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Yellow Bear

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Everything posted by Yellow Bear

  1. with 14 weeks minimum quoted for simple sgc renewal - don't hold your breath.
  2. Here speaks a man that has not lived near an urban pond or lake - a typical example is in south Manchester at Bramhall Hall - it used to be a pleasant walk with or without the dog until the canadas moved in, now it is impossible to walk within 25m of the water as it is a sea of mud (they have eaten all the green) covered to about 10mm with goose carp there are so many. Another example is, or was the pool in Poynton, same problem. In both cases the problem grew because no one could (or would) control them until things got out of hand. Very little to do with RSPB, more to do with them breeding faster than rabbits and the attitude of the mumsnet woolly bunny brigade. No doubt RSPB would like to see them gone but ban awful lot of others would be in front of them.
  3. With you on this - only down was your boots got heavier with each step - very sticky mud
  4. What style of music - jazz, pop, rock, ceilidh, easy listening.
  5. Maddy Prior - June Tabor
  6. Simples -Anyone getting paid more than posters complaining of overpaid others (regardless of what they do or what their qualifications) is in their view overpaid. envy writ large.
  7. New brand name to me at budget end anyone any experience of them? Normally only used for daily dog walks. Before folks post saying buy le chams, hunters, muck boots etc I have looked at these and tried many and am not impressed for the price as they ware out as quick as the cheaper boots.
  8. Ah but according to those "poor" union activists you hear in the media - Yes you are, anyone on more than 30k is rich and should be on the top tax rate.
  9. Yellow Bear


    No - I celebrate Yule and Eostre - Virtually same dates
  10. Watched that - however earlier in the week there was another similar program saying to stay healthy in most conditions you need a relatively high protein input that cannot be gained from vegetable material alone.- they lived their entire life in a wealthy part of rural California so surroundings play a major part, both of these ignored by the presenter. Other agendas methinks.
  11. Have a coronet no 3 plus some bowl turning stuff.
  12. Not knocking the workers they earn their money and often put their money in - I am asking a radical question - the union leaders continuously tell us how profitable this, that, or the other entity is so why do they not support their members by investing in that entity themselves instead of demanding that others do.
  13. Watching the news this am and we have union reps complaining that the government aren't doing enough and are only vaguely keen on a management/workforce buyout, all the while biging-up how good the workforce and steel are and how profitable the plant could be in public ownership. Now I have a radical idea - if the plant is so good and only needs a little work to be highly profitable, why doesn't the union buy it. Just think of the funds it could generate. Ok - Tin hat on and back below the parapet.
  14. I have used both Dubarry cream and the wax you get from shows but both need to go on when the boot is dry and this was the problem as you need to let them dry naturally but I did try to clean the mud off every day (which unfortunately makes them wet again
  15. Stockport - have used Arthur at AB Guns on and off for 30+ years and shot clays mainly at Catton and MCSC for the past 8.
  16. I have a pair that I have had for 3 winters plus 2 wet summers - they have been brilliant and I have worn them every day for 2 dog walks probably for 6/7 months per winter and often in the summer in wet weather. However I noticed today that some of the stitches are going on the side of one foot. Looks like it has rotted but I have to say that they have probably not been properly dry for weeks at a time which often precluded "regular maintenance". Make of this what you will but I will start seeking a replacement pair.
  17. Having eventually moved to the area between Matlock and Chesterfield and am in a position do do things other than work on house, I am looking to make contact with "locals" to find out all the information one needs these days - Clay grounds, suppliers, events, any pigeon shooting , etc. All info gratefully received
  18. Even the private funds are not safe as Robber Broon showed - If they controlled it who would get what they paid in let alone growth!!
  19. Another reason for not having a combi
  20. why not - we ran PA speakers on 2.5 m mains cable for years - only effective difference for all but extreme hifi is colour of sheathing. Speaker cable in round sheath is a special at about £5 a metre-2 core mains flex about 50p.
  21. OMG you are starting to sound like a Yorkshire man
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