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Vince Green

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Everything posted by Vince Green

  1. That house looks like a bit of a white elephant. What are you going to do with it if if you won it?
  2. There is still one problem with the new proposal. Most of the migrants don't land here on our shores illegally. They are rescued at sea and brought ashore by the rescuers. Life boat, coastguard etc Which gives them a different status in the eyes of the law. They are technically shipwrecked mariners and are protected by some very old maritime comventions
  3. Better to keep his mouth shut and people think he's plonker that speak out and prove that he is None of his business, who does he think he is? Nobody cares what he he thinks
  4. Yes but, no but..... The ECHR is also guilty of being less than impartial. Often making judgements that appear to be politically biased. It's unaccountable and unpredictable
  5. Also civil Servants have found that making complaints about cabinet ministers bullying them is a good way of getting rid of the minister So now I would imagine most cabinet ministers spend their time walking on egg shells and the civil Servants do whatever they want. Which is mostly nothing it appears
  6. Vince Green

    Snow ?

    Also a lot of modern tyres are absolutely useless in the snow. In particular the low profile types.
  7. Lots Same as the council employees at our local town hall. Civil Servant is a very respected job choice in places like India and they brought that view of the job with them when they came here
  8. Yes we are in St Austell and my mate refers to the A43058 that runs from St Austell to Newquay as the road to nowhere
  9. There are proper and legal processes already in place. And lots of people use it. The biggest reason for being granted asylum is now modern slavery. They owe money to people traffickers. Not war or political oppression There is a big hotel in Newquay right on the front called the Beresford. It's been taken over to house migrants. All young men. The people most opposed to them are the local shops and restaurants. They are not eating out or spending money like a tourist would. Plus a lot of shoplifting and minor criminality It's a valid complaint Oh and by the way Civil Servants are not woke, just lazy
  10. Absolutely right Tough and heartless I agree But NOT MY PROBLEM. NOT MY FAMILIES PROBLEM. We don't want to pay for you to come here and live off us. We have our own problems. If we could we would but we haven't got the ability to help you at the moment so ffff off back to where you came from and sort it out there
  11. Vince Green

    Snow ?

    Temperature below zero tonight driving home. Air is very still which is often a sign. Snow forecast for 2am. Gritters are out. Not holding my breath it's likely to be a dusting. Two years ago driving on the A30 over the top of Bodmin Moor I experienced a total white out right at the top near Temple Couldn't see the road couldn't see where the land met the sky. Now that is scarey. What do you do? Stop? Someone will run in the back of you if you do because they can't see either. If I keep going I will stack it up or run in the back of somebody else. I learned to drive in Germany and did a lot of snow driving. Lots And lots Lived in upstate New York where six foot of snow is not unknown But never experienced what happened on Bodmin that day
  12. Telling that sort of stuff to kids is just going to confuse them.
  13. As they used to say years ago. Today's head lines are hanging on a hook in the privi tomorrow
  14. My Dad said that when he was a lad people went to the pub because it had a fire in the hearth and a piano in the corner.
  15. They will be in 'I'm a celebrity' in a couple of years at this rate. I knew a comedian many years ago who said he wouldn't appear on TV because the jokes he told could never be used again .the same jokes could be used for years going round the clubs night after night. They were used and conned by the likes of Oprah and nextflix and now discarded . They could only give that interview once. Now they have done it what have they got left to offer?
  16. The truth is Harry and Megan are now yesterdays news. What they didn't realise, completely didn't realise, is that their attention seeking was going to just last a short while and then people would get bored with it and move on. It had nothing to sustain people's interest. You can only say what they said once, after that it's got no impact.
  17. One of the people I shoot with uses privi in his .223 out to 600yds and GGG as well. He regularly wins our high score of the day . It is as accurate as the OP needs to shoot foxes. The debate about flat base v boat tail goes on and on. Shoot what seems best for you
  18. Well it serves her purpose to protest against it. It gets her face on TV and people are talking about her. She is now a very rich young woman from all this protesting
  19. Somebody's living under threat. Probably a lot of jobs will go as a result It's not like Wales is bursting with employment opportunities
  20. I got a sense that a lot of target shooters thought it didn't apply to them. In fact it has been said to me directly by people I know. The belief is its a game shooting issue
  21. All of these proposals damage, weaken or destabilise some aspect of the British economy and make it harder for somebody to do their job or run their business. It never ever comes out better for us or the country. Can this be a coincidence?
  22. It's not the government that's driving these policies. It's so called academics with nothing better to do and environmental pressure groups with hidden agendas Look at one crackpot suggestion in isolation and you think how stupid. Look at them all collectively and you start to see a pattern emerging
  23. The same people who are pulling the strings behind the introduction of the ULEZ in London have also got their sights set firmly on on woodburning and multi fuel stoves. Because they too are 'dirty'. These people win because (as we know) they just never give up. They just keep chipping away relentlessly
  24. Just buy some cheap ammo for the first 60 or so rounds while you are shooting in the barrel and getting your scope more or less sighted in at different ranges You can never go far wrong with privi in my opinion. Many shooters I know swear by it. It's a good starting point It's all very well saying this brand or that brand is best. These days its more or less a case of what can you get? So you start by walking into your local gun shop and asking what has he got
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