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shotgun "off" licensce


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Tread real careful or your "amte" may receive a stretch in a local government hotel

Tbh i would forget this idea you both could end up in lot of trouble ,im sure more advice will follow but having read previous posts on a similar vain this is not a good idea @ all ....

The above post is not a good idea you will implicate your self and your pal wait for better advice AND You best to remember that ignorance to the law is no defense !!!

Edited by jayward
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There are people on here who will be far better than me at this....


However ... he cannot keep it unless he does a lot of explaining and gets a licence.


I suggest he GIVES it to you not sell it to you. Then you put it officially on your ticket.... at the same time as you both explain how this came about.


Potentially he could face action by the police. But hopefully not ....... especially if you already own it as gift. It may be a can of worms!

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We've all heard of W.W.2 "momentos" turning up in peoples attics after their death etc.

I suppose if you were clearing the attic/shed/garage of an elderly relative and you came across a firearm that was unregistered, and that elderly relative was unaware of its existance, and you immediately put it in your gun cabinet for safe keeping, and immediately called the Firearms Officer, and your certificate covered the ownership of such a firearm i.e Shotgun Certificate, then any criminal intent would be difficult to prove. Whether you could keep it or not is a different question.


If you do manage to take over ownership, bear in mind it's been on a wall for a while. Have it checked over by somebody competent, and if necessary have it proofed.

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I have also read that a RFD can put it legally on your ticket with not much trouble, phone in and ask them ananomously so you dont get in trouble :drinks:


its not that simple as questions are asked quite rightly as to where the unlicensed firearm has been, after all it could have been used in a crime etc. Likewise putting it in your cabinet isn't such a good idea as technically you are in posession of an unlicensed firearm so could get your ticket revoked. RFD's can get away with the odd one by saying they've anonomously been dropped in but they run the risk of getting investigated if they do many so usually they don't want to touch them with a barge pole.


Unless it is something a bit special it simply isn't worth the agro and personally i know of farm guns that have "turned up" that have simply been cut up and disposed of as it is the easiest course of action.

If you really want to keep it if you get on well with your RFD ask their advice first and follow that. Going to your FEO involves you and your knowledge of an off ticket gun and will usually result in the police calling to collect it and lots of questions.

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It is not that much aggro at all, it all depends what mood your local RFD is in or how well you know them. A quick phone call is all it will take.


I did this for a friend who found a gun in a shed when he bought a house. I took it to my local gun shop, he signed it on to his books and then straight on to my ticket.


Itr is very doubtful that it will have been used in a crime, unless A) your friend lives in manchester (Chard) or :drinks: it is quite a bit shorter than a normal gun.

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The law was changed a while ago to make it easy for anyone with an off-licence gun to hand it in at a RFD without any questions asked. This law was designed to encourage illegal owners to hand in their guns without fear of prosecution. If you take it into your local police station, they may not want to transfer it, but may just want to scrap it.

It is the simplest of matters to take the gun into you local friendly RFD (preferably one that you deal with on a regular basis) get him to accept the gun and then to transfer it onto your ticket. He should only charge @ £20 for the paperwork, but you must make sure that the gun has never been stolen or you could end up in the doo-doo. You must also make sure that the gun has a proof mark on it, otherwise the dealer won’t be able to let you have it back.

I have had this done more than once by people who have either found old guns in the attic or had one that was left in the back of the wardrobe and forgotten about when hubby died.

Never had anyone find a Purdy yet though.



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chop it up into little pieces and scatter it all over the globe!i had a similar experience which is still not resolved!so be prepared for a long drawn out process and posibly like others have said, your mate getting it in the neck!




was only joking about the chopping :drinks:

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  • 1 year later...
The law was changed a while ago to make it easy for anyone with an off-licence gun to hand it in at a RFD without any questions asked. This law was designed to encourage illegal owners to hand in their guns without fear of prosecution. If you take it into your local police station, they may not want to transfer it, but may just want to scrap it.

Any reference to this?

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