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A day on a grouse moor.

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A good friend of mine asked me if i would come and load for him on a driven grouse day on a private moor. There has been no shooting on this moor in derbyshire for 2 years due to low grouse numbers brought about by poor breeding seasons and the dreaded worm.


Never being one to miss out on a freebie i of course accepted. i arrived in good time for an early start on the alloted day and we were on site at the keepers cottage for 0830hrs. there is a good wind blowing and i can hear grouse calling from the moor just a couple of hundred yards away, a good start if ever i heard one. After a quick talk on safety etc from the shoot captain the assembled guns climbed into a fleet of 4 wheel drives and headed up to the top moor. The scenery was simply stunning. The plan was for 2 drives in the morning and a break for lunch then 2 drives in the afternoon.





Drive 1, first things first i have picked my piece of lucky heather but alas the drive was a bit of a disaster, despite some sterling work on my part handling with fine dexterity a matched pair of POWELLS (gulp) alas the grouse were more than a match for my pal in charge of the shooting side of things. As the little red blurs went whizzing by an impressive pile of empty cartridges were amassing. as the beaters came into view we had 6 grouse in the heather to be picked with a hit rate of around 1 in 6.

Drive 2, this was more like it. a couple of right and lefts and we are away here. The grouse have a tail wind with them and are very, very quick. With plenty of shooting and the beaters eventually coming into sight we have 9 grouse in the heather to be picked and i still haven't stopped admiring those guns.

After lunch we set off for drive 3 as the clouds begin to come over.

Drive 3, we are in the swing of things now and with plenty of the red blurs whizzing past we are soon operating as a good team with plenty of birds in the heather. As the beaters come into view we have 12 grouse in the heather to be picked.And the heavens chuffin' opened.

Drive 4, the rain has stopped and the sun is back out. As we load the guns my friend beckons me to the front to take the early birds as the drive commences. With knocking knees i take No1 gun and make ready........ GENTLEMEN THE STUFF OF DREAMS!!! we are almost driven to distraction by the hordes of midges but nothing can break my concentration as a red blur approaches. crossing at 30yds right to left at warp 6. I swing a long way in front and the first barrel twitches the tail feathers, my second barrel is true and my grouse tumbles into the heather. I hand No1 gun over and take No2 just in time for another red blur from the same direction. no mistake this time as grouse No2 tumbles into the heather at the first shot. 2 grouse for 3 shots My friend is suitably impressed and i have to resist the urge to do a lap of honour around the moor. WOO HOO!!!!! Aware that this is the first days shooting in 2 years i thank my friend profusely and beckon him back in time to take over as the birds come at what seems unimaginable speed. The shooting is thick and fast and at the end as the beaters come into view we have 8 in the heather plus my 2 to make an even 10.

What a fantastic day, lots of shooting and the team of 10 guns all got a share of shooting. Back home and i have my 2 birds plus 2 from the bag with a celebratory beer as i reflect on the days shooting


With the birds plucked and drawn plans are afoot to have 2 of them at xmas with some venison as a xmas dinner centrepiece.


Bit of a long winded post, if you have stuck with me thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed the pics.

All the best,


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Great post and sounds like a great day, i had my first days walked up grouse yesterday and i got 1 :oops: they are hard to hit when you are more used to them coming towards you and fly like bullets the team of 6 guns ended up with 19 grouse and one gun got 8 :rolleyes: it was a great day and if you don't mind me asking what was the total bag of the day? :hmm: bring on the rest of the season.




Also just to add i ate my one grouse tonight and it was great and very very gamey

Edited by groach1234
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