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Vince Green

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Everything posted by Vince Green

  1. I wasn't asked for any identification, how can they justify a system so porous.
  2. She was pathetic as party leader, Vince Cable shoehorned her into the job and nobody wanted her apparently. Tom Brake should have been the leader but he lost his seat too, that's a real shame, he was good even if you didn't support the Lib Dems
  3. She is a National Treasure, the gift that never stops giving
  4. This morning somebody, I'm not sure if it was Corbyn or somebody speaking for him, said he had been a victim of a smear by the media. Since the labour view of the media (often repeated in the past) was that the media was controlled by jewish money it appears to a veiled anti Semitic conspiracy theory is developing. I'm sure the Corbynistas will recognise the hidden message in the statement. They just can't help themselves can they? And the rest of us will treat it with the contempt it deserves..
  5. Nooooooo! we want him still to be leader in May when we have the local elections. He isn't going to go easily I bet he tries to hang on, in a few weeks they will be saying it was rigged or something equally implausible.
  6. Yes I agree with you, Labour gave it away to Boris on a plate. Stupidity raised to an art form. Its demonstrated by the fact that they lost in their traditional heartlands, people just didn't believe them.
  7. That's what I suspected about the one I received from the Lib Dems, but it was a professionally produced official ad. Definitely not a home made bit of private enterprise by some supporter.
  8. I was surprised today to have a party political advert for the Lib Dems pop up on facebook. I know that is not allowed but it didn't affect the way I voted
  9. How about "The Conservatives are planning to sell off the NHS"? We know that was a lie, total fiction, dreamed up by Ed Milliband's election Campaign team to "weaponise" the NHS. Yet Corbyn is still repeating it over and over again during this election
  10. Rather than waxing look to the motorcycle world for various potions and lotions for leather if waterproofing and preserving suppleness is your main objective. Modern wax shoe polishes only shine, great for the parade ground but the polish is only going skin deep. When my nephew was doing his basic training for the marines they clubbed together to buy a black and decker heat gun. Every intake gets "advised" to do so. Dubbin is good but it traps water into the stitching causing it to rot if it is not synthetic thread and it does nothing for the leather as far as I can see .but it does waterproof better than anything else I still have leather motorcycle gloves that are over 20 years old that are supple and reasonably waterproof
  11. You need to know what you are doing, a bit like wildfowling, you don't want to get cut off by the tide or get stuck in quicksand.
  12. Thanks that's very useful
  13. There is always somebody or other metal detecting on the beaches near our place in Cornwall. usually at low tide. Don't know if its legal but nobody seems to say anything to them, lots of wrecks just off our coast My mate was very keen, he used to say green lanes and old bridle ways were good pickings. Since they were tecnically roads the landowner had no say. Also old cemeteries rather bizarrely The mudlarks on the Thames have always appealed to me and they do find a lot of stuff, presumably the Tyne is tidal, do they have mudlarks up there?
  14. The McCanns are a big Irish family in Harrow, all are career criminals of one sort or another. Legendary
  15. Most pest control companies who catch foxes in traps have no legal way of killing the foxes they catch so they simply take them for a drive and release them. Its standard procedure, in fact many of the companies make it a selling point, advertising it as humane capture etc. Its not illegal to release foxes (it is illegal to release squirrels) so nobody is doing anything even remotely illegal Years ago it was legal (indeed recommended) to drown them in a rain butt but that got stopped There are fox rescue organisations dotted around the country www.foxproject.org.uk/ perhaps you are near one
  16. Labour for many years employed racist policies called 'positive discrimination', I can remember adverts in the national press for jobs in London Boroughs saying only people of Afro Caribbean background need apply. How they got away with it god only knows, but they did.
  17. Yes its true, it shouldn't be but it is. The Brexit Party will go the same way as UKIP and self destruct on Islamaphobia despite it being off message and not part of the raison de etre of both parties which should be EUROPE and the EU. (the clue in both cases is in the name) Its a discussion for another day and another place but it has no place in a Brexit party. The clue is in the name B-R-E-X-I-T if they hadn't picked that up they should have. My biggest gripe is that what ever your views, however offended you may be by the people of Islam, burying a pigs head under a Mosque is just so pathetic it is off the scale
  18. Working in America years ago Christmas was just one day off work and a lot of businesses stayed open anyway
  19. Asylum seekers have to, by law, be provided with adequate, full and working housing that can be lived in from day one. So they get all the mod cons, fridge, freezer washing machine, TV, kettle, toaster, cutlery, crockery , pots, pans, bedding, towels etc waiting for them when they walk through the door. The assumption being that they have arrived in this country with nothing and once they say the magic word "Asylum" they are legally guests of the British Govt and have to be given proper and adequate housing they can live in. And, of course, its all free So there is no choice, once the magic word has been uttered That's the law, every asylum seeker gets it, plus social services provide clothing, shoes, coats etc . Plus more benefits than an equivalent unemployed British family because its worked out a different way. All those people you see getting fished out of inflatables on the South Coast this summer or dragged out from lorries at a motorway services are all well prepared. They all invoke "asylum" like a mantra. Housing associations in the South of England are pulling their hair out trying to cope with it all. Asylum applications went up 21% in 2019 compared to 2018 and remember an application can be an individual or a family of ten. Also, once an application is made other family members more or less get waved in past immigration to join them.(European court of human rights - the right to family life)
  20. They are still banging on about the NHS because they don't have anything else to say, well, nothing that isn't ridiculously over budget
  21. Its not so much that the local bobby clipped the ears of the local kids. Yes he did but it was because he was a daily presence in the village and if you accepted it as a warning it didn't get back to your Dad and it didn't go on the sheet. win/win but most important the kids knew the score and their own limitations. We could do with more of that today
  22. What about when they phone up and say some body broke in and stole the washing machine? Because they have sold it on Gumtree? I'll tell you what happens - nothing, that's what. They get a new washing machine. Because housing officers cannot accuse the tenant, no matter how implausible the story, of lying. I don't think I would last a week doing that job, mind you for £42,000 a year (which is what a housing officer gets) I think I would learn to bite my lip
  23. An RSPB woman told me the re-introduction of Kites around here has had a detrimental effect on songbirds
  24. Nothing at all here but its such a Conservative safe seat I don't think the other parties even put in a token effort. I saw Tom Brake (Lib dem MP) actually out knocking on doors in his constituency in Surrey last week
  25. Its a bit more complicated running a still than first meets the eye. There are some toxins that have to be removed and discarded, called the fusil liquids. On the other hand, there are a lot of stills available and books on the internet.
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