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marlin vs

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Everything posted by marlin vs

  1. There's no problem with the fleas moving onto the dog, if you leave the rabbit's up on a ditch for awhile the fleas will leave the rabbit as it's body temperature drops.
  2. Look's good, how about a picture of it fully assembled.
  3. Should be a good one, i'm looking forward to it.
  4. Good video Fleabag, at least you'r honest, not everyone hit's 100%.
  5. I wish I lived close to you as I love the Breda Beretta shotgun a fella could spend a nice few evening's restoring it back to it's original condition, I hope someone that appreicates it get's it. Fair play to you, that's a very generous offer.
  6. I was shooting them last eveningup to 9.30 as they were coming in to roost.
  7. I can never get the leg's to turn out edible on the BBQ , what I do is I marinade the saddles , but I boil the leg's and take them out after about 15 minutes and then BBQ the legs for a very short while, give it a go it's just trial and error.
  8. Every chance I get, no point and waiting for them to do damage, because they will.
  9. The fox was luckier.lol.
  10. Lookes like the mod wasn't alligned properly, was it?
  11. I use Hornady 17gr all the time, 3 year's now and alway's swore by them but they are €20 a box now, last week I tryed winchester 17gr and they were as good and they cost €12,50 a box, so i'll be using winchester from now on.I can't understand the price difference especially when cci load them all. We're being robbed over here in Ireland.
  12. I've had it happen heap's of times with hornady 17gr ammo, I contacted hornady and they told me not to worry about it that it's caused by the shell having room to expand in the chamber.
  13. One of my dog's ****'s more than the rest of them, I wonder why especially when they eat the same amount.
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