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Everything posted by southeastpete

  1. Why? Shooters are surely conservationists? They aren’t saying they are against shooting, by that something should be done to stop species going extinct. And its its one day only, so probably just on their website, there may be a few promotional shirts printed, but really, what’s the issue?
  2. What about all the lefty’s that supported blm and whipped that frenzy? Called for defunding police etc. how many businesses burned, cars burned, people hurt and killed..? Nope, ignore that because it’s easy to hate on trump....
  3. Geez I’d love to but, ummm that’s well out of budget, for like ever!
  4. Not really. I do have a Yamaha rxs 100 in the barn, but just can’t afford to put it on the road really. Been lucky and had a few bikes, ninja 600, Daytona 675, cbr600rr, buell x1, another Daytona 675, then the rxs 100. one day I’ll get another decent bike. I’d love another Daytona, or buell. Or maybe try an mt10, or a ktm.... lol
  5. No, but I’ve felt incredibly sad when they ride past, as I can no longer afford one 😪
  6. I’m so sorry to hear this, there are no words. I hope you have someone close you can be with at this time. All the best, and sending love even though I don’t know you.
  7. Sit your cabinet in the corner and measure the triangle behind. Have a local welder make two simple triangles of flat steel bolt these to the corner, bolt cabinet to them. Screw some battens to the wall either side and then a front panel, and a top panel. Make door, cut hole for clock. Add a few bits of trim, stain a nice colour, buff it up with some wax. Job done 👍
  8. I once got an air pistol, as when ferreting sometimes when they were really tightly curled up and stuck in a net it would be easier to shoot it quick and sort it out after. But I got one, can’t remember which, I think a multi pump, and the pellet just bounced off it’s head! years before I’d had a co2 revolver for killing tin cans, and that was really powerful, it was nicked though unfortunately.
  9. That’s great, normally it’s around 500,000 a year. If you’re talking 100,000 covid deaths, you can probably half that number for people who truly died OF covid...
  10. A few fencing offcuts to make stuff at home with, other than that nothing... cant even get furlough 😪
  11. Yep, they’ve all realised they won’t be able to ban shooting outright in a year or two, and cleverly worked out how to limit it bit by bit and make it seem so bad that eventually it will be banned. I reckon within the next 20-30 years it could be limited to farmers and few others who can demonstrate dire need for it, and clays/target only. And even then it may become like pistol clubs where it has to be stored at the clay/target ground...
  12. Wow, I’d never have thought of trying that, I’d have assumed it would have just gone black and slimy! will have to have a go, thanks
  13. No, you made that leap. I was first saying if a trolls information was put out, OTHERS may then seek the troll out to administer vigilante justice TO the troll. And after, saying that trolls can affect people’s jobs and home lives, is certainly also true. Its also true that trolling can cause people to end their lives. But you go on thinking it doesn’t matter. Same as the outdated, sticks and stones will break my bones but words can never hurt me. What a load of dangly round things. It’s far easier to heal a bruise or broken bone than the emotional and mental damage trolling can do. and my user name is a lot less anonymous than yours. And it’s anonymous because this is a shooting page where we admit we have guns. I’m not on here on a daily/weekly basis trolling another member am I? My Facebook page isnt anonymous and that’s the only social media I use. I have no problem not being anonymous if I feel the need to call someone out like recently a cowboy builder. And I would also contest that a victim of consistent trolling might have a different view on anonymity to an investigative journalist. I wonder if there are more troll victims, or more investigative journalists. I wonder which is more important, people being able to live their lives without harassment bullying etc online, or a couple of newspaper articles? And anyway it’s a completely different kind of anonymity. If a Twitter account is consistently trolling, and the anonymity is therefore stripped away versus an informant to a newspaper. Worlds apart.
  14. Yea I don’t think you understand at all, oh well
  15. I didn’t confuse anything, I was pointing out what could happen if trolls details were published. Just ask any of the many people who have taken their lives as a result of online bullying if it only matters in the real world. why would an investigative journalists opinion matter more than anyone else’s? It may not be in your book. But would it be if for months or years there were people online calling for you to be killed, your kids raped, if you lost your job due to malicious lies online, or had social services coming to your house because people had told them you abuse your kids etc etc etc. its not often just left at ‘your a w*****’
  16. Free speech was a given when it was just that free SPEECH. when you had to stand on a soapbox in the street and announce your thoughts, or arrange a meeting or whatever. Not anonymous. As others have said, it’s only the anonymity that makes most of these losers even did what they do. If the government/internet providers/social media etc made it easy to quickly identify online users, then people wouldn’t post such things. its dangerous though, years back a paediatrician had her house attacked because idiots thought it said paedophile. And all you need to do is post a video of animal cruelty and pick an address to attach it to and they will be attacked. So publishing details of trolls could lead to all sorts of trouble. So do you publish details, or prosecute them. Or so nothing.... personally id publish the details...
  17. What do you have m, and what do you call cheap..?
  18. You don’t have to say you live trump or even approve of him to admit there is a bias. Trump, years ago, said to a bunch of bloke mates about women ‘grab them by the pussy’ and it was apparently a huge deal. Biden is recorded on video, in public, in official capacity, groping, fondling and sniffing children. Which one does the main stream media focus on? Which one is actually worse? When I was in the RAF the stuff we said about women was worse than what trump said. But no one would want to associate with someone who was dodgy with kids....
  19. My little girl watches ‘comeplaywithme’ and similar. Just parents filming their kids playing with dolls, and they’re millionaires. All the latest barbies etc sent to them, live in a mansion with swimming pool. i suppose the money is earnt in the editing etc...
  20. The bbc wouldn’t feature it because they are foreign... the bbc are so left leaning they are about to fall over. its featured because it’s linked to organised crime, it was over a million in stolen vehicles. 150 vehicles stolen a day. Most would be crappy cars nicked for a joyride, kids taking parents cars, opportunistic thefts. how many of that 150 are high end area stolen to order using sophisticated technology such as keyless entry copying and tracker jammers? It’s not just those two, it’s linked to some sort of crime syndicate. Even if it was just because they were foreign. In my mind foreign criminals are worse than home grown. Whenever I’ve visited a different country I’ve tries to be on best behaviour to give a good impression of British people, and also respect the fact I am a visitor, allowed to stay by their good grace. To go to another country, to steal their hard earned, to strip and send back is more vile than a local thief in my mind. Add to that the the the proceeds from this crime wouldn’t be spent in this country, so in a way we are stolen from twice. I hope they get covid bad and don’t recover....
  21. the government that’s who no deal was the way to go but that took guts so the wimps opted for the easy option not that they wanted to leave in the first place as four years trying to avoid it shows This one? I went through a couple of his previous ones too, still don’t understand where you got it from? I don’t think that was his meaning at all. I think he just meant why bother trying to reason with these people, they are just in it for what they can get, not interested in mutually beneficial arrangements. Why bother trying to be nice to someone who will stab you in the back first opportunity, may as well treat them like the backstabbers they are in the first place.
  22. I don’t know how you came to that conclusion?
  23. So, the EU block Pfizer from living their vaccine about.. I wonder in usa/Pfizer will see this for what it is, and end up taking their factories out of the EU to prevent this kind of control... it sure would be a karma kick in the teeth if they did! i wonder if any of the remoaners are able now to see the awful eu for what it really is.
  24. Yea unfortunately. Tried counselling before. It’s nothing to do with pain, if take a brick to the face over a needle any day. It’s an irrational fear... could try hypnotism, but apparently you have to believe in it for it to work, and I don’t believe in hypnotism....
  25. I didn’t think that, it would have said expulsion or permanent exclusion surely.
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