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Everything posted by bruno22rf

  1. About £400 new so price seems ok to me?
  2. bruno22rf

    ANTI'S ????

    Dont inform your insurance company-trust me,theyt will up your premium even if no claim is made.
  3. Sorry tomhw100 but I have to agree with bedwards1966 on this one-a farmmer lets you on his land to do a job pure and simple and the vast majority of these guys only associate Airguns with the guns they may have messed around with as kids-unaware of the huge advances made over the last decade or so.That said-there are very few situations where Airguns,even FAC,will prove more effective than a powder burner-taking into account the range of ammo available to the rimfire user-which,with a mod and subs,is quieter than most Airguns as well as carrying far more power.I enjoy using my S400 far more than my rimmy but when vermin needs controlling i'm afraid it has to be the bullet.
  4. Easy one this (and I think you may know the answer)-best BSA to buy is any gun made by Air Arms-ooooops-there aren't any so just buy an AA anyway.
  5. Doesn't really matter how good you are with the gun-a .410 simply does not throw enough lead to enable humane shots to be taken at anywhere near 40 yards-stop doing it.
  6. bruno22rf

    New format

    Change for changes sake-dont like it one bit.
  7. Not going top join in on the slagging off Benr or debate the range or feasibility of the shot but I would advise a little more caution on what you post-the clip has done no-one any favours.BTW-my shooting partner(banned from this forum-sadly missed)is one of the finest shots I have ever met-I watched him take a Rabbit at spot on 100 yards with a HW100 last year so I know it can be done-I struggle at 40 yards!Our last trip to Cambridge resulted in 40 bunnies-5 were mine!!
  8. Just ordered a brand new B525 sporter-28" multi in LH for £1240 from the Sportsman gun centre-delivery from Belgium in 10 days .For £900 i.m guessing its a GD1 multi classic or field with the narrow rib and 30" tubes.If gun has no signs of damage it will be going strong long after you have shuffled off your mortal-only downer is the non auto safety and boring wood on the lower grades.
  9. As far as I'm aware the seller is responsible in this instance-when you bought the gun you entered into a contract to purchase an item that,by law,must be fit for purpose-this gun is clearly not of sufficient quality.I was considering a new B725 from them-they can swivel.
  10. Jesus wept-are we still discussing this topic?How many times can we go round in circles b4 we dissapear up our own rrrrr's?Any air rifle between 10ft/lb and the legal limit of 12ft/lb will kill small critters if you hit them in the right place-the smaller calibre simply makes hitting them a little easier-what can be simpler? I have a theory that this question raises its stupid head whenever we get a spell of rain and people are bored.
  11. Your LATE son?-I cannot begin to imagine what you must have been thru-very best of luck with the sale.
  12. Worth what anyone is willing to pay for it but if its mint then i would guess about £250-becoming somewhat a cult gun in some circles but i think things have moved on a lot since uncle sam bolted these guns together.
  13. Sorry to hear that mate-what a pi**er-get a pup-unless the dog you rehome is trained for gun use-i've rehomed 2 dogs now and they cant find their tails in the dark-wouldn't be without them though
  14. My son has the dubious skill of being able to belch really loud on demand-when we get a call asking to speak to Mr **** i simply explain that he no longer lives here and that the new owner is a Mr Belcher and ask if they would like a word with him.My son knows the drill by now and when i hand him the phone he lets them have an almighty belch Childish,i know,but oh so funny.
  15. 170 bar should be about right-borrow a chrono and see how many shots you get b4 velocity by about 100fps-thats your effective shot count-keep that amount of pellets in seperate containers-old 35mm film cases lined with foam are ideal-recharge when each container becomes empty.
  16. I've started buying stuff from China-was a bit sceptical at first but i've not had any problems-I think that the price you see is what you pay but if you are unlucky and customs check your parcel then you have to pay any duty owing-read a web article on this and it appears that not many are checked.
  17. S200 is still one of the best pcp's ever built-the mnk1 is an ugly unwieldy looking beast until you mount a scope and put the gun to your shoulder-shot count is not brilliant but they tend to hold their zero so not much faffing around each time you take the gun out.If AA made a longer air cylinder to increase the shot count,or a reg,I think the gun would outsell all others in the price range-try one in .177 flavour and if you dont like it and you have the money buy the S410.
  18. I've heard that if you order bio-diesel as heating fuel then vat is charged at a lower rate?-brings price down to about £1/ltr-downside is you would need a tank.
  19. Pile of clap (as the chinese would say)-theres a whole world of far superior lead pellets out there at a fraction of the price.What caliber are you using?
  20. Airguns more effective than shotguns at range?-then you provide data relating to a single shotgun pellet?Shotguns are designed to hit moving targets and achieve this by firing a spread of shot-not a single pellet as does a puffgun.If you want more range on a shotgun simply increase your shot size-tighten up your choke or start smoking 3inch fun bundles.
  21. If accuracy ever drops off remove the barrel (easy) and check the o-ring at the muzzle-these support the tube.While you are there check that the small allen bolt just inside the barrel collar (again at the muzzle end)is tight.BTW-you can download the manual from the net-tells you all about the 3 slips for different pellets.
  22. We collect clubcard points when we fill up at Tesco's-over the year it pays for top of the range RAC cover and a new mobile-not bad for nowt.
  23. I dont understand what all the fuss is about-we might be incapable of defending ourselves against anyone more powerfull than the smurfs-we might even be facing financial meltdown that will make the great depression look like a girls tiff-we may,if we are lucky,be able to spend more years working before we can retire so that we can maintain the living standards of countless croatian pimps,but lets not forget,girls and boys,that on monday we can all stand and wave our union jacks at the olympic torch.
  24. Churchill was indeed a classic turncoat-I have read numerous books about him and I firmly believe that he lied to the british public-he knew,for example,that the German army had very little chance of invading our shores.As for bombing civilians-this became policy initially as a means of breaking moral but only if more important targets were unavailable.The idea was that men with no homes or basic ammenities were less likely to spend their days building weapons.As for justification-Hitler didn't fight the war on his own,he needed the might of the German industries and the will of its people-the people of Dresden were happy to celebrate the Reichs advance into Poland and its initial slaughter of millions of Russian civillians-they could not excuse themselves from the war when the tables were turned just because they lived in a historic city.Blaming Harris was one of our countries dirtiest deeds and if we didn't learn to behave with more honour and respect after 6 years of killing then that was our greatest crime.
  25. Ordnance-A more accurate estimate of casualties in the Dreseden raids(s) would be 18000-certainly no more than 25000.Harris had little choice but to bomb the city following pressure from Churchill who,in turn, was paving an agreed path for Stalins red army-if you really want to play Top Trumps against a Bomber Command card you only need the Holocaust card to smash it into oblivion. The men and women of B.C. and its leaders are beyond reproach and their methods are not ours to condemn-we sit here now and exercise our rights to question because of the decisions and sacrifices that they made-I,for one,will honour the debt that is owed them while I still live the life that 56000 men fought and died for.
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