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Michael Martin -

pegasus bridge

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I cannot beleive the cross party gang that has formed to pressure this guy out, is it just me who thinks he is getting scapegoated for the MP expense gravy train coming to an abrupt halt?


this had been going on for a long time ; i think the 'rules' being used by greedy MP's allowed this majority of this to happen. Getting rid of this guy is certainly not going to make me think this is resolved. Perhaps some of the MP's openly calling for him to go, should turn their attentions to close colleagues who have been enjoying life at the tax payers expense? (all within the rules of course!)


Edited by pegasus bridge
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This has been brewing for some time, remember not so long back he blocked the inquiry into MP;s expenses, this is just the final outing of what was known for sometime. This is not new :-


"He has been criticised by MPs of all parties, and by many journalists, for breaches of parliamentary protocol (including the expression of his personal political views from the Chair), bias towards MPs of his former party in debate, failure to clean up the parliamentary expenses system (and failed legal proceedings which attempted to prevent publication of expenses claims), events in connection with the arrest of Damian Green and searching of his parliamentary offices, and a series of difficulties with his own staff. He has been described by Melanie Phillips in one critical profile as "simply the worst Speaker in living memory"[5] although he has been defended as a victim of social snobbery by some MPs, including a former Father of the House Tam Dalyell.



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He has been a poor Speaker from day one, constantly displaying his personal bias and political affiliation.

His attempts to prevent the disclosure of the MP's allowances, by spending large sums of public money on legal action also marks him as someone without morals or honour.


I believe he should resign, or be sacked, without a peerage and a (lucrative) seat in the House of Lords.

Any MP's that are proved to have acted illegally regarding expenses should be prosecuted and those that have not followed the "spirit" of the system should be deselected at the next General Election, which should be called in the Autumn of 2009.

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This has been brewing for some time, remember not so long back he blocked the inquiry into MP;s expenses, this is just the final outing of what was known for sometime. This is not new :-


"He has been criticised by MPs of all parties, and by many journalists, for breaches of parliamentary protocol (including the expression of his personal political views from the Chair), bias towards MPs of his former party in debate, failure to clean up the parliamentary expenses system (and failed legal proceedings which attempted to prevent publication of expenses claims), events in connection with the arrest of Damian Green and searching of his parliamentary offices, and a series of difficulties with his own staff. He has been described by Melanie Phillips in one critical profile as "simply the worst Speaker in living memory"[5] although he has been defended as a victim of social snobbery by some MPs, including a former Father of the House Tam Dalyell.



:blush::angry: spot on

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Don't forget that in addition to Cranfield's summing up, he's had his snout in the trough with the rest of them. In fact, arguably more than the rest of them. I think Private Eye have a lot of details of how many official trips he has been on with his wife and how much money that has cost us.

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Media spotlight, it was obviously his fault we all had our snouts in the trough, shame on the lot of them.


It would seem that over time the trough developed into a ditch, which got deeper each year. Some Mps have fallen in, some have been pushed in,, and others jumped in. Some may drown, and deservedly so.



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I think it's right he should go. He's not cut out for the job. He even tried blaming the Sergeant of Arms when the old bill raided that guys office. He's a worm of the lowest order (not quite the lowest form of prehistoric frog **** but not far off).


I would like to nominate Brian Blessed as the Speaker! (so long as he doesn't bellow out "Gordon's Alive!"). There wouldn't be many Mp's or the like looking to get one over on him or woe be tied them if they do and he gets wind of it.


All those in favour say "Aye"!



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I've come across a couple of mp's in my time, and the one thing you can garuantee is that they are all as bent as each other, they may well stand on your doorstep and tell you exactly what you want to hear, but then thats their job, all they care about is getting elected so that they can then jump on the gravy train at the earliest possible oppotunity. If they've been caught fiddling their expenses they should go, no if's or but's they should be treated like any other person in a job that's caught theiving. As I pointed out yesterday will it make things right if the speaker goes, will they all behave like good little girl's and boy's,

NO they will simply carry on, Who heard that pompous old fxxt on Jeremy Vine yesterday, trying to justify why he needed to spend 18000 on book cases, for christ sake 18000 he should be at the top of the list, They are all suposed to be intellegent poeple, how many of you with office jobs would think it ok to put in for morgages that have been payed off, that isn't living expenses thats fraud, Let me think I've paid off my morgage do I think it's legally or morally correct to claim for it on my expenses, hard one this, well I'm an mp so yes it must be ok. the whole lot should be hung out to dry, they are all payed well and yet they come across as a bunch of dishonest theiving parasites, in the real world people like that are called crimminals and hopefully end up doing time.

Wether the speaker is any good or not realy shouldn't come into the argument, if these poeple a clever enough to be running the country they should be clever enough to either fiddle the expenses so they don't get caught or they should know better in the first place.

and I won't be appologising for any of my comments about them either, as far as I'm concerned they're all lying theiving scum

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I agree that he should be booted out in disgrace without his money.


However these ******* MP's are clearly hoping that this will take the heat off them. It needs to be ensured that Martin is disposed of, just so that we can get back on track at shafting the thieving scumbag MPs without this Speaker distraction :angry:


Blood is required :blush:

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well the BBC are saying he's gone so another casualty of this fiasco emerges


The Daily Mail will no doubt be taking all the credit


Oh well, one down - how long before Gordon falls on his sword?

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The previous speaker, Betty Boothroyd, was very good. A labour MP, but she kept her political affiliations out of it. Martin has not.


His appointment was controversial anyway because convention has it that the speaker comes from a different party every time.

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