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    scottish borders
  • Interests
    Interested in all types of shooting especially pigeons and goose shooting when you can find them. Recently retired from keepering and have taken up a little trout/sea fishing as I live quite close to the Tweed. .

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  1. Is the difference between the two in a straight line if so would suggest different varieties . If not maybe stress
  2. Would n,t want vegan spreading on my toast. Will stick to marmalade
  3. Don,t know my telly,s got alzheimers it keeps repeating itself maybe yours is getting forgetful
  4. I suppose it depends where you live and your circumstances as to your stance on wildfowling and goose shooting when I moved to scotland 18 years ago there was a dozen or so greys where I worked they were left alone for a long time and they breed on grouse moors and with keepers. keeping predators in check there are a lot about know . I don,t suppose they have ever seen salt water as they roost on reservoirs and lochs The pinks i get to shoot also roost on lochs and reservoirs I m getting past it now have health problems and live some distance from a coastal roost I mostly shoot on my own and i don,t see the problem with decoys
  5. I,v got teal in flight on a moorland splash by Noel Dudley. any one know what h is work is fetching these days
  6. Thanks everyone got some of ebay
  7. Hi anyone know where I can get those white fibre glass rods that are used for marking out trial plots in fields, without going into a field and nicking them. Thanks
  8. Me too. what shooting needs is an organisation to challenge these lies .I see he s now lambasting shooting for killing 100s of thousands of foxes stoats and weasels
  9. Aye how many cops are on duty at football matches through the season. How many at these marches and demos. Loads on duty at commonwealth games in Glasgow shipped in from all over Scotland.
  10. Very funny man Thanks for sharing
  11. Surely if the lights where green for him they must have been red for her. Lights have green for pedestrians do n t they. You jump a red light in a car or bike and it,s a fine. Time people where responsible for their own actions
  12. No just joe blogs Just making a point BBC let CP advertise but not joe
  13. Do nt watch springwatch but was at an antiques road show and someone in the crowd who was in camera shot was asked to remove a fleece because of a logo
  14. No heading south to that great sanctuary called England
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