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About Brad93

  • Birthday 08/02/1993

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  • From
    Brentwood, Essex
  • Interests
    Shooting, Carp Fishing, Koi, Fast Fords

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  1. More from the CA if you haven't seen it. https://www.countryside-alliance.org/resources/news/the-governments-anti-shotgun-ownership-consultation-response
  2. I'm glad someone else has said exactly what i've been thinking for a long time. Price the average shooter out of the sport to achieve the same thing a ban would without the backlash. Like you say no one is going to protest it because we've got too much to lose as law abiding citizens.
  3. My superten was blue printed by Mr. Bowkett many moons ago and could do with a sort out once again as it's not shot right for a long time. Is he still working? Or is there someone else who specialises in these old PCPs? Im considering just selling up for something more modern, maybe even FAC air.
  4. Our 2 year old labrador has developed an odd affliction and i'm wondering if anyone here has had something similar with their dog? For about the last four weeks or possibly slightly longer, the dog has been shaking his head a lot. I first noticed it when he had been barking in the garden - so i'd stand there and he would give a few frustrated "let's play" barks and then shake his head. Bark a few times again and shake his head. It's the classic flapping/thumping of the ears like when they shake themselves off when they get out of the water, but only his head is shaking. Anyways thought nothing off it maybe an ear irritation. However there has been no ear scratching, no smells, no discharge. Two weeks went by and he was doing it a lot more frequently and also now it was occurring even when not barking, usually when he gets up, he shakes his head, or randomly you just hear his ears thumping and he is just wandering around. Two weeks ago we saw the vet nurse as part of his vaccinations/worming plan, she looked at his ears and couldn't see anything wrong. We have tried a few doses of dog ear cleaning solution but that doesn't seem to have made any difference. The head shaking has continued so on Tuesday I took him to the vets again, saw an actual vet and he had a look with an Otoscope but again couldn't see any signs of infection or foreign body. He noticed some slight inflammation in the left ear so has prescribed a 9 day course of steroid tablets to bring down the inflammation. £65 for 10 minute consult and 12 odd tablets. The only other option he gave was to swab the ears and send away for testing for bacteria but he said there's no discharge to swab in the ear canal. This was about £100 on top of the consult. At a bit of a loss as what to do next. Horrible to think that there's something irritating him that we can't fix. At the same time there's only so much money you can give the robbers down at the veterinary centre. He had £1000 spent on him last year (70% covered by insurance luckily) for a bit of grit in his eye they couldn't get out without putting him under. He is four days into his course of steroids and so far i haven't seen any improvement.
  5. That's the opposite of what the books/app says. Says you should be getting them training as young as possible? We are not doing blind retrieves here.
  6. 9 weeks old now and in the last three days puppy has got naughtier, biting harder and now ignores most commands unless he hears a bag of treats rustling. Last week we had sit, recall, and lay down on voice command. Now he almost refuses to do anything. He also has discovered his bark. god where are we going wrong. Using BG Gundog app and lez grahams puppy book. Any sort of no contact correction or telling off doesn't work. I've tried associating the leave command with a treat like BG app says. And also tried their correction (hand over eyes and hand under chin very softly) but he wriggles out then proceeds back to biting you, hard! I've had an English Toy terrier and chihuahuas, first Gundog and you can see they are obviously a lot smarter. More obedient im not sure. edit: forgot to say. Labrador. Black. Working parents. In kennel with siblings from 6 weeks. Now crate training. No accidents, sleeps for about 3-4 hours, then he gets me up in the middle of the night with a few whines. Toilet. Back to sleep till 6AM. again, toilet, play, breakfast, back to bed for as long as he will stay quiet. 1h 45m this morning. since then, little terror
  7. Nice article. BASC have a lot to answer for, this mess is their own making. Rolling over and conceding more compromises. You keep making concessions; before you know it, you don't have anything left to give away and the whole thing is dead in the water. Just another attack on gun ownership in my opinion.
  8. Hi Guys, Picked up our lab puppy last week at 8 weeks old. He came from a working home and went into the kennel from the house at 6 weeks old with his siblings, uncle and two cockers (separate kennels but same building). puppies were already very clean and waiting to go No.2 in the morning. So after reading this thread we decided crate training was the way forward. Father in law gave us two crates. One about 1.0m x 0.6m x 0.6m. We put that crate in our bedroom. The other crate is about 1.5m x 0.8m x 0.8m. This is in our living room. We started off the first two nights getting up every 3 hours to let him out for a wee. Then pushed it to 4 hours. He is 9 weeks old and Now we are going to bed about 11 and he normally wakes me up with a bit of whining at 01:00 then sleeps right through to 6AM when I get up. I play with him, do a little training, feed him and out him back to bed for hour and a half till 9AM when my Mrs takes over. No mess. Not a single accident in his crate. He had two little puddles in the living room but I'm sure that's down to us missing his tells. he doesn't mind his crate in the bedroom. He whines for about 3-5 minutes then settles down. He doesn't take himself off though and you do have to put him in there with a treat or he hunkers down not wanting to go in. The crate downstairs, a completely different story. We gave him treats when putting him in there with the door open and praised him. if he sees you doing things, cleaning etc, he doesn't whine too much but if you go outside or sit down he will whine for 15 minutes or more. You can feed him in there, after 2 minutes he will start whining. We are struggling to figure out what's getting him worked up and it's quite frustrating. He seems to have a really good well behaved day, like yesterday, where he perfected lay down, and some heel work. then today he is a terror from the moment he wakes up. currently working from lez grahams book and the BG Gundog app. Any advice? we are thinking of trying to make the crate downstairs a little smaller with wire mesh and cable ties.
  9. That's some shooting!
  10. See plenty of old droppings today but hard to say if the rabbits have actually been about. Hiding underground from the heat I reckon. There's very little for them to actually forage on unless they're in the hedgerows.
  11. I've a number of hawke scopes from cheap up to a few hundred quid. save up, get a quality German or European made sight. The difference in clarity, and the light transmission is day and night. I fancy a 6x42 S&B for my next glass, to replace a hawke endurance which is on my .22. A Z6i is on my CF and man what a tool.
  12. Can anyone confirm if the Winchester 42gn subsonic have changed? My 455 shoots them okay, a lot better than eley subs. However I've read they have changed design and people have had right bad batches. I've got about 200 of the Australian made ones left, bought pre covid.
  13. My local rfd sold 20 air pistols in a day and close on to 15,000 pellets.
  14. I use a Primos Power Crow caller. It certainly has an effect but I haven’t mastered the calls yet. You need to use the right calls at the right times.
  15. Blimey. So you’ll have to buy from sportsman and have an RFD TO RFD transfer? CZ might loose a lot of business.
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