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Bloody travellers


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At about 1730 tonight I was sat in one of the high seats on my permission waiting for that illusive buck to appear, when I heard a bike engine in the distance.


The next thing I saw were 3 does galloping from my left to right at full pelt and obviously scared by something.


I dismissed it initially as them just being a bit jumpy about something, until I saw a herd of about 20 does, a mix of young and old, also appear from my left.


They were even more agitated than the first 3 and were running round in circles, obviously not sure what to do and again, distressed.


Then a bloody quad bike appeared, 2 up and obviously intent on chasing the deer. To make matters worse, another rider came in from my right on a moto X bike and joined in chasing them.


I was bloody angry by now, so unloaded, jumped down from the high seat and walked into the middle of the field, (newly sown), shouting my head off.


They didn't notice me at first as they'd managed to seperate a young doe from the rest of the herd and were busy scaring the life out of her.


However, on hearing me bellowing away at them and seeing me in full cammo gear with a rifle under my arm, they bricked it and raced off at high speed through a neighbouring farmers fields, (right through his pheasant cover crop), and back to the ***** site which isn't too far away.


Obviously that was it for the day, so I went back to the farmers house, told him all about it, (he appreciated my help - one of the reasons I suspect I got the permission in the 1st place), and then went home and reported it to Essex police - incident number, just in case.


I imagine I wont hear from them at all and we'll just have to wait and see if the ****** come back. I'll be shooting every evening this week 'cos I'm on earlies.


What knarks me is their total disrespect for other peoples land and the cruelty they displayed by scaring the deer half to death :lol:


P. :lol:

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I will no doubt be adding to this thread in a while.


A pplanning application has just been posted up near a local wood for 2 log cabin style buildings to home some traveller families, plus a spot for visiting families ....... i see trouble ahead!


I am a NIMBY ..... not in my back yard please!

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I have to deal with these oxygen thieves on a daily basis, Pedro. We have some delightful nests of these repulsive people near Braintree and Dunmow. I gather it's the group near Boreham that are particularly unpleasant - a **** that won't flush, so to speak.


Essex Police say they're powerless to do anything. Personally, I think it due to the Police's weakness and aversion to confrontation that they proliferate, and continue to cause so much grief to the (rural) community. The ****** have the upper hand, and continue trashing crops, stealing, torching buildings/cars/straw-stacks and generally highlighting themselves as candidates for natural deselection.


It is difficult to put it into words how much I hate ******. Hate isn't a strong enough word.

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I have to agree MrB.


One of the sites i work in and around has a group of them living at the end of an industrial estate, despite all the complaints from business owners and nearby residents, nothing has been done, well actually thats a lie, the council have supplied them with chemical toilets.

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I had the unfourtunate mispleasure of growing up around quite a few of these scum bags and can honestly say I didnt meet a single 'nice' one, not even an 'alright' one. I think the Italians had the right idea a few months back, run em out for good.

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I have to deal with these oxygen thieves on a daily basis, Pedro. We have some delightful nests of these repulsive people near Braintree and Dunmow. I gather it's the group near Boreham that are particularly unpleasant - a **** that won't flush, so to speak.


Essex Police say they're powerless to do anything. Personally, I think it due to the Police's weakness and aversion to confrontation that they proliferate, and continue to cause so much grief to the (rural) community. The ****** have the upper hand, and continue trashing crops, stealing, torching buildings/cars/straw-stacks and generally highlighting themselves as candidates for natural deselection.


It is difficult to put it into words how much I hate ******. Hate isn't a strong enough word.



This makes me chuckle, adversion to confrontation. well say that to the female PC who is 6ft down after she confronted a gang of armed robbers and the numerous ones hurt doing exactly the opposite of what you say.

Maybe you should read up on why the police are powerless before throwing down the gauntlet and saying I think it due to the Police's weakness and aversion to confrontation that they proliferate.

You cant just throw people off land - public land is especially hard and requires councils to act.


I do know the problems they can cause , i up until last week had 10 or 11 vans parked about 500meters from my house.


So could i say you read up on why they cant be moved and possibly think before you publicly slag off the people who are doing the best... i think the reply is.............


"It is not the critic who counts, not the one who points out how the strong man stumbled or how the doer of deeds might have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred with sweat and dust and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; who, if he wins, knows the triumph of high achievement; and who, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory or defeat."

Edited by ph5172
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I'm hugely glad it makes you chuckle, ph7152. I find it such an amusing subject. Yes, I said, "adverse to confrontation". I say that because I have had to stand by and watch police officers physically cower in fear at the prospect of confronting ******. I have watched and listened as they try to reason with people who know that they are virtually untouchable and untraceable. I know exactly why they can't be moved - but that does not mean I accept it, particularly when I am the victim.


Please don't hector people about bravery, the triumphs of high achievement and worthy causes in this context. Police are paid to act, to do what is right come what may, as I was when I was a soldier and a sailor (when I think I marred my face with enough blood to probably satisfy your rant about worthy causes). If the Police in general are as noble as you say, then Essex Police fall very short of that benchmark in their actions and results. I think if we took a straw poll of every farmer in the country, asking 'are the police effective at dealiing with *****-related theft/damage, the answer would be a resounding 'absolutely not'.


So let's just agree to disagree.

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When we last had ****** at the rugby club a police car actually pulled over onto the training pitch to allow a transit van with 6 ****** on the front seats to drive past on the narrow drive to join their mates who were driving up and down on the pitches in new Mercedes sports cars and brand new 4x4's.


The police said 'we are just moving them on from Hualavington' and suggested we manned the clubhouse that night as they had been drinking.



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I have to deal with these oxygen thieves on a daily basis, Pedro. We have some delightful nests of these repulsive people near Braintree and Dunmow. I gather it's the group near Boreham that are particularly unpleasant - a **** that won't flush, so to speak.


Essex Police say they're powerless to do anything. Personally, I think it due to the Police's weakness and aversion to confrontation that they proliferate, and continue to cause so much grief to the (rural) community. The ****** have the upper hand, and continue trashing crops, stealing, torching buildings/cars/straw-stacks and generally highlighting themselves as candidates for natural deselection.


It is difficult to put it into words how much I hate ******. Hate isn't a strong enough word.



This makes me chuckle, adversion to confrontation. well say that to the female PC who is 6ft down after she confronted a gang of armed robbers and the numerous ones hurt doing exactly the opposite of what you say.

Maybe you should read up on why the police are powerless before throwing down the gauntlet and saying I think it due to the Police's weakness and aversion to confrontation that they proliferate.

You cant just throw people off land - public land is especially hard and requires councils to act.


So could i say you read up on why they cant be moved and possibly think before you publicly slag off the people who are doing the best... i think the reply is.............


"It is not the critic who counts, not the one who points out how the strong man stumbled or how the doer of deeds might have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred with sweat and dust and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; who, if he wins, knows the triumph of high achievement; and who, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory or defeat."


I take you are either a serving police officer or you have a connection?


Don't you think with the current state of affairs with criminal law in this country leaves the general public on the outside with these attitudes?


Example 1; A wildfowling friend of mine returned to the car park after a morning flight to find 6 police officers waiting on his return as they had a complaint regarding someone with a firearm in camo on a marsh in the middle of no-where three miles from the main road-Daft??? Or not?:good:??


Example 2; A while ago three lads aged 18,18 & 19 tried to rob my 16 year old lad at 8pm on his way home with his girlfriend- One ended up with a broken wrist,another a broken nose and the other certainly would'nt try to rob another soul-End police result -tried to pursue my son to the end of the law for a conviction of assault- Daft or not?:good:


Example 3; Read story above about *****'s chasing deer on private land- Daft or not?:oops:?


Whether you aggree or not you can hardly wonder why the general public has to a certain degree a lack of respect for policing in this country...

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I can agree to dis agree.


its balck and white, theft is theft, trespass is tresspass, assult is assult and so on, im not going to get into a long argument but i have to say people do the best they can under the constraints they have placed upon them.. that goes for every job in every walk of life.


As far as police responding to an incident involving a ' man with a firearm' would you rather they stayed in the nick at every call that is recieved quoting the famous line. I take it the situation was resolved quickly and amicably.


As for the police officer cowering in fear... either s/he should not be serving or maybe they didnt cower in fear and this was poetic licence

Edited by ph5172
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I will no doubt be adding to this thread in a while.


A pplanning application has just been posted up near a local wood for 2 log cabin style buildings to home some traveller families, plus a spot for visiting families ....... i see trouble ahead!


I am a NIMBY ..... not in my back yard please!


Hot-shot have you actually seen the site notice for this and does it have your local Councils letterhead/logo on it? I have the misfortune of working in a Planning Dept and the rumour mill (MRWNTD - Mothers and Retirees With Nothing To Do aka Mr Wanted! :good: ) churns at least one of these my way every fornight! I would be surprised if it were A/ True B/ Had a snowball in hells chance of being passed if it is. (That is if the site is outside the settlement boundary and in greenbelt) Traveller sites are 9/10 next to former contamination sites or industrial estates, as no-one else would live there!



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When are some people going to realise that the police do not make the laws, they only have the unfortunate task of trying to uphold them.


There are a raft of laws that protect travellers and others that indulge in unacceptable (to us) behaviour.


I have seen quite a number of confrontations between police and the unlawful, on a few occasions the unlawful have possessed shotguns, at no time did any of the police officers, "cower in fear".

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I Can see both sides of this "misunderstanding" but our police can only do what the law allows, its the GOVERNMENT who make the law :good: and as they are a bunch of evil spineless parasites who dont give a damn about decent law abiding tax payers nobody has a *******g chance and that includes the Police! they can only act within the LAW and use it accordingly for whatever lawless act is commited. :good:

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Cowering in fear? Yes. They were. I was standing there, watching it happen. I'm afraid to say that there was no poetic licence involved. But then why are just two police officers sent to deal with a gang of marauding ******, spitting and hurling abuse at the two officers?


Cranfield, I do love your all-knowing attitude. I don't believe that you're a farmer, effectively on the receiving end - this isn't a weekly occurence for you.

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I really have had enough of Travellers, the farm I shoot on has had more than its fare share of problems. I can honestly say I have been tempted to move out of the bounds of the law, but I can honestly say that the likes of the Traveller will nearly always come out on top, the rules are<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<,


If you have a firearm with you keep well away from them, no matter what.


If there are more than one of them smashing up something you cherish,,,,,,,,,stay well away or you will be next!!


They CAN walk all around your farm yard " Just checking out the place bruv " and the Met were present on that occasion, there is nothing that can be done.


They can just dissapear, but most of us live in an easy target called a " Fixed abode " so you will get done eventually, they will be oop North in a few hours.


My farmer chap says there are two types, the UK Traveller and the Eire Traveller, the Irish type are by far the worse in his experience.


very stroppy and as mad as a hot terrier, it was the Irish type that were having a bimble around the farm buildings, the Met crew just looked on and stated that they were comitting no crimes. He said the Travellers could not have cared less about anything, however the UK traveller can be reasoned with and sometimes a chat about certain things will sort out matters.


Good luck with your problem, but like the rest of us you will probably learn that there is little legal redress,


How far are you prepared to go???

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Well in this case I've got a foot in both camps, (no pun intended). Being a serving Met officer, I've had my fair share of dealing with ****** and as "sick old man" has said, it's the Irish ones that are the biggest problem.


They all know the law backwards as to their "rights" and have a brief on the end of a phone at what seems any time of the day or night.


Of the hundreds I've dealt with I'd say there was only one who was a decent bloke. I'd knicked him for fighting when he was ****** and unusually, managed to interview him before we had to finish our shift. He admitted to the whole thing and after we'd charged and bailed him, he shook my hand and thanked me for being such a gent, (the taped interview was the funniest I've ever done, but that's another story).


But back to the culprits of the thread. I didn't get a chance to go out this evening, (Mrs P. :good: ), but whilst I was walking the dogs I could hear the ******* back out on the bikes. I'm going back up to the farm again tomorrow and will report back.


I've had all sorts of suggestions as to what to do and unfortunately, most of them could lose me my job :good:



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Cranfield, I do love your all-knowing attitude. I don't believe that you're a farmer, effectively on the receiving end - this isn't a weekly occurence for you.


You are correct I am not a farmer, but for many years I was responsible for and also owned large acreages of land, with all the attendant problems of trespassers, poachers (guns and dogs), flytippers, vandals, etc.

I have also spent my life in a rural environment and been involved with all country sports.

I certainly don't profess to be "all knowing", but I have been around and have an opinion.

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I have to deal with these oxygen thieves on a daily basis, Pedro. We have some delightful nests of these repulsive people near Braintree and Dunmow. I gather it's the group near Boreham that are particularly unpleasant - a **** that won't flush, so to speak.


Essex Police say they're powerless to do anything. Personally, I think it due to the Police's weakness and aversion to confrontation that they proliferate, and continue to cause so much grief to the (rural) community. The ****** have the upper hand, and continue trashing crops, stealing, torching buildings/cars/straw-stacks and generally highlighting themselves as candidates for natural deselection.


It is difficult to put it into words how much I hate ******. Hate isn't a strong enough word.

mr hitler did have some good points you know :good:

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