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What would you do

Harrys Bird

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If you have permission from the land owner where you shoot, to shoot game as well as vermin, then yes it is legal. Sporting? :blink: A pheasant with a rimfire ain't much of a challenge, doing it for the pot rather than for the sport might be a better reason. You also risk antagonising the gamekeeper who reared/released the birds on the neighbouring land, and possibly causing bad feeling between him and your land owner :yes: Speak to your farmer/landowner and see what he thinks.

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Have been out shooting rabbits on one of my permissions and have noticed a few pheasants coming over from the nearby estate and was wondering if it would be ok to shoot the odd one with my .22 when the season starts or is it against the law not sporting etc :blink:


If its for your self then i would just don't be greedy :yes:

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landowner is ok with shooting what ever is on his land, as for the game keeper he's a plonker, who came onto the landowners property and threatened the landowners son for shooting on his own property so no love lost their. The squire of the estate which is large has bought all off the rights for shooting around him bar my permission so yes i would be a bee in his bonnet and yes the bird would be for the pot.

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I seriously would not EVER shoot a pheasant if I was not on a driven shoot day.


You have been asked to shoot rabbits, not the neighboring farm's pheasants. I can assure you that if the gamekeeper saw you walking around with a handful of his birds that you've taken for free your permission wouldn't exist for much longer.


If you want to shoot pheasants, go and ask the farm for a day shooting (anything between £100 to £600+) or a peg for the season (£400-thousands upon thousands)


You are out shooting rabbits, so stick to those and don't end up doing something stupid, as I can promise you that a stupid little mistake like that will come and bite you right back.

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IMO there are two questions, the first is should you shoot a pheasant with a .22 rifle and I think that would generally be considered "unsporting".


The second is, can you shoot pheasants that have been bred on neighbouring land and strayed onto land you have permission to shoot on.

If you have permission from the landowner, yes you can.


I think you should ask your Farmer quite very clearly, if you have permission to shoot the pheasants.

A throwaway comment like, "you can shoot anything" is not good enough.

Farmers have to get on with their neighbours and are usually not keen to start unnecessary conflicts.

Don't find yourself "piggy in the middle" in a dispute, because you will be the one who loses out.

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its not against the law ,but its not going to make you any friends.

Ask the farmer whos land your on what he thinks.


I would not use a 22lr but it will do it just fine.


I know farmer who puts out feeders to bring in birds from farms next to him,but does not put

any birds down himself.


i spoke to the farmer whos birds they were ,he was not happy .

He said if it was two way traffic that would be fine,

but felt the guy next to him was taking the pea.


The law might say its ok ,but its not right.


If you must ,just take one for christmas,do it out of sight and leave it at that.



sorry about spelling having a bad day.

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Think of it the other way round.


I you had gone to all the expense and trouble of putting down a few hundred pheasants to provide yourself with a bit of sport over the winter and the chap shooting rabbits on the neighbouring farm started shooting them would you be happy.


It's not a matter of wright and wrong in the eyes of the law but being a good neighbour and having good manners.


What do you think is the correct thing to do.


Instead of shooting his pheasants why not ask the keeper if you can do a bit of beating and offer him a bit of help, you might enjoy it and get a little shooting out of it.



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If it's an airgun, it's an absolute no no. You'll struggle to cleanly kill it.


Nevertheless, just leave them and as said above, if you want to shoot them, go and offer some beating or something. You'd be chuffed if the farm next door said for you to come and also shoot bunnies on their land.


Also, as said, imagine how angry you'd be if you'd spent time and money raising pheasants, only to watch someone on the neighboring piece of land shooing them. I wouldn't be surprised if you find your tyres let down if they know what car you're in. I would do that if I were the keeper.

Edited by harfordwmj
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. I wouldn't be surprised if you find your tyres let down if they know what car you're in. I would do that if I were the keeper.


glad your not the game keeper :D


Spoke to the game keeper last year about shooting vermin for him and he looked at me as if i had just stepped out of a flying saucer :hmm:

No and you can't shoot any where else around here as i have bought up all the shooting rights was his reply :yp:

Went from the estate and crossed the road to neighbouring farm were the farmer said yes shoot away at the vermin and the pheasants as well as the game keeper was a cheeky bast--d who had insulted his son (farmers) on his own door step and intimidiates the neighbouring farmers.

CZ 452 and its only the odd pheasant if and when i get the chance between now and xmas.

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if you only want to shoot one for the pot then shoot it with whatever you choose (as long as the gun is up to the task). if you want to enjoy the "sport" of pheasant shooting then pay for a driven day.


at the endof the day as long as its on land you have permission on, and the farmer lets you, then theres nothing to stop you :D

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if you only want to shoot one for the pot then shoot it with whatever you choose (as long as the gun is up to the task). if you want to enjoy the "sport" of pheasant shooting then pay for a driven day.


at the endof the day as long as its on land you have permission on, and the farmer lets you, then theres nothing to stop you :D


as i said out for rabbits and have the chance to bag the odd pheasant,

don't want to go on a driven pheasant shoot,to many birds shot just my opinion,

just the same as i don'want to go to a bunny farm to shoot rabbits, just like to stumble across them

but thanks for your opinion :hmm:

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Only on driven shoots! some of us are'nt too happy about driven shoots especially the numbers shot in a lot of cases by pompous erks that have to display badges to bolster their credibility :D



Pray tell me what badges these devils who shoot driven birds wear. I bet they wear tweed as well..........how dreadful.

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as i said out for rabbits and have the chance to bag the odd pheasant,

don't want to go on a driven pheasant shoot,to many birds shot just my opinion,

just the same as i don'want to go to a bunny farm to shoot rabbits, just like to stumble across them

but thanks for your opinion :D


its ok mate, im the same, but im not getting the blame for starting that row :hmm: :yp:

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I'd also check your firearms ticket that you have Game written on it not just vermin, as you will irritate the keeper and he may well report you at some point for not sticking to your ticket conditions.

Secondly it rarely works asking a keeper if you can shoot on his ground straight out, you have to subtly get round them by seeing if he needs beaters etc. and vulpicide get out of it thats a pretty blinkered opinion of game shoots and I really hope you never shoot more than you can eat if thats your belief

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