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Furious at work!


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Went out to lunch today and this guy from upstairs caught up with me as I was walking. He proudly told me he'd bought a crossbow, to which I said they should be banned. As soon as I'd finished my banning statement he proceeded to tell me how him and his mates went out and shot a sheep through the belly with it.


I couldn't believe I was stood next to someone who would do that. I spoke my mind and he was taken aback.


"I thought you liked killing animals and would have found that funny?" he said


...you can imagine my reaction.


Basically if anyone in the Hertfordshire area has had a lamb/sheep shot with a xbow or knows anyone, please tell me. I will happily hand you his details and you can ring the police.


Please spread the word to your farmers, as I really want him to suffer for this.


Please ask around as I'm not in a position to do anything without any evidence.


B) ;):|

Edited by harfordwmj
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Sounds like a massive *****.


If you really want to go all out and get him in the **** for it stick up signs reguarding info reguarding the incident in local RFDs, feed stockist, agricultural merchants etc.. basically anywhere you could think of that farmers frequent.

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What you waiting for mate?


Just ring the police and tell them regardless.


The police are for more likely to hear about the incident before members of this forum do, so why wait?


Nail the ******* before he goes out and does it again.

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Have to agree with Toombsey here !


This bloke wants the cross bow breaking across his backside and banned for life from ever having anything to do with firearms or anything that is capable of firing a projectile !


Let the police know and also any agricultural insurers that you can think of !

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"I thought you liked killing animals and would have found that funny?" he said


I would report him !



This is the sad reality of the country we live in, a lot of the none shooting general public have this same view of game & vermin shooters.

with the ever expanding population of this tiny island the conflict of interests is sure to grow.


I was looking at a pet forum the other day & posters on there were horified to discover that deer are shot in this country & could not believe it was even legal, & thought all high powered rifles were banned. B)



Edited by neil smith
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Call the police mate.


This sound like the sort of chap that used to torture small animals as a child and is now getting ready to progress to bigger things. B)


His next step may be to apply for an FAC. Is he the sort of person we want in the press as a licensed gun owner taking pot shots at cattle (or people) with a .308? ;) That would be perfect publicity for our sport.

Edited by LostWomble
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I would have been furious as well. What an ignorant ***. I'd report it, especially since there is a dead or dying sheep rotting in some field somewhere, I'm sure the farmer would want to remove it. I don't know much on sheep but I'm betting that if it sits unnoticed there could be some disease issues with the flock.

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there really are some knobheads out there. This reminded me that a couple of weeks ago i was visiting my dad for dinner and had a read of his local paper 'the chad' (mansfield). on the 2nd page a story of 20 something girl been out clubbing with friends, queuing for a taxi when she drops to the ground with blood pooring from her arm. taken to hospital to, obviously been shot with an airgun and the xray revealed the pellet was lodged in the bone, and broken her arm. she is understandably very shaken, this was an unprovoked attack on an innocent young woman and more worryingly there is a complete **** running around mansfield shooting at people. For it to have broken her arm it could well be fac rated as well which is even more disturbing. does anyone from that area know if anyone has been caught for this yet?

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I really don't understand these people how they can indiscriminately shoot at people, a gun is not a toy. B)

I wouldn't mind if these people had a very quick meet with an ARU. Would serve them right.

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Words fail me.


Having read that the individual who tortured baby P had a history of torturing animals of all shapes and sizes, the sooner your work colleague gets the once over and an inspection from the police the better. Tell your firearms chappy in writing (email).

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watch the local paper it'll be in it if it happened. On a side note if it is my brother in law works for them so presumably could send a reporter round, local rags love that kind of story and well he'd want to keep a low profile afterwards. My inkling though would be that its bull

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Be careful, it could be a macho style wind up. B)


As you well know, there ain't many sheep in Herts..!!




This did cross my mind. I do know a few places in Herts where sheep are kept, so it's certainly not an impossibility....!

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Be careful, it could be a macho style wind up. ;)


As you well know, there ain't many sheep in Herts..!!





well if it is he still deserves to answer to the police as to why he thought it would be funny and impressive to boast about such an act.




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