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Everything posted by bruno22rf

  1. I,m afraid I don't have anything that would be of use to you-all my stuff is 12g but it sounds like you have just about everything you need.
  2. I normally carry around 30 plastic screw top tubes (Peter Starley stocks them for pennies) with a single charge of black in each one-these are stored in a compartment in my bag then dropped into the bottom of the bag as I use them-makes life a little easier and neater. What gun are you getting btw percussion or flintlock? and what make/gauge only I have quite a few bits laid around.
  3. Seem to recall that a intumescent strip is a good idea to help seal the lid and that brass screws should be used to prevent sparks. Its a good idea to let your local fire brigade know as well that your outhouse (normally) contains explosives. Buy the right plastics if you intend to keep individual charges in your bag-anti static is a must unless you want to spend time in the field picking up body parts. Have fun.
  4. IMHO the desire of the british people to defend its shores has died along with its pride in itself. The generations of men born with honour and dignity has largely passed away and with the dilution of our nationality and constant raping of our resources by successive money hungry governments we lack any unity or common aims. That we celebrate Dunkirk says it all really-a massive military blunder that cost many lives born of inadequate leadership. The people of the time displayed selfless bravery in bringing home thousands of soldiers and many died in the attempt-these individuals will always be remembered as should every man, friend or foe, who lost their lives paying the highest price they could for freedom. There are people who still open doors for ladies, who move to allow the elderly to sit and who dedicate their lives to helping others but I feel they are a minority now compared to a majority within living memory. Times change as do the people who live thru them-the Dunkirk spirit has been laid to rest in the history books and I, for one, cannot ever see it returning.
  5. Unless you have a particularly large one (oooer mrs) what you need is ebay number 360825667475 reach forward mounts-but with the weird one reversed and nearest to you.
  6. bruno22rf


    Apart from the main, finger range adjuster, the rear sight blade is normally held by 2 small screws-the rear blade has slots to accommodate these screws-have you tried undoing them and pushing the blade down?
  7. I would suggest that the answer is along the lines that fenboy mentioned-you park at your own risk-even more likely if its free parking.
  8. I have used a 1/4 & 1/2 combo most of my life till recently watching my son powdering clays at 45 yards using skeet & 1/4 in his Winchester- I have also noticed that the clubs coach uses skeet skeet for all sporting clays. Made me wonder if tight chokes are really needed in 95 % of the targets we encounter- wildfowling etc are obviously different scenarios.
  9. Start simply-get yourself some Binos and sit out in your fields for as long as you can- are there any pigeons feeding on it? If so where are they coming from? Ask the owner if he suffered much with pigeons last year and if so where? Ask what he is growing or take someone along who would know but don't go armed with anything other than your eyes and ears.
  10. If it's a service light,as in a service is due,there is normally a reset facility not requiring a reader- the airbag light warning is a common fault and, as a general rule is caused by moving one of the front seats with the ignition switched on.
  11. Why do the lights keep coming on? My daughters golf did it if you adjusted the seat with the ignition on. You could also try disconnecting the battery for 5 minutes- usually works.
  12. Sitting in hospital-bin here 10 days so far.
  13. It's all about originality where value as a collectors piece is concerned- but for a gun to use then I always think that if the gun was worth going to all the trouble of resleeving then it must be of good quality to start with. I have a Pollard side lock built around 1890 that I could never have afforded had it not been resleeved-it's value would have put it out of my reach- but the devaluing effect of the sleeving has allowed me to afford to buy such a gun and gain great pleasure from using such a quality English piece.
  14. bruno22rf


    Jeeeez-you chaps have too much time on your hands-quick squirt of Tesco shave gel-wiz over with a Wilkinson sword hydro5 ( normally pay about £25 for 6 5 packs with one blade easily lasting a week) and jobs done- the blades can be pressed directly onto your skin without the safety strip and you ain't gonna get a closer shave.
  15. The market for quality sbs guns is still pretty strong-we are talking early 20th century English guns. The use of O/U guns is quite new when you consider the history of shooting in this country. A quality,cased English gun will cost you less than the expensive mass produced modern offerings and will increase in value as well as giving you a lifetime of pleasure-the handling is also far superior.
  16. You could try crushing them into tiny pieces-might stack easier.If the culprits are Hula Hoops you could try letting the air out of them first.
  17. Brett1985 cannot vouch for Welshwarriors work but not seen any complaints anywhere-if I were you I would use a forum member-demonwolf444 is an absolute wizard with wood.
  18. You might find that unless it's a 'Navy Arms' your 12 gauge it actually a 13 gauge most re pro's are.
  19. In a real desperate situation you could use it as a gun?
  20. Awful shooting-totally missed the coin
  21. I'm with Paul223-there should be a part that slides under the bolt and holds the cartridge in line with the bore.
  22. Took out breakdown cover from these guys last year simply because they were the cheapest and had good reviews. Broke down this morning and rang the helpline-really positive experience. They had a truck with me in less than 50 minutes and called me 5 times while i was waiting to check that I was ok - half the price of the AA who have left me waiting 6 hours before (and as a priority!!) Well Chuffed
  23. I have decided to start my own business up bedding Daystate rifles into their stocks-expecting a fair bit of trade so book early.p.s. does anyone know where I can buy self adhesive Draft excluder in bulk?
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