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Everything posted by bruno22rf

  1. WOW-now that is one gun I would love to try.
  2. Ideologically ? £50 says he couldn't spell the word with a Dictionary in his hand.
  3. I can see why the Mail comes to this assumption-Brand thinks he's clever, thinks he's interesting, thinks he's gods gift, thinks he's good looking but most worrying of all he thinks I give a monkeys toss about what the talentless rrrr says or does.
  4. The used Guns at my local dealer (gun & country) are about as clean as they can be-I've even seen the owner wiping them over after I have picked one up just to look at it, but he is not a Gunsmith so I would expect any servicing or repairs that need doing to be added to the price.
  5. "Everything I point it at drops" has unfortunately meant that evo's other half no longer gets changed in the same room as him.
  6. Just a thought-with pellets in the bag I'm guessing that pushing the popper to close the flap could damage soft lead skirts-would a small magnetic catch be better?
  7. I came up with the same idea a couple of years ago and posted it on the Daystate owners forum-standard Bic pen holds .177 pellets and with a nip from a pair of wire cutters the nib can be used to seat the pellet in the older style magazines.
  8. Absolutely amazing-not the gun cos that's as gay as-you have the same coloured walls as us
  9. I think the only knowledge that you leave the course with is the fact that its as boring as hell-if you are constantly watching your speedo to make sure you don't creep over the speed limit are you safer than a driver doing 35 with his eyes glued to the road? The whole system is developed with one aim-as a revenue raiser, end of.
  10. Turn up and look interested-dont argue with the nice man about stopping distances -hardest thing is to stay awake but you must because they can actually "fail" you. Its a total waste of time and money but hey ho-it saves points on your licence. Sometimes you have to do a little tick box exercise in the group around your table-theres no pass or fail on that either so just keep staying awake.
  11. Interested if still available-how have you dated the gun?+can you pm me some better pics?+do you know who restocked the gun?-regards-bruno.
  12. To be honest timmytree-you are using probably the finest springer ever made though
  13. Doubt that you will save any money-quite the opposite, a modern 600 will not use any less fuel than a standard hatchback and running costs are far higher with servicing and tyres-only buy cheap if you don't value your life. A CBT I seem to remember can be passed for under £100 but then you need theory before you even begin to consider the headache of getting insurance on a 600 as a first bike. Get yourself passed then buy something like a 250 that you can run into the ground before parking your butt on a modern jap plastic rocket-save you a few pounds but, far more worthwhile, it might save your life. Bin riding over 30 years and last Thursday I pulled out onto the main road 200 yards from my house-a fraction too much throttle and a spot of diesel on the road has smashed up my right arm and , most likely, written off my pride and joy.
  14. You have chosen wisely, my son. I don't count myself as an expert-there are far more experienced Airgun users on here-the likes of evo (Tony Belas's love child) who forget more every day than I ever knew but I have shot Airguns for over 35 years and don't care to think about how many guns I have used (I also used to instruct on Airgun shooting) but I consider the smaller caliber to be king in any situation sub 12ft/lb. You are, most likely, about to get several pages of people explaining how they have killed Buffalo at 200 yards with their Webley Tempest in .22 flavour but do yourself a favour-shoot the .177 over the next year and then come back and give us your opinion-pretty sure you will have seen the light
  15. bruno22rf

    Road Kill

    Was the partridge in a Pear tree?
  16. I use an old Parker Hale mod that I bought for an Airgun-using subs I cannot imagine how a gun could be any quieter?
  17. Access to the cockpit can be made via a keypad code-however this can be over ridden by crew members inside the cockpit for various lengths of time.
  18. All modern jets have an additional means of access to the cockpit to prevent this kind of thing-the procedure is not advertised for obvious reasons but senior crew members could gain entry in a couple of minutes asaik.
  19. Just turn off auto update-simples-and dont believe the start up screen that says updates are available.
  20. A full service would be added to the cost so you pays your money.... I like to save money when buying a gun but then get pleasure adding value by servicing them myself-you also get to know the gun better and, sooner or later, you would have stripped and cleaned her anyway
  21. Ah, there you are Mr Scully. I am a bank merchant what am working in Nigeria. Recently am bin given 10 millions of you pounds and I is looking for de UK account holder to transfer de money to........
  22. Cant stand Silverstone-we live about 15 miles away so accommodation is no problem but hours spent in a traffic jam followed by food prices that could make you cry have meant that I will not go again.
  23. These guns are worth looking after and are capable of performing well if treated properly. I have the Mercury S in .177 (rare) and it will shoot sub 10mm groups at 25 yards with the right pellet. If you have a .177 version you need to try as many different pellets as you can because BSA seemed to have made their barrels slightly bigger than most others-a lot of modern pellets drop about 1/2" down the barrel-Air Arms field drop down but seem the most accurate in mine anyway. As for mounts-you can buy dedicated BSA one piece mounts from Sportsmatch or use a pair of "reach forward" mounts but with the offset mount reversed and nearest the trigger.
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