commendable/brave to pipe up and say what's right and wrong and how should we help in relation to rehabilitation etc. how one's tune might change if a known peadophile moved up the street should they have youngsters? :good:

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My personal feeling is the punishment should fit the crime, I know we don’t, cant, wont, but in such cases I really wish we could, I have no sympathy for the likes of Mr Paul Gadd AKA Gary Glitter he knows its wrong he known’s he has committed sick crimes against young kids and has no remorse quite frankly the world would be a nicer place without him


Exactly.....and whilst it's sort of commendable/brave to pipe up and say what's right and wrong and how should we help in relation to rehabilitation etc. how one's tune might change if a known peadophile moved up the street should they have youngsters? :good:


There's a weird, dwarfish, Lord of the Rings troll kind of a guy lives near me. He stalks about looking really like he just walked of a hobbit film set. Couple of years ago, he was done under that child porn sting thing where people had given their credit card details to visit nasty sights on the web. He had a few pictures and was one of the milder offenders -I gather they were of sub 18 year old girls, but not the grotesquely horrible things that some of these nonces have been into. Anyway, everybody knows him, some of the kids shout 'hobbit' and 'dwarf' at him when he goes past and nobody speaks to him. The one I feel sorry for is his mother. She lives there and suffered the indignity and shock of having her house searched for several days when it came to light. She's a nice woman. I helped her sell her husband's motor bike when he died a few years back. She walks about like a ghost, looking at the ground. She used to be quite sociable.

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Yes their are always more then one victim where these crimes are commited.

first the child. The childs famliy. And also the famliy of the monster that comitt these crimes

The person who commits them is not the victim.

I know their are cases were someone who was the victim of child abuse themsleves.

Then go on to be the offender .And it is sad .But it is the choice they made.When it comes to crimes like these you have to put the child first not the offender.


unfortuntly there is no real way to stop these vile human beans

Where theirs is a will their is always a way.

That they can commit their awful crimes .


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There is one surefire way to stop these nonces, unfortunately it is illegal.


Stamping on their nads until they bleed through their ears gets my vote. Gary Glitter is a vile piece of filth who doesn't deserve to be allowed to live, as is all the others like him.


Victim my **** he is pure evil. With a bit of luck and a prayer the Thai authorities will keep him in the airport where he can't di anyone any harm, or let him fly with his so called heart problem, you never know we may get lucky

Edited by martincavie
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Once again, I don't think anyone on here has gone anywhere near suggesting that Gadd is a victim. Correct me if I am wrong.


Gadd is pure filth and a twisted sick old man of that there can be no debate.


However, given that the law does not provide for him to be stoned, castrated, shot etc and upon his return to the UK he will for all intents and purposes be a free man (rightly or wrongly) so then, what next?


We can fill the rest of this thread up with each of us expressing sentiment about how he ought to be stoned, castrated, shot etc but in circumstances where that is not going to happen, I again ask the question, so then, what next?


I am not sure who it was who posted earlier, but I like the idea of "enforced" rehabilitation with medical treatment and education behind bars for all offenders and those who refuse get solitary confinement and bare rations. That gets my vote. I would also throw in forced labour - it sounds harsh but putting lags to work to teach them that work is what is required to make your way in society is not a bad habit for them to get into, even if it is digging holes only to have to fill them in again - a lesson in how soul destroying and sometimes pointless "work" generally is :good: .

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Okay, to spell this out for the terminally stupid - Gary Glitter aka Paul Gadd will arrive in the UK as a free man albeit a sex offender with a criminal past. He may be required to sign a register and have restrictions placed on him, but he will not go to prison unless there are fresh charges for him to face and be prosecuted for.


Pointing out that he is actually "free" and has served his time does not make anyone a nonse, peado or sympathiser. It is simply "fact".



True to a point Mungler, as I stated in my earlier post there is talk of charges that may be implied to Paul Gadd on his return, him not wanting to fly back to the UK/refusing to get on the plane, strengthens this issue.


Cannot agree on your point that (he's served his time, does not make anyone a Nonse)........basically he did it, & he is, & always will be one,



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The triads have said they will kill him within 24hours of landing on british soil!


Always good to know what the triads are saying.



;) :( :lol::P:hmm:


I'll have to watch the Special Menu at one or two of the big Chinese restaurants in Manchester.....


Number 74 - Double Giant King Plawn Ball and Spling Loll in Szechuan sauce. :good:

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The triads have said they will kill him within 24hours of landing on british soil!



and how did we come by this gem chop? oh i do hope its true


I wondered the same until I noticed his forum name, then the penny dropped ;)


We have our very own Triad contact right here on the board :good:

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The triads have said they will kill him within 24hours of landing on british soil!



and how did we come by this gem chop? oh i do hope its true


I wondered the same until I noticed his forum name, then the penny dropped :lol:


We have our very own Triad contact right here on the board :(



What as in CHOP SUEY ;) blimey who would have thought :good:

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