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Just voted!


The reason for that pole is ridiculous!!! Are they going to try and ban kitchen knifes next time someone gets stabbed with one? Or golf clubs when somebody gets killed with one, don't think so my self.


Punish the psychotic moron who shot his kid and not the rest of us!

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Mr McDonnell said: 'I do not agree with guns at all. Any opportunity I have had to raise the issue of banning them from being sold, I have taken it up.

'It is so easy for people to just walk into a shop and buy one and any risk is greater than the enjoyment.

'There have been too many fatal incidents and I would urge parents to see that guns are weapons.'

Chief Inspector Maurice Hartnett, of Hillingdon police, said: 'All guns are dangerous and they can kill.'


Guns can kill ? Does that mean we should also ban cars ? Knives ? Pointy and blunt object ? Wrap ourselves in bubble wrap and stay at home incase one of the trillions of things that can kill us / be used to kill us manage to ?


What a joke!

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