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Vince Green

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Everything posted by Vince Green

  1. Could I just ask a question, how have you been cleaning it? New barrels can really foul up with copper sometimes
  2. If I had to say one reason for me avoiding shopping centres as much as I do its parking. Usually a nightmare journey to get into town on a Saturday is followed by "car park full" or driving round for ages inside some multi story monstrosity with a lot of other cars, trying to find the empty space before they do. Not a relaxing experience for me
  3. He has absolutely no right to say anything, even if its true its not his job to say it. He should be impartial and totally non political. Lets face it his last predictions were rubbish so not much credibility there. House prices have been wobbling all year, they are due a wobble. Its roughly a seven year cycle of boom and bust, nothing at all to do with Brexit;
  4. That applies to all former Prime Ministers, once they are gone they are yesterday's men and should maintain a dignified silence
  5. Even then its easy to change the time or the date on a camera. The lack of shadows on that photo makes me doubt it was taken at 4.30pm
  6. Years ago we used to cut decoys out of grey plastic drainpipe, or guttering. Very common back then when shop bought decoys were out of our price range . Paint them with car primer etc. You could just lay them on the ground but if you wanted to get fancy, drill hole in back for a tent peg and use a wine bottle cork drilled through end to end as spacer to lift them off the ground.
  7. That is a known fact, you sleep deeper when you are sober, when you have had a few drinks your body is working all night to process the alcohol, the same applies to a big meal before sleeping. Its about the type of sleep
  8. That's if you actually believe what they are saying. If the rules say the badgers have to be dispatched by 12 oclock what possible purpose would be served by a bunch of antis going round at 4..30 inspecting the traps? Sounds to me like little fibs are being told to embellish the story. Surely they would go round well before 12 (first light probably) to set the badgers free
  9. HPS will be at Bisley again on 20th and 21st October. I have already put in a reservation order of 2000 rds for our club
  10. HPS sell it You sound Welsh, where are you? Parabellum Consulting are worth a look, Brian Llewellyn (Pro Shoot) or HPS just over the border
  11. That is not something to disagree or agree with its a historical fact. Black powder was much bulkier and the general rule of thumb was that an equal volume of black powder was needed to propel the charge of shot. So 1+eighth oz was 2 1/2" . 1+quarter oz was 2 3/4" and 1oz was 2" and each of those charges filled that size of case. There was nothing bigger, ie longer, because they just went up in bore size if they wanted bigger charges. Back 100 or more years ago, with black powder, or the later black powder equivilents like Shultz or Smokeless Diamond, shotguns shot much softer almost like a nudge compared to the modern aggressive fast burning powders of today. I shoot BP shotguns today with 1-1/8th and you hardly know they have gone off, except for the smoke of course.
  12. Without going into too much depth, the cartridge length is a throwback to the black powder days when a bigger cartridge was needed to hold more powder and more shot
  13. Round here they are mostly Hungarian or Romanian. The travellers are far to rich to be bothered about rummaging in skips
  14. Its not illegal to use FMJ on foxes but you have to be a whole lot more careful about what is behind the fox. Most FMJ bullets from a 223 break up on impact anyway but that's not guaranteed. It may be OK in hilly very rural Wales with very experienced fox shooters. I would not be so sure about flat old Norfolk with a less experienced shooter. Certainly not to begin with. Anyway, the reason for them having to use FMJs has gone now because the restriction on buying expanding bullets by post has been lifted.
  15. Its not milsurp but it is FMJ. My friends in mid Wales, very close to you actually, were using FMJ bullets on foxes for years because they could buy them mail order and at a reasonable price thereby eliminating the need for a 5 hour round trip drive to get ripped off . That's all changed now of course. Their experience with fmj bullets was no different to HP or SP. The bullets fragmented whatever.
  16. I can buy .223 for £32/100 in South Wales, it would be hard to reload for half that But most people end up reloading to produce a superior round and price goes out of the equation,
  17. Most reloads are actually dearer than buying PPU, S&B etc. The trouble is it doesn't stop there, you start simple, then you want a tumbler, then you want a case trimmer, then you want electronic scales and so on. Then you start shooting off loads to test them, then you wonder if it would shoot better with a bit more or a bit less powder - or a different powder! and you are on the slippery slope to becoming a reloading geek. Then you join a club because you need range time to test all these loads under controlled conditions. I bought a .303 Lee Enfield twenty years ago. Virtually all my shooting with it has been load testing and I have thoroughly enjoyed it. I have done sub loads and cast bullets, full loads and HV loads with 125grn bullets. Now that I can buy soft points I want to try the 220grn round nose . But when I shoot serious competitions, which I do from time to time, I shoot PPU factory loads because I have never found anything more accurate and most of the other serious .303 shooters I see also use PPU factory.
  18. Yes and at a time when it was pretty much impossible for a westerner to get permits to enter those Warsaw Pact countries, much less tour round at will. He must have had official Party Clearance to do so. All little signs, if you read them correctly, that Jeremy is not quite what he appears to be
  19. Cheaper to have them whacked by the sound of it, which is an irony in a so called civilised society.
  20. They are called skip divers now. They also take the charity bags left out on people's doorsteps.
  21. I don't see the point at the last knockings of having a vote because by then its too late, which ever side you are on
  22. Sign up for Sober October (I do every year) and get absolutely everybody to sponsor you. That way if you crash and burn you are not just letting yourself down and you have the guilt. Also you have a good reason for explaining why you don't want a drink
  23. There have been many stories on this and other forums of resentments around this subject. They may be plonkers but be careful not to start a war.
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