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hi i second that whole heartedly. sack em on the spot to do it on air is one thing but to actually leave such digusting material and language on andrews personell answerphone it's utterly disgusting. i've just heard on the radio they have been suspended for preliminary enquiries into their behaviour.





Edited by AIRARMSTX200
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Not quite so black and white this one.


Have already read that the grand daughter is a friend of either one or both of them and is in a stripping group called the Satanic Sluts. She will now act all innocent while the ratings for her go through the roof.


Quite what Gordon Brown was doing getting involved I'm not sure

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I listened to the show in question, not that I like either of them, and was very shocked at the content, even more so by the fact that it was pre-recorded and still managed to get past the BBC administration prior to broadcast.


Im sure the weight of the licence payers money will demand that they will be removed from their contracts and I must say that my opinion of this is that this is quite correct.


Both Ross and Brant have sailed close to the wind in licence funded broadcasts time and time again and this time Im afraid they have completely overstepped the mark and really sealed their own fate. If I were Mr Sachs or his Grandaughter I would without doubt seek legal redress.


Will they be misssed ? Not by me.... Ross has made a fortune out of his sarcastic condescending gutter humour and Brand has some serious problems with his mental make up.... The guy is obviously short of a few brain cells. Is this what the once greatest broadcaster in the world has become.:lol:?


The BBC is seriously in the spotlight as the national Broadcasting Corporation and in recent years the furore over the level of licence fee has exacerbated this. Im afraid if they dont take stringent action over these two it will cost them severely in the months to come.


Im pretty sure that the average person ( like me) resents paying so much to listen to such filth.


I think its goodbye to both of them and in my opinion good riddance.



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Jonathan Woss....Wed Wobins....Wuperts...Wagons....Wed Nose Weindeers, and he pulls the P$ss out of somebody else...LOL


Brand has some serious problems with his mental make up.... The guy is obviously short of a few brain cells.


Have to second that,

Edited by Bazooka Joe
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It is disgusting that they should feel above themselves to be able to actually do this, even on a pre-recorded show. This outrage has been made 10 times worse because someone actually allowed this to be aired.


The chiefs at the beeb have a tough call to make, lets hope they make the right one.

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I listened to the show in question, not that I like either of them, and was very shocked at the content, even more so by the fact that it was pre-recorded and still managed to get past the BBC administration prior to broadcast.


Im sure the weight of the licence payers money will demand that they will be removed from their contracts and I must say that my opinion of this is that this is quite correct.


Both Ross and Brant have sailed close to the wind in licence funded broadcasts time and time again and this time Im afraid they have completely overstepped the mark and really sealed their own fate. If I were Mr Sachs or his Grandaughter I would without doubt seek legal redress.


Will they be misssed ? Not by me.... Ross has made a fortune out of his sarcastic condescending gutter humour and Brand has some serious problems with his mental make up.... The guy is obviously short of a few brain cells. Is this what the once greatest broadcaster in the world has become.:lol:?


The BBC is seriously in the spotlight as the national Broadcasting Corporation and in recent years the furore over the level of licence fee has exacerbated this. Im afraid if they dont take stringent action over these two it will cost them severely in the months to come.


Im pretty sure that the average person ( like me) resents paying so much to listen to such filth.


I think its goodbye to both of them and in my opinion good riddance.





It is disgusting that they should feel above themselves to be able to actually do this, even on a pre-recorded show. This outrage has been made 10 times worse because someone actually allowed this to be aired.


The chiefs at the beeb have a tough call to make, lets hope they make the right one.


i second both posts, not a great fan of either to be honest, but 'wossy' can be funny at times

totally overstepped the mark this time and the editing team that allowed it to be aired want firing too

something wrong with this country if it is considered acceptable, i know for a fact if i phoned up another employee from work and did what they did i think i would be looking for a new job

sack em and spend the money they are being paid on some decent fieldsports programmes that way i would feel my money was being put to good use

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I have to agree with Maiden,


Scrap the licence fee and make the BBC stand on it's own two feet rather than on its guaranteed income.


Yes but then we would have the same **** as ITV, channel 4 etc, not to mention the adverts which go on for 5+ minutes!


Its highly unlikely they will get the boot, both provide the BBC with vast amounts of money from their shows. The BBC will not give that up quite so easily.

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Yes but then we would have the same **** as ITV, channel 4 etc, not to mention the adverts which go on for 5+ minutes!


Its highly unlikely they will get the boot, both provide the BBC with vast amounts of money from their shows. The BBC will not give that up quite so easily.



We already have the same **** and worse on the BBC, why should they be guaranteed an income only to fund complete tossers like these two in question. I know you don't have to watch the BBC but you still have to pay for it whether you do or don't.

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They won't sack Brand or Ross because they can't pin gross misconduct on them. Why? Because they are "artists" and as such will always have a propensity to be "out there and on the edge" and following on, the decision to broadcast was ratified by the BBC through its executives.


My money is on a BBC executive getting the bullet.

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Not quite so black and white this one.


Have already read that the grand daughter is a friend of either one or both of them and is in a stripping group called the Satanic Sluts. She will now act all innocent while the ratings for her go through the roof.


Quite what Gordon Brown was doing getting involved I'm not sure



Ain't that the truth, she's not exactly 'innocent', definitely playing up to it.

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Ain't that the truth, she's not exactly 'innocent', definitely playing up to it.


exactly she's gained so much publicity out of it its unreal, probably the reason she shagged Brand in the first place. Ok some comments weren't in good taste but hearing it I've heard worse. Once again we have trial by media and lots of opinions of people who didn't even hear the show and are simply judging it on what they've read in the papers

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