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Happy Xmas Sean Mercer


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the fact that he shot that poor kid is tragic, but the way he lied and used threatening behaviour to try an worm out of what he had done instead of admitting his "mistake" and owning up and taking responsibility for what he had done is just as bad...... spineless, low life, coward, thinks he's a tough guy.... i hope they sort him out inside.

i say mistake, i know that may raise a few eye brows.... he claims he fired 3 shots at rival gang members, and poor reece took one instead....

now weather he was aiming at other gang scrotes or not, if he never intended to take the life of a 10 year old kid, he should have shown an ounce of remorse and come clean, but instead, he lied, intimidated and menaced witnesses to try and get away with what he had done, as if it was of no consequence...

that was just as vile in my opinion. :lol:

hope you rott in hell mercer.

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his girlfriend who thinks he is a "hero" should be legally sterilised, imagine the upbringing any of her offspring will have.

ready made thugs? as for mercer he and his like should simply be locked up and forgotten about,

cheers KW

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I hope his xmas is spent on all fours, his face buried in his tear-stained pillow as Rastus stretches him to tearing point. If there is a God, Rastus will be part of a four man 'tag team' cornholing him until his colon bursts.




we all thought this type of justice would be doled out when the Soham murders happened, but its not like in the films. He will be put in a "specialist" wing with extra staff and pushed to take up an educational course. There is little violence in these wings, as they are all the same offenders.


What we would like to see happen, and what the law says are very different.

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i think you'll find he segrigated for those exact reasons. One of my dads mates is an ex-con (murder of a policeman too - was a hero inside) always says that the peado's/kid killers/rapests etc. all get segrigated onto special wings and the normal cons don't ever get to see them for that reason. Worst bit is the shower of *hit will have three square meals, tv, fresh linin, clean clothes and will have access to a gym, swimming pool, sky tv and other delights paid for by us. Where he will still be able to talk to his family every day, anyone else once a week for 5 minutes and will leave prison with a new identity, qualifications and full access to free welfare.


If l was that Rhys's dad - anyone seen that samuel L jackson film set in the deep south where his very young daughter gets raped and left for dead by a load of white lads? I think if you watched it you'll get my drift!!



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i think you'll find he segrigated for those exact reasons. One of my dads mates is an ex-con (murder of a policeman too - was a hero inside) always says that the peado's/kid killers/rapests etc. all get segrigated onto special wings and the normal cons don't ever get to see them for that reason. Worst bit is the shower of *hit will have three square meals, tv, fresh linin, clean clothes and will have access to a gym, swimming pool, sky tv and other delights paid for by us. Where he will still be able to talk to his family every day, anyone else once a week for 5 minutes and will leave prison with a new identity, qualifications and full access to free welfare.


If l was that Rhys's dad - anyone seen that samuel L jackson film set in the deep south where his very young daughter gets raped and left for dead by a load of white lads? I think if you watched it you'll get my drift!!




just like the killers of little jamie bulger all them years ago.....its just wrong wrong wrong.

in these cases, the childs parents should get to dole out the punishment as they see fit. i know what id do.

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i think you'll find he segrigated for those exact reasons. One of my dads mates is an ex-con (murder of a policeman too - was a hero inside) always says that the peado's/kid killers/rapests etc. all get segrigated onto special wings and the normal cons don't ever get to see them for that reason. Worst bit is the shower of *hit will have three square meals, tv, fresh linin, clean clothes and will have access to a gym, swimming pool, sky tv and other delights paid for by us. Where he will still be able to talk to his family every day, anyone else once a week for 5 minutes and will leave prison with a new identity, qualifications and full access to free welfare.


If l was that Rhys's dad - anyone seen that samuel L jackson film set in the deep south where his very young daughter gets raped and left for dead by a load of white lads? I think if you watched it you'll get my drift!!



I understand what you are saying, but anger clouds judgement. If i was the kids father, i would feel like that was the only answer, but to kill for revenge, not justice, puts you in the same league as them.

Would tighter gun laws help this? personaly i dont think it would. Maybe we need to look for a soloution to the bigger issue, rather than the knee-jerk reaction that comes from the tabloids.

An eye for an eye? This makes us sound like we have adopted muslim law, something which we rant about on a daily basis. Make sure we break the generational issue of ill-educated parents, and get them all working, stop the nanny state benefits we give them, and they would soon be too busy working to play gangster.

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I understand what you are saying, and l do not approve of his actions but he was a young lad and without going into too much detail - he was put away because he murdered, the reason why he did it was the police bloke was messing about with his wife of one year - again l must emphasize that l do not approve but he walked in after being out shooting seeing a copper doing his missus. This is now over 40 years ago. Could you call that a crime of passion/temporary insanity??


Trouble is mate, whether you like it or not Cop killers are reknown to be praised in prison circles. You have to also remember the misscarrages of justice - i'm sure every lag willing to try would tell you he's/she's inoccent, but there are some that actually wee/are and so this creates this destablisation of society within the prison walls. Having two mates who are prison guards and an ex girlfriend who was a young offenders phycologist (spelt wrong) - its very common.


I feel for Rhy's parents and as a parent myself would be devistated if something would happen. Sean Mercer has no/has shown no remorse whatsoever, watching the news yesterday he apparently was joking about in the Dock the whole time of trial with his mates and was told times to conduct himself accordingly to the severity of his actions. These actions would of enraged me as a father whether you are a resonable person or not - its only human to want revenge when this is going on.



Just my opinion!

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I approved of the judges summing up of Mercer,though he probably never understood it fully,being over 4 letter words and not using obscenity.Thick is not the word for his type.We are breeding by the million these violent vacuous low lives who ,despite being dumb,have the survival instincts of sewer rats.

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I have always thought that a person like that scum could be given a get out early clause in their term.


Simply be sterilised say 2 years before the end of the sentence and you walk out. This can only happen if you do not have any known children, if you have any you stay inside. Voluntary selective breeding.


Or simply shoot the c4nt.

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