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Everything posted by bruno22rf

  1. Will take the 3 decathlon shirts and the camo shirts below them if they are still available - pm'd you.
  2. Anything over 15.5 mph is illegal by electric power (some can be pedalled much faster) but in the last 2+ years of riding mine the Police have shown no interest whatsoever, my Daughter works for the Police and she assures me that as long as you're not being stupid the boys in blue turn a blind eye - some will do 60 mph. The only trouble I have experienced is with motorists who think they know the law and I get shouted at for not wearing a helmet. One half wit in a defender drove almost into the back of me, when I stopped in front of him he was furious shouting about louts on scooters without a helmet and threatening to call the Police, I now carry a copy of the relevant legislation in my top box.
  3. You think it may be a Korean recipe?
  4. Made to last - stupidly accurate and consistent when you find the sweet spot (170 bar usually).
  5. Yes, your px item had a mutually agreed value.
  6. They come up quite often on Marketplace - batteries are fairly easy to replace, you can get most on Amazon but can be pricey, mine takes a 48v that is £120 from Aliexpress but 6 week delivery time - you can get then much quicker via UK suppliers but at almost twice the price. Since 2016 the law changed so you have to peddle or push a button to get you to 4mph then the motor takes over - the ESkuta is just about the most common and you have to keep the peddles turning for the motor to propel you. Spares can be a nightmare but I use pushbike tyres and had the brake shoes re - lined but again most parts are available from China.
  7. Look for a pre 2016 electric moped 250w also called EAPC's, limited to 15.5mph (unless you put bigger tyres on) but have a throttle like a motorbike that means you dont have to pedal unless you want to (there's little point actually as the pedals are there to side step the law), 48 volt would be minimum and from memory it costs just over a penny per mile to run - 30-40 mile range.
  8. Now there's a once in a lifetime experience - amazing.
  9. DOM is etched on the cylinder Sir but can be hard to see.
  10. What did you need to know? - see if we can do better 😀.
  11. This is a question I am often asked when I cook for guests 😀.
  12. The actual spoken words are not my forte, the only 3 things I've ever been good at is Maffs and Inglish.
  13. The lever is smooth Mice as is the whole cocking action, in fact (and I have read this also) the action is like a Swiss Watch - maybe a bit too smooth? I have seen Biathlon style handles but the problem doesn't really warrant spoiling the lines of the gun IMHO. I read your comment re your R10 against anyone's AA and I can only assume that a temporary loss of sanity has befallen you, have you been over indulging in those Wine Gums again or is the Bromide that we pump into you northerners water having strange effects? 🤣.
  14. My S510 is sidelever and said lever is so smooth that it has slipped off my finger more than once - only 4-5 times in a couple of years but worth mentioning, in comparison the 2 S410's that I shot for many years never suffered the same niggle.
  15. You can get a T bolt handle for a tenner on the bay of plenty - make it like a straight pull or an over size complete unit for £24 - now let's not hear about getting rid of her again or you'll go over my knee 😀.
  16. A new Rifle? - you will be walking a long way to find a better Air Rifle in the real world.These guns are stupidly accurate and even unregulated they will throw 50 pellets within 10fps of each other, as they are so common it's dead easy to find someone to repair them and parts are generally cheap as chips. What exactly is wrong with her - Air leak or a mechanical issue?
  17. If you fancy "Tarting it up a bit" just add a bit of fresh Thyme and a slice of lemon to the trivet - tuck it under the Chicken and you should be delighted with the result.
  18. You could add the juice from the Chicken and use the water that you boiled the veg in to add flavour to your gravy, maybe even make a small trivet of carrots and onions around the chicken, costs pennies but adds massively to the gravy flavour.
  19. OMG- love guns like this, too far for me though or I would bite your hand off - very nice offer, shame to scrap it if the barrel is cleanish inside.
  20. You probably know far more than me about the breed - I can only go by my experience of them, I wouldn't entertain using them as anything other than a pet but I may be well wide of the mark.
  21. Used to be a group of about 15-20 at our local woods, they would meet up a couple of times a year and a friend of mine had 4 himself that he had rescued and would take along. Only my opinion of course but I struggled to see any use for them whatsoever, they are no better at anything than a Springer of Lab that I have ever witnessed and, in fact, quite the opposite. I cannot help but wonder how anybody could hunt with them?Lovely temperament but pretty much useless if I had to sum them up.
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