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What do you really hate/frightens you?


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Arachnids certainly feature though not all of them, just the ones with long thin legs.


Wasps, there is nothing that makes me move quicker than these nasty little things.


Heights always make me nervous, yet strangely I used to love rock climbing and abseiling!


Finally, the dark shadows that lurk around man made objects under the water, like sunken boats, underneath piers etc. Which I suspect has something to do with having watched as a young boy, the sofa jumping moment in Jaws when the head falls through the bottom of the boat.

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I hate the dark , total darkness, and Horses bother me greatly i would love to overcome the fear of horses as i used to ride



im the opposite, i love being in the dark. if i cant see the monsters, they cant see me. :blush:

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Useless fact, and average person in a lifetime consumes at least 15 spiders in their sleep.


Those of you that cant breath through their noses and mouth breath at night (me included) likely to be 3 times higher..................


AND you have a spider within 7' of you at all times :blush:

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im the opposite, i love being in the dark. if i cant see the monsters, they cant see me. :blush:


Its something i cant explain easily other than it makes me feel shut in for some reason , the monsters dont worry me though :/

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My kids bedrooms, I'm sure there's a new life form developing in there!! :blush:


my wife scares the xxxx out of me at times ( but don't tell her that )


other than that, spiders and rats, try not to kill the former but get great delight in destroying the latter

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Rather strangely, for someone that works in the offshore diving industry, my biggest fears are the underside of ships, and the 6' - 8' gap between the ship and the quayside when in harbour (walking up and down the gangway makes me want to puke!) :blush:



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CATS! I HATE them!!! They just look so evil, like they know something I don't. I've had some pretty horriffic nightmares about cats, where they attack me and stuff... I'm scared ****less every time I have to pass one in the street cos I think it's going to pounce at me.


Incidentally, my ex-boyfriends cat used to play mind games with me. I think this might have something to do with my irrational fear.

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Am the same with pylons. I always blame my mum and dad for making me listen to war of the worlds. :blush: When i was young.

And if i walk pass jumbo(Essex boys will know)I have to look at the ground.Not look up.

I also hate people who sit behind desks . It always make me feel like a naughty school girl up in front of the head. :/


And men running towards me (women are ok)

If i am ever worry about anything i always end up dreaming that i am being chase by the faceless man. (if he was goodlooking i most probley would not run so fast to get away from him.) :lol:


perhaps i should go see the shink :lol:




Years ago i used to go in the pub .Where the man would come in every night and take two steps forward and then one step back . He did it every night .

The bar staff got so used to him they just poured his drink the minute he walk though the door.

Cause they always knew it would take him forever to get to the bar.

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