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What Seat for your hide


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I use one of those fold up £10 chairs (the one with the drink holder)but it does get a bit battered as it is only light alloy

what should I buy as a replacment :good: I do have to carry my gear as the ground is to wet to drive round.



That is the same chair that me and my dad use. :D


They are great but not so easy to get out of if you are in a rush :no:


they are the best chairs I have found that have a good back rest.

I used to use an old plastic oil barrel which was a nice hieght but it was not good for our backs after a long day in the field.

We did used to use a deck chair each but they were a bit on the large side.

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Spin seat drum .

Saves your neck hurting when looking over your shoulder.

You just turn you and the seat with ease .

I fill i with what ever I can going out to the hide and then lob all the empty carts in to come back.

The only downside is no back rest but it is the right height for getting up in a hurry

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Have bought as many seats but have always had a problem with getting the right height. For me my backside has to be slightly higher than my knees, makes it much easier to stand quickly if needed. Made a couple which have been great.

Two aluminium tubes about 2 inch dia. one fitting neatly inside the other but able to slide up and down, weld onto these 6 inch square alum plates drilled for bolting onto round bum size wooden plates. drill several spaced holes in outer tube for spigot which I attached to tube with sink chain. Pro's are, won't sink, adjustable height and swivels or locks up by drilling a couple of holes in inner tube and putting spigot right through. Cons, A bit bulky to carry but great if you have wheels to get you to your spot.


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i use a little 3 legs fold up jobbie about 18" high, it does the job but comfort

isn't it's first name however it is quite light and folds up to nothing

ive got one of these .never leaves my side when out shooting,can even be caried in a trouser cargo pocket,used as a rifle rest and even used as a seat.got mine from a pound shop.top buy :o :good::lol:

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