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BNP MEP seat in Humber


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I wouldn't worry too much - I thought there was a danger they would get more seats.


It's enough to give 2 fingers to Gordon and the other parties and highlight that there are issues that need addressing, but not enough to represent a serious problem for democracy and anyone who doesn't want to shave their heads and wear a green bomber jacket.

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I think the "result" that is the most significant in the European elections, is how many people voted.

The UK turnout as of this morning was said to be 31% (on Sky News, but not all stats are in), when you think that at a UK General Election its usually around 60%, that shows what a difference could be made to results by the "Party Faithful" turning out.

Rather than vote for wacky extremists, a lot of people just didn't bother to vote.


I don't agree with the BNP racist dogma, but I also don't agree with the "head in the sand" reaction of the main Parties.

A succession of Ministers and Shadow Ministers were interviewed on Sky News this morning and when questioned about the BNP winning two seats, they said it was nothing to do with the voters feelings about immigration, it was just a protest vote against the expenses scandal.

When will they wake up and smell the coffee ?

Just because a problem is difficult to deal with, doesn't mean that you can totally ignore it.

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On the aniversary of Britain sending young men into Europe to die for our freedom and security, and when we currently have our young men and women dying overseas fighting against racist extremists, we have have sent our own facist politicians into Europe to represent us.



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This makes me feel ashamed to live where i do! ignoring the rest of the results, the election of 2 fascists to the eu parliament has reduced my faith in people in this country





perhaps the shame you really need to recognise is that people have the right and intellect to vote for their own beliefs?

as babby says that's democracy for you


and that just because they don't agree with you they are classed as fascist/ Nazi's they are making a point and are entitled to make it simple as, or does bigotry as shown by YOU only work one way?



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i'd hate BNP to get voted into to anything,but i voted BNP.who else can you vote for to make a protest?.If the main parties arent willing to make any changes to the way the country is run and help british people ahead of foriegners and lazy good for nothing wasters(i mean british ones).It might take something like this to wake then up.


as for gordon brown going,what good would it do?,the next person to take his seat will be full of just as much **** and do ****** all for the country

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perhaps the shame you really need to recognise is that people have the right and intellect to vote for their own beliefs?

as babby says that's democracy for you


and that just because they don't agree with you they are classed as fascist/ Nazi's they are making a point and are entitled to make it simple as, or does bigotry as shown by YOU only work one way?




Get your argument right.


The BNP want to deny the right for people to vote for their own beliefs - black people for instance, who would not be able to vote because they will be forced onto planes and boats to be expelled from the UK by the police.


I would class them as facists because their undemocratic singl eparty state policies are facist, not because they dont agree with me.

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I have no real stance on this other than to say to dislike or hate because of skin colour to me is wrong




Look back at history even taking the Holocaust into the equasion....


Nazi or fascist governments have killed a fraction of the people socialist governments have killed.... but everyone always throws in the fascist or Nazi words for maximum effect


I have no allegiance to either .... just thought I'd throw it in there for comment



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i think people have to see it for what it is.i think most voters are like me,they arent racist and dont really want to see BNP get anywhere.but do want changes in immigration and british jobs for british workers.for most people it's not about the colour of peoples skin,it's about the goverment not listening.i couldnt help thinking on dday,how do you think the veterans feel about fighting for this country and there fellow comrades that died seeing the state that it's in today?


would you fight for this country? i wouldnt

Edited by pegleg31
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I think the "result" that is the most significant in the European elections, is how many people voted.

The UK turnout as of this morning was said to be 31% (on Sky News, but not all stats are in), when you think that at a UK General Election its usually around 60%, that shows what a difference could be made to results by the "Party Faithful" turning out.

Rather than vote for wacky extremists, a lot of people just didn't bother to vote.


I don't agree with the BNP racist dogma, but I also don't agree with the "head in the sand" reaction of the main Parties.

A succession of Ministers and Shadow Ministers were interviewed on Sky News this morning and when questioned about the BNP winning two seats, they said it was nothing to do with the voters feelings about immigration, it was just a protest vote against the expenses scandal.

When will they wake up and smell the coffee ?

Just because a problem is difficult to deal with, doesn't mean that you can totally ignore it.


This post hits the nail on the head, im sure cranfield knows thats not the only thing the british public are unhappy with but probably had to little time to do the full list,


I'm a labour suporter but admit the government (most governments) just dont listern to the people

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Get your argument right.


The BNP want to deny the right for people to vote for their own beliefs - black people for instance, who would not be able to vote because they will be forced onto planes and boats to be expelled from the UK by the police.


I would class them as facists because their undemocratic singl eparty state policies are facist, not because they dont agree with me.


Uh hang on, you go to America seeking asylum you would get sent straight back here. You go to Pakistan, China, Australia seeking Asylum you would get sent back here. But now that you got a party that will do the same you say the opposite.


William Hague said it himself People are looking for Change and I said that last week as well.


Only one thing I didnt like about the BNP and that was about the Gurkhas but there is alot more I dont like about LIBLABCONS.

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Get your argument right.


The BNP want to deny the right for people to vote for their own beliefs - black people for instance, who would not be able to vote because they will be forced onto planes and boats to be expelled from the UK by the police.


I would class them as facists because their undemocratic singl eparty state policies are facist, not because they dont agree with me.



do me a favour and get your argument right ? I didn't reply to you? ingest info first (translates to engage brain first)


You are a typical stereotype ranting fascist racist policies? the people who voted for the bnp did so in order to get the cretins who supposedly run this country to realise that THEIR unrepresentative view of multiculturism and immigration does not fit well with a large number (perhaps the majority) of the indigenous population who are now feeling somewhat dissenfranchised by the, slanted rights of incomers.I suppose countries who welcome immigrants but with and via a points system which indicates usefulness to the accepting country are racist then? or should they as us accept any waif and stray regardless of skill, criminal record, or god forbid even the intention to destroy our way of life.


Aint it strange we are now feeling disadvantaged in our own country and , the likes of you with you "you must be racist" comments will help keep it that way,



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Ace Pigeon Shooter



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From: hartlepool the jewel in the crown

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QUOTE (cubix @ Jun 8 2009, 10:30 AM)

Get your argument right.


The BNP want to deny the right for people to vote for their own beliefs - black people for instance, who would not be able to vote because they will be forced onto planes and boats to be expelled from the UK by the police.


I would class them as facists because their undemocratic singl eparty state policies are facist, not because they dont agree with me.




do me a favour and get your argument right ? I didn't reply to you? ingest info first (translates to engage brain first)


You are a typical stereotype ranting fascist racist policies? the people who voted for the bnp did so in order to get the cretins who supposedly run this country to realise that THEIR unrepresentative view of multiculturism and immigration does not fit well with a large number (perhaps the majority) of the indigenous population who are now feeling somewhat dissenfranchised by the, slanted rights of incomers.I suppose countries who welcome immigrants but with and via a points system which indicates usefulness to the accepting country are racist then? or should they as us accept any waif and stray regardless of skill, criminal record, or god forbid even the intention to destroy our way of life.


Aint it strange we are now feeling disadvantaged in our own country and , the likes of you with you "you must be racist" comments will help keep it that way,








well said that man ;)

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i think people have to see it for what it is.i think most voters are like me,they arent racist and dont really want to see BNP get anywhere.but do want changes in immigration and british jobs for british workers.for most people it's not about the colour of peoples skin,it's about the goverment not listening.i couldnt help thinking on dday,how do you think the vetereans feel about fighting for this country and there fellow comrades that died seeing the state that it's in today?


would you fight for this country? i wouldnt


I would fight for an independent Britain again cause we are giving it to the Germans again, cause they are the biggest economic power in Europe they will have more say and power over Brussels.


We need out of Europe that should stop about half the immigration


and also look at this, if I was to say anything like this I will be imprisoned http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_OIbqSvV1iA...feature=related

Edited by The BFG
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Sadly we don't live in a democracy, we vote a party in, on the basis of what they say they will do. The minute they are elected they throw all their promises out of the window and look after them selves, salaries, expenses, pensions ect, They spend our money like water, only last week i read that despite the fact that our country is bankrupt our government has just donated £100,000,000 to improve the roads in africa,plus £50,000.000 to help woman in Afganistan. Now this may be small change in the great sceme of thing but it tells me that our polititions just don't get it.

I need an NHS dentist, can't find one, i have a dodgy knee, 18 months wait for an op, i retire soon and my pension will be £90 per week, about the price of a commons lunch. We are taxed on every mortal aspect of our lives, to the point we have nothing left. We need a radical change to the way our country is run, our juditial system is a shambles with murderers let of prison early, rapists and sycopaths given bail, we have prisoners sueing the government because they don't have sky tv or a more varied menu for lunch. OUR COUNTRY IS BUST, BROKE AND BANKRUPT and we, Jo public, thats you and me pick up the tab.

We live in a dictatorship from the minute we elect a party, to the minute we get rid of them. Then we do it again.

So we can hardly be surprised if people vote BNP or any other fringe party. WE ARE DESPARATE FOR CHANGE, not just the same old same old, i have voted all my life, but i will not vote again for any of the top three.

Thats it, iv'e had my rant, sorry if i bored you.


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thats what happens in a democracy - people vote for who they want ;)

Here here,The guys who were trying to stop Nick Griffin legally entering the Manchester voting chamber are called anti fascists..there the real fascists here,what there saying is that its a democracy as long as you fit into THEIR idea of who you vote for and what your views are. I dont like a lot of the political parties but when they abide by the electoral rules and win by fair means there position as MPs must surely be respected, even If their views are not.


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Over the past few weeks during discussions about the election, so many people have talked about voting for the BNP purely because they're disappointed/disollusioned by Labour/Conservatives/Lib Dem, with particular emphasis on the expense scandal... So I agree with the people who think that these two BNP seats are a result of a protest vote against the government in general - a way of sending a message to Gordon Brown that the British Public are getting tired of the way he's running the country - I just think that voting for the BNP is the wrong way to go about it. I do agree that immigration has got out of hand and that something needs to be done about it, but there's just something so sinister about the BNP. The thought of Nick Griffin becoming Prime Minister scares the **** out of me.

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I must say that the BBC and SKY NEWS never gave Nick Griffin the chance to even finish a sentence during his 'interviews'. This just ain't fair, and folk will see that these are attempts to muzzle him. I can't see what all the fuss is about. To my mind, the BNP seems to have the remedy for this over-populated country.



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