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Forced to Visit Amsterdam next week


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Don't bother going tot he Van Gigh museam unless you really like his work. I'm not a big fan of pointilism, so i felt a bit let down by it all.


There's a casino down near one of th canals. I think you can take a number 5 tram to it from the railway station, but I would advise you to check first.

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Naaah. Queues are way to long for a casual visit.


One thing you could do if you fancy a nice meal and a tour of the canals is to book up a small boat that runs round the canals witha chef and wine waiter on board. I can't remember the name of the company or the boat, but it sounded pretty good.


It beats walking round the place.

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Lived and worked in Amsterdam for a lot of years, so may be able to help. Depends who your clients are and what makes them happy?


Most Brits who go to Amsterdam find themselves wandering around the red-light district one night, if only for the novelty. A canal cruise is a good way to get a feel for the place. There's every conceivable type of food available, but as a general tip, try to avoid tourist restaurants. Public transport (trams) are a cheap, quick way to get around (you can buy tickets ('strippenkart') from the red machines in the train station or at the 'kiosk' shops dotted around), though you may prefer to walk if you have the time to take things more slowly.


There's pretty much everything your clients could wish for, depending on taste and budget. Feel free to PM me with specific requests should you have any.

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I have to go to Amsterdam next week mon to thurs client visits with a remit to do what it takes to keep them happy, any ideas :yes:


Amsterdam is no longer the city as it was. The majority of the local people have moved since Amsterdam is conquered by mainly muslims.

I suggest don't try to make them happy with a bottle of whiskey or a Holy Bible unless you wear a magnum .357 :good:


I really feel sorry for you man. Hope to see you back on this forum after thursday next week. :yes:

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Stayed at the Hotel Amrath over christmas and can thoroughly recommend it. The Rijksmeuseum was closed for a refurb, but should now be open. Theres a resturant called In De Wag or somthing that was very reasonable and had Pukka grub, had rabbit there for my Xmas dinner! Leidesplein has a few good nightclubs. The redlight district is oppressive (loads of English crackheads there, but didnt see a dutch one, odd I thaught), but still worth a look round if youve not been. The Church is a nice freindly coffeeshop, If you have a smoke its worth a wonder round the Zoo and Aquarium, watching a monkey jacking off while your stoned is frankly hillarious :good: !

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