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Everything posted by aister

  1. nice one buddy, we dont have any foreshore shooting in shetland unless we get a hard freezing.
  2. i can honestly that i very very rarely take head shots on rabbits because the kill zone on the body is bigger than the kill zone on the head, when i want a rabbit to eat i still would go for heart and lungs because i only eat from the sadle and back. even with the .223 i have taken the lower jaw off a rabbit when going for the head and if i had not had the dog it would have been lost to suffer down a hole somewhere. if i was you instead of going for the head shot try aiming just a bit further forward, i had the same problem as you when i had the 17hmr and aiming a bit further forward cured it.
  3. i got up this morning and a few greylags were sitting 70 yards from my front door. i am pretty sure they know they know the season is finished, i went out on the balcony and they just sat there and looked at me. the wood at the bootom of the pic is the hand rail of my balcony
  4. i dont ever shoot pigeons sitting in trees purely because we have no trees or woodpigeons in shetland :lol:
  5. could the fox have been mistaken for this big cat?? i think thats a venison sandwich
  6. my sx3 patterns 60% high and 40% below as i think it should do
  7. aister


    i had a 30mm hungarian one on my 30-06, brilliant scope, i kick myself for selling it.
  8. for the .223 i reload 50 rounds at a time, prep brass one night then the following night, finish load up the brass then clean rifle. i have never noticed any difference with the .223 from the first shot through to the 50th, should probably clean it more than that
  9. i always zero my 30-06 with a cold and clean barrel before i take it down to the mainland deer stalking because as you say the shot that is taken at a deer, for example, is from a cold barrel. if i was to shoot 10 shots at a target, the POI would creep up as the barrel warmed up, its not much and would probably make no differance to my shooting at all, its just something i do. however i zero my .223 and dont worry if the barrel is slightly warm and dirty because most of the shooting i do with the .223 is quite intensive and fast, the parks here are small and crawling with rabbits. i have just come in a few minutes ago after being out with the lamp, shot 12 rabbits in 20-25 minutes, 5 of them were shot one after the other as quick as i could work the bolt, so the barrel was probably quite hot at that point. i cant say i have noticed much difference with the .223 if the barrel is clean or dirty, POI seems to stay the same.
  10. could you guys recommend a bore guide for my .223. i have never used one and the more i read about them, the more i think it would be better to use one, thanks in advance, aister.
  11. my vote would be for the sx3 :good:
  12. i took today off work as i promised to take two friends that are up from the south of england out for a walk on the hills for a hare or two. we went for a morning flight first mainly looking for geese, it was blowing a good gale 8 so we had high hopes but everything was out of range, either high over the top or way to wide. one single greylag came over me at a nice hight which i dropped nicely out in front, an easy retrieve for the hound. one thing i saw which brightened up the morning was two otters playing in the burn mouth 20-25 yards away, they soon cleared out when i fired at a teal going tail to wind, which i missed of course. after some breakfast we set out for the hills to look for some hares. within 5 minutes from the car we saw two but just out of range, after that we walked for a while before we saw any more. coming down the sheltered side of the hill i was the first one to get a hare, once he was safely retrieved by max (which was his first hare) we saw loads. dotted all around the hills you could see them white against the brown heather. we kept walking in a line 50 yards apart and after an hour of hard walking through the heather we had 5 hares in the bag. deciding between us that that was enough for 3 guns we headed back to the car. on the way back we saw plenty more. niether of my two friends had shot arctic hares before so they were well chuffed. max's first hares, bit of a mouthful for the wee dug.
  13. well done, poor mac, i bet it wont be his last soaking, he seems keen enough that it wont put him off :good:
  14. i got a leupold rifleman 4-12x40 with leupold scope covers for £180 on fleabay, there is one on there just now going at £72. i love my leupolds and think the redfields would be good too for the money. i have a vx-1 4-12x40 on my .223 and it usually sits at x8 so a 3-9x40 would probably do me although it is good to have x12 when laying up waiting on the bipod, very happy with leupold :good:
  15. aister


    lovely looking dog, looks very similar to my hound. good mixed bag too :good:
  16. go for the nice single 20 bore purdey on guntrader only £3695 :lol:
  17. well done on the hornet. from the pic, it looks imaculate.
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