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Everything posted by bavarianbrit

  1. Well that"s the end of the local hand wash for my car then. Brits will not get out of bed for that sort of work. IMO manufacturing is the only solid saleable commodity worldwide and we have shrunk ours to a level of invisibility so how do we survive going forward into the brave new world? not by white van manning each others services. Financials are moving in droves to Paris & Frankfurt. BB
  2. I have a deactivated German drilling if he was interested. Martin
  3. Spent a long time working in Germany then I went over to live there when the grandkids came along near Munich in 2002. BB
  4. bavarianbrit

    Das Boot

    All the participents in WWII are dead or almost dead but strangely only the modern German citizen is being pilloried for being nazi. And of course we won the war alone etc brexit bla bla. Please get over it and let"s all move on into that glowing independent post March future. Martin
  5. River fly fishing book by Peter Lapsley. In 99% condition from a non smoking home. £2 plus postage. BB
  6. I have a pair of spare arms with my magnet down in Dover. BB
  7. I bought a garmin over there for $100 10 years ago still use it when there. BB
  8. Honda, Britain's fifth largest car producer, will announce the closure of its Wiltshire plant tomorrow according to Sky News. The Swindon Honda branch employs 3,500 workers and is currently the firm's only factory inside the EU BB
  9. Jan 2015 she called her father to say she was in ISIL-held territory, she said: "I'm in Islamic State and I'm not coming back."
  10. Very true but there goes the SGC on the trip back home. Ahh!!!
  11. Worked on that project too, them that know at Audi says it will take them 10 years to duplicate the quality of the old Q5 from Ingolstadt. Build a new factory 70 kms from the city of Puebla in the middle of nowhere, due to the Mex government spreading work opportunities around the country = bumkins building suv"s. BB
  12. I use a German 20 bottle beer crate light & stiff.
  13. Qashqai is just for the school run? Female drivers seem to prefer being higher = feeling safer which the auto companies are well aware of.
  14. Once spent some time with a supplier inside the Solihull plant. I walked the defender line as I was a fan of them. Was very shocked by the *******/blinding of the workers against the managers, they were throwing them together (vehicles) with not much care zero pride and I have 50 years in the business so do know what I am about. No wonder they are moving the new one away to Slovakia. Solihull was like the 1971 Chrysler Ryton plant before Peugeot took it on. Oh BTW Skoda"s are in Mlada Bolasav except the VW up variant that comes from VW Bratislava"s assembly line. BB
  15. Hi, Did the .270"s go? I have it on my FAC and am happy to cover postage. Regards Martin
  16. I have a Redfield spotting scope that I bought in 1980 in Michigan USA for $110 it is 15-45x & works very well and never has been dropped/damaged in my ownership, as I no longer do any range shooting I could let it go as its a shame to leave it on the shelf. Adjusted inflation value of $110 today is $353 making my cost £277 how does that sound? Martin
  17. I was apprenticed at BSA in Armoury Road Birmingham in 1965-6 and in that period the Friday pay van was hit by a gang just before the main gate BB.
  18. I have two Granfors small and medium size which are you after? Martin
  19. I have a percussion single 8 bore Westley Richards if it is of interest, can be viewed in Dover by prior arrangement. Martin
  20. We went on a works visit to Triplex glass in 1968 from college and their foreman put a hawker hunter windscreen on two planks on the floor and told us to try to break it, well after 15x 18 year olds did a police motorcycle team lookalike show there was a loud crack!!!!!
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