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  2. If you go by looks then that is some of the nicest belly pork I have seen for a while , we used to go to the Yankee Traveler in Yarmouth and we both used to have the Surf and Turf , the belly pork was lovely but yours looked a lot better , need I say I hoped you enjoyed it 😋
  3. I have some genuine brand new BSA mags left in .177 & .22 for sale. £30 each posted.
  4. Have that cistern ever been exposed to frost ? , these sort of things happen from time to time , did any water get into any electrics , if so they might have to inspected to be on the safe side and part of that ceiling might have to be replaced and re plastered , if you are going to claim then make sure you claim enough , after all that is what you pay insurance for . MM
  5. with rice crispes at £3.80 a box and rich tea almost £2 a packet there is zero chance of the real thieves going bust!
  6. he's from the next village to me and locally there's been loads done to help Rob and his charity. it doesn't help what's happened and there's nothing that can be said to help his family through this devastating time. RIP
  7. i will have to do this again sometime
  8. Very sad news but his suffering is finally over and a big THANK YOU to his lovely family and to all those who supported him while he had this terrible decease R I P Rob .
  9. I went to see the tenant today and I am not convinced that she has done anything deliberately to cause this situation but I can't work out how it happened. Perhaps somethings in life can never be explained. There are no screws in the cistern to the wall it looks like it's been siliconed to the wall. I have to admit it would benefit from a new bathroom. The ceiling is not looking good and the carpets are sodden. I asked if she was claiming on her contents insurance and she said only a small rug of hers was wet so not worth it. Nothing of hers was damaged. I will be ringing the insurance tomorrow morning.
  10. Great stuff! I appreciate your diligence.
  11. "did you see my Boston Baked beans dish (must have been a few months ago now" I do recall them now. 👍
  12. All the pictures have are ads from the Postimage hosting service.
  13. But we are paying for them to steal stuff as the supermarkets have to cover the losses or they would go bust. I was sat on the wall with the spaniel outside Aldi waiting for the Mrs and watched a fella walk in the in door and said to myself I bet i see him walk back out the same door 5 minutes later tailed by one of the staff ! It was closer to 10 and he scampered of at quite a lick talking to the Aldi lad who followed him out about if he needed my details to report it - he said we have to watch the cctv to work out what he’s knicked so we can put it on the computer as known losses ! No need for me to get involved as police would just issue crime numbers Agriv8
  14. Today
  15. john12

    Beretta 694

    Does anyone have a Beretta 694 with an adjustable stock on they are looking to part with? Many thanks
  16. A fighter to the end.
  17. Absolutely. RIP Rob, what a fighter against such a terrible disease.
  18. I went out today - not the most successful of days - but it allowed me to put theory into practice. If anyones intrested, the trick is to build a bigger hide and make sure the front is extra low - which then necessitates more crouching that usual.
  19. this is what i mean...........virtually the whole screen is taken over with this ****..............why should i download ad blockers and risk infection for this carp that is generated by this website i dont get it on other sites when im on this site i am spending 50% of my time deleting them
  20. Still brings a tear to my eye when his mate carried him over the finish line on the marathon ! Everything that right about rugby in one photo, rip - Rob Burrows
  21. BSA Spitfire .22 calibre air rifle. Break barrel, pre charged pneumatic (PCP). Complete with Simmons 3-90x40 mounted scope. Also comes with Co2 bottle and fleece lined camouflage design gun bag. Used condition. £175
  22. oowee

    Donald Trump.

    If there was some bring it on. Ooops forgot 'Nothing to see here". Talking of Chinese management we do know ByteDance owns a big chunk of Trump through DJT media. Already coming into play with Trump's reversal on Tiktok sale.
  23. What a horrible thing MND is, it ravaged him in such a short time, my hat goes off to the man for the way he dealt with it , and my condolances to his wife who was by his side every step.
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