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Everything posted by Bobba

  1. I was once told that if there is a heavy frost on the rape the pigeons will not feed off it because the frost on the leaves reduce their body temperature. Just how people know these things will always be a mystery to me but this piece of folklore does seem logical. I went out yesterday morning. There was a heavy frost on rape but with strong sunlight which would soon melt the frost. About 40 - 50 pigeons took off from the surrounding trees and my hopes were high. They were never to be seen again, even when the frost had melted! A familiar disappearing act that many are experiencing. Managed three passing birds but couldn't stay to see if the situation changed in the afternoon. Will try p m next week.
  2. I used 6 three inch anchor bolts through the back and four through the side - it's fixed in the corner of a fitted wardrobe.
  3. Uk guntrader shows one for sale in Berkshire for £95. Buy it and rob it for bits.
  4. My SGC expires early April and to avoid any possibility of complications I have downloaded the appropriate form and advice Docs from their website and started the process this week. Today by post I received from the Avon and Somerset Licensing Bureau Manager a very instructive and polite reminder that my my SGC would expire in three months time. The letter drew attention to changes in the renewal procedures: those procedures to be followed whether I wished to renew the SGC or not: a check list for either SGC or FAC or Joint renewal: a cautionary note that they would not be able to complete their enquiries for any application received less than three weeks before expiry; and what to do if that timescale could not be met. At a time when I see numerous posts about unfortunate experiences elsewhere by some members on this forum, I say a big congratulations and thank you to Avon and Somerset for being ahead of the game and stepping up to the mark with their reminder and information system.
  5. I carry a copy of my SGC in my gunslip with the name and address blanked out in case I lose it. That way the finder will not know where the guns are stored. This practice is based on advice I received from the BASC.
  6. I am in the process of completing my SGC renewal application with Avon and Somerset Constaulary. Their down load forms are up to date and explanations are clear and concise. All form pages are numbered including referee page(s) and you are advised to send in the "completed" form to the firearms licensing dept. It seems to me that if the form is to be complete it must therefore have all the numbered pages including the referee page(s). And the instructions regarding referees for a FAC ask for a written copy of authority to shoot over land/club membership (which is not compulsory but may speed up your application); and, two referees, with a note that it is "your" I.e. The applicants responsibility to ensure they are completed and returned. All of this leads me to conclude that for my police authority they require the applicant to ensure all docs are correct and, returned and not that the referees should complete and forward their pages separately. There is no requirement from Avon and Somerset for additional charges for medicals. I recall, but cannot find, previous posts on this issue but as you are a BASC member I suggest you raise this with them when you speak with them on Monday.
  7. in conjunction with the NLA (National Landlords Association) the BASC has produced a download entitled Firearms Storage In Rented Accommodation. Worthy of a read.
  8. My wife and I are landlords of a flat and like to think we are good and fair. So here is an observation from a shooter and landlord and please, let's not start 90 pages on landlords!!! The lease is a standard lease used by many estate agents and can be modified to suite particular circumstances, as necessary. Paraphrasing one of the standard clauses, it says, in effect, that you cannot hang pictures or make other alteration to the walls involving drilling holes without the landlords consent. Our previous tenants left and in one room alone there were 30 holes badly filled and daubed with emulsion which didn't match the original colour scheme. We had to redecorate and charge the tenants' deposit and then go to arbitration to get the decorating costs back. A right pain in the proverbial and something I hate doing. The opening post states that he has asked the landlord who has refused and I can understand why. Therefore, one possible way around it is to ask the landlord if it is the guns or decor which makes him refuse? If guns then that's that as it is a matter of principal. If decor the you could ask to have a clause added to the lease that says you will refill holes and decorate wall to original standards and landlords satisfaction on vacating the property. He may be persuaded by such an approach. Good luck.
  9. As long as it's after 1st March 2014 which, I understand, is when the new cover commences.
  10. Thank you chaps for your contributions. Something to mull over during Xmas. Thank you too to neillfrbs for the mendip shooting ground idea. Sadly all my tracks are north of Bristol but will bear it in mind. And to welsh warrior for his ofer but farnborough is a tad of the beaten track for me. Seasons greetings. Bob.
  11. My grandson is 10 yrs of age; about the right height for his age (compared with rugby team mates); and slight in frame. Surprisingly my son offered no objections when I suggested I would take my grandson shooting. I already have a single barrel bolt action .410 which he can use to become accustomed to guns, use, disciplines etc. But my thoughts are turning to what next? I was thinking about an OU lightweight 28 bore. Before committing expenditure I would welcome your thoughts on options available in terms of guns and cartridge loads. Thanks in advance.
  12. Same for me, even though the farms are exclusively arable.
  13. Re post#17. What an awful set of words. When I was growing up my late father taught me this " If you cannot think of anything nice to say about somebody then best to say nothing at all" I recommend these sage like words to blasterjudd.
  14. I was a referee for a mate and I was telephoned with a few questions. Only problem was that I received the call during a pigeon shoot and actually asked the caller to hold while I took a shot. He did see the funny side of the request.
  15. I had the same problem with my Beretta Silver Pigeon 20 bore. Living in Bristol I'm fortunate that Nigel Teague's workshop is just 20 mins away. A visit and gunfit and Nigel dropped the stock slightly. Problem solved. Well worth the expense if there is a similar facility near you.
  16. Some years back my GP thought I had labrynthitis. A chance meeting with an ENT Consultant changed the diagnosis to Benign Positional Vertigo, which it proved to be. I understood at that time that some of the symptoms are similar,hence the original diagnosis. Get well soon, as they say.
  17. Not wishing to appear a pedant but for clarification does this mean that only memberships renewed after 1st March 2014 will include this new cover? Or, does it mean that from 1st March all EXISTING memberships will automatically have their membership cover enhanced? Thank you.
  18. I thought it an interesting question. I now have an answer. I only rough shoot with no experience of clays and always regard a safety as a integral part of my discipline. We all learn something every day. Thank you.
  19. Perhaps to some another silly question. "Why would you want to?"
  20. There are footpaths on one of my permissions. When I use the footpath I carry the gun over my shoulder, broken, no cartridges in the chambers and the chambers pointing forward so anyone on the footpath can see it 's not loaded. And you are quite entitled to be there as ther is no alternative to access your shoot other than by use of the public footpath.
  21. I'm not sure for which post this reply is intended but in response I would say from experience that my Bettinsoli consistently fired shot after shot with no problems but I had to conclude that the gun fit wasn't for me. Which is why I changed. That is why I recommended care in selecting your gun to make sure the gun fit is for you.
  22. I once owned a Bettinsoli. It was a very good gun. I got rid of it because it was a case of "marry in haste and repent at leisure". It looked good had a good price and seemed to feel ok, I was in a bit of a hurry and so I bought it. After a while it became evident that it wasn't for me. The balance was barrel heavy (for me) and my swing with it was not crisp. I suppose I would say that I felt a little clumsy with it. So for me the lesson learned and one I commend to you is that it's not the name on the gun, nor it's price, or whether it's a good action etc etc etc but whether the gun fit is for you. We're all built differently so Try a number of guns within your budget, not just the two mentioned, and, if possible, visit more than one dealer and ask their view on the gun fit for you. Even repeating the process if necessary until you are sure you have found the right gun for you. I now own a Miroku Mk 60 and a Berreta Silver Pigeon (both 20 bore) and although a great initial fit they have had minor stock adjustments by Nigel Teague (I live 30 mins from his workshops) to get them just as I want them. In the end the patience is worth the effort. HTH
  23. Why not just pick up the 'phone and ask the BASC!! Edited as obviously posted same time as post #2
  24. I barrel mount a torch on both a similar .410 and 20 bore. To prevent scratching use a piece of push bike inner tube or. Similar
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