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Vince Green

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Everything posted by Vince Green

  1. Once the vote had been made there is no way it could have been ignored
  2. Where do you get that idea from? David Cameron made it absolutely crystal clear before the referendum that if we vote leave then we leave.
  3. that is a very good example
  4. Actually, having lived in the US I would say their food and drug standards are way higher than ours, not always aligned admittedly
  5. I think he was much more devious than we give him credit for. He gave out the persona of a child and interacted with these kids on a child to child level which probably was fooling the adults. At the very least it was a ploy to distract suspicion. He was largely cleared on the evidence of people who have subsequently become his accusers. That's a circular argument that can be used by both sides
  6. The old cordite used to produce a "cordite headache" well known to soldiers back when service ammunition used cordite. It was something to do with the fact that cordite contained nitro glycerine.
  7. Gordon I agree, most MPs couldn't run a chip shop, which is why they became MPs I suspect!
  8. Corbyn and McDonnell are about as close to being labour as I am to being a Tottenham supporter. They are both old school Communists
  9. As far as I know there is no universal standard for shot size, certainly European is different to UK and American is different to both. Even then, I think all three are conventions rather than a formal written industry standard.
  10. Its not such a bad idea, make all the MPs redundant and put Oliver Robbins in charge. Not so far different from whats happening now as far as I can see.
  11. Yep! they are called remainers
  12. The market has been really slow for quite a long time now.
  13. The arrogance of these MPs is probably the most revealing aspect of this whole sorry tale. What they don't realise is the damage they are doing to public confidence in the parliamentary system. Do they believe that by some sort of trickery they can fudge a vote through parliament all the anger will just disappear and it will all be forgotten? They are not just storing up trouble for the future, they are piling it up it up in heaps.
  14. The trouble with life today is we all move around too easily. You could be sitting on the bus next to somebody who has just come back from the other side of the world. I know I keep banging on about this but the biggest cause of cross infection is the supermarket trolley
  15. You are missing the point, they will just drop you and you won't get signed on with another practice.
  16. 16% of all dentists in the UK earn more than £500,000 a year (office of national statistics) Making it hugely more profitable than doctors, lawyers etc. Even a top heart transplant surgeon doesn't earn as much as these dentists
  17. Take the shower head off and poke the hose down the barrels
  18. +1 I don't know about the Audi R8 but I do know about high performance Mercs and they drop like a stone in price because they are totally reliant on complex electronics that cost the earth to repair. You have to be brave / stupid / rich preferably all three
  19. Whats so wrong with a no deal Brexit? Its what we voted for and its a lot better than all this rubbish being peddled at the moment.
  20. A big clue in the name of the house and connotations with Peter Pan, he turned it into a theme park or more likely a magnet to attract kids.
  21. When you look back it all seems rather obvious that things were not right but people did know at the time. He was arrested for child molestation in his lifetime but he was virtually untouchable, as were a lot of others
  22. Their attitude is if you are not allowed to park there you get a ticket. In one way I can see their point, if that really is their point? but I can answer one question. In some London Boroughs they don't get commission but they do get "performance related pay" Hmmmm!
  23. The industry does appear to take its toll, why? I don't know but everybody either dies young or goes on to get an undeserved knighthood
  24. It rather depends on the nature of the 'marriage' and the implications spread very far. Just Claiming to be married to a Dutch citizen clearly isn't proof enough for the Dutch authorities and I can see their point. The acid test is this, if she was claiming to be married to an American / Canadian / Australian / New Zealand citizen. Would that claim get her entry into America / Canada / Australia / New Zealand ?? Absolutely not!
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