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Movies-best ever

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Fav films?


In no particular order:


Pulp fiction

Hot fuzz (hysterical!)

An American werewolf in London

Terminator 2

American history x

Italian job (original)

The silence of the lambs

Planet of the apes (original)


The shining

Full metal jacket

Monty pythons life of Brian

Monty pythons holy grail


Saving private Ryan

Forest Gump


This list could go on and on and on...

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Full metal jacket

Assault on precinct 13(original)

dawn of the dead(original)

Casino Royale(opening chase scene is one of the most thrilling I have seen)

Reservior dogs

Lock, stock......


Any of the Dirty Harry movies(best series of movies ever - not one duff one)

Escape from new york



Saving Ryans privates

Loads more depending on what mood I'm in(bit like music really)

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ooo so many to choose, im a real movie fanatic... so....


Saving Private Ryan ("if you was to put me and this here sniper rifle anywhere up to and including one mile of Adolf Hitler with a clear line of sight, sir... pack your bags, fellas, war's over" my fav S.P.R quote Private Jackson)


Pearl Harbour




Full Metal Jacket


resevoir dogs


SAW II, III, IIII (got to 5) but one wasnt great but still, you need to see that to understand the set


Hostel (havent seen these but have heard VERY good things, and have read the scripts)


VALKYRIE (an advert for the DVD just came on and it reminded me)


there are some AMAZING ones out there but i havent got the time to watch them...


ATB tight lines



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Man, I think a can of worms has been opened here in respect that it's gonna be hard to close this topic.


Films I could watch over & over without getting bored of them are (to name a few):


The Birds

North by North West


Stand by Me

Shawshank Redemption

Crimson Tide

Rising Sun


Fight Club


The Game


Four Weddings & a Funeral

Dirty Dancing


Ok, so there may be the odd chick flick in there but they are still very well made films with good original story lines, good direction & good acting (albeit some of it so bad you just can't help but like it).


The other half always says "I don't see the point in watching a film more than once, you've seen it before and you know the outcome!".


My reply to her is "What's the point in eating the same meal more than once? You know what it looks likes & you know what it takes like. There's no difference in that and watching a movie more than once. I watch it more than once for the same reason you've eaten Spaghetti Bolognese more than once, because it's enjoyable!".


She doesn't agree with me though.

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