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aargh! sodding fags!


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Cold turkey - I'm afraid there's no other way. I tried gum, patches, NHS "classes" - waste of time. In the end I just stopped with willpower only. You've got to really want to though. If you try and quit because you feel you ought to, or are being nagged, you'll probably fail.


I recommend you wait till you've got a stinking cold or something. You won't want to smoke for a few days and that's a great start, bearing in mind that the first 72 hours of quitting are supposed to be the worst, as the body starts to miss it's "fix".


I've had loads of people tell me they've quit using patches or something, then you turn around and they seem to have just started again :yes:


I quit 3 years ago. Good luck, mate

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he's right you know... i jacked for two years after nagging, then foolishly, started again....

i gave up again, with patches.. spent a long time in hospital and off work, the through boredom started again....

i really want to try again, and these days, every fag stinks, tastes foul and lies heavy... i think i want to stop... im gonna have an op on my gob on bonfire night,well day really, and i reckon that'l give me a week off the tabs..... time for a good head start i think.....


the only thing i can suggest is buying a pack of virginia and smoking the lot in one go..... i doubt youll get half way through without wanting to spew and going green....it'l be a while before you fancy another thats for sure... :yes:

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I used to quit nearly every year for the past 22 years.


I am now in remission from this weakness and have been since christmas .


The thing that has helped me this time is to put my smoking money away each week and buy whatever shooting related item I need. Its now called shooting money not smoking money .


Just after new year I bought a semi auto and this was to keep me focused . With the thought that if I started again the gun would have to go .


I recently purchased a 1989 landrover defender and that is the biggest buzz ever . Loads of fun that aint gonna make you cough up flemb in the morning .


Do the maths and work out how much you spend on fags and be honest mine was about 2 grand a year.


I went and saw the nurse at my doctors . She gave me some niquitin cq lozenges. They were so bad that i was off the tabs after 3 days and the rest is history. Im not saying that it is easy and I could still smoke a fag now but you have to be sensible enough to say if I smoke 1 fag all this **** starts again...................


Good luck

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I used to smoke about 15 years ago and I would like to go back to it. Annoying thing is that I dont like the taste anymore.


Anyone know of a "getting back in to smoking course" that I can go on ?


Yes sure..... Just hang around with me for a bit!!!!!!


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Wanting to stop smoking for health reasons is usually a big pull to quit and will power. Who wants to have lungs like net curtains and depend of oxygen in later life?


Whats the price of 10 cancer sticks ?


£2.78 per 10 is it roughly ?


2.78 x 7days x 52 weeks x 18 years = £18214.56


There's a lot of things I could buy with that sort of wonga :yes:



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thats righty. will power is all you need. I of course have none, and smoke a few roll ups myself.

The only way for this to stop is the governments getting together and banning them from beingmade. Never going to happen though. :yes:

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Hardest thing is when your off them staying off. I have a massive family in Northern Ireland, and nearly all of them smoke :lol::hmm:


That does get easier though. Most of my mates smoke, my wife smokes and the blokes I drink with and shoot with (mostly) smoke. It was a good test to be around them during the first year of giving up. Now it's easy. If I were to be completely honest, there are times, always when I'm out shooting, when I see one of the lads light up, when I want one momentarily, but it soon passes. On a nice day, out in the country, wandering round with a good crowd shooting a few clays, is the only time I'm likely to feel like one, but it's not difficult to blank it out. My health was suffering and the cost was ridiculous, even though we did a cross-channel run twice a year to bulk buy at half price.


Let's have all the cards on the table though. Doctors always make light of side-effects when trumpeting the advantages of quitting fags. The reality is that weight gain is a big problem (literally) :yes: . I put on over 3 stone and I'm finding it very hard to diet successfully. I actually find dieting MUCH tougher than quitting the fags. This is why I have to take my hat off to Mung, who lost stones in one of those hideous starvation diets (hope it's stayed off, Mung, not seen you for a while, as you Mafia types don't have the bottle to come oop Norf for a return match on the clays :lol: :o :yes: :( :hmm: ). To lose so much weight is a remarkable achievement, and I'm just not succeeding at it. Consequently, whilst my lungs feel like they have increased efficiency and capacity, I never get colds and I'm not hawking up **** every morning, the reality is that I feel like **** half the time, because I'm lugging all this extra weight around.


I can't understand why I have the willpower to quit the fags, but I can't seem to stop stuffing my face :lol: . I don't get enough exercise either, which I could probably do something about, if I wasn't having to work all the hours God sends to get round this credit crunch stuff. :lol:

Edited by Chard
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I stopped cold turkey after smoking for about 11 years.

I think that the most important thing to do is not go through the whole thing of 'this is my last fag', just decide to stop! After that, when you really want a fag just think of someone that's really imprtant to you (girlfriend/wife/kids etc), and consider to yourself - what's more important? having this fag or spending more time with them?

This worked really well for me, didn't read it in any books or anything it was just something I thought to myself. I have to admit that I had the added incentive of a new girlfriend who hated smoking, and probably would have left me if I carried on!

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Don't light up another one! Not trying to be a smart **** but basically you've really got to want to give up, it ain't easy. I started when i was 9! finally gave up when i was 36 and haven't had one for 12 years this month, i was in the pub a few weeks ago, got up to leave and couldn't remember what i'd done with my fags!! :yes: Like I said it ain't easy.


My missus gave up a few years ago and she used the patches, my brother used the chewing gum, i guess you need to find something that suits you.

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A mate of mine disappeared for a few days and it turned out he'd been in hospital having large areas of his neck and shoulder muscle removed. He was then on chemo for ages. I've never seen anyone look iller than him. He was 40 yrs old. That was 5 years ago and I haven't smoked since the day I saw him.

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