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    Scottish Borders

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  1. Well spotted . Just had to change passwords again going to run out of ideas for them shortly. Blackpowder
  2. Thanks to someone Teal I presume just signed on again witrhout problems. Blackpowdere
  3. Finding I need to change password ate each login. Can admin help here. Blackpowder.
  4. Brass screws are less likely to damage woodworking saws in the future. Blackpowder
  5. Does anyone know how the additional amounts of Pre 97 and Post 97 additions to state pension are calculated. My Pre97 is £1 94 My post 97 is £00. 07 Over a working life I perhaps had 1 week unemployed and 8 weeks off through illness. Recently a female relation showed me her benefits statement where her Pre and Post 97 payments exceeded £50, this relation had time of to raise 4 children and would have fewer NI contributions than mine. Blackpowder
  6. Thanks John Blackpowqder
  7. Hi all back on here at last. Several months ago my screen asked me to clear all cookies did so of course. Found I needed to type passwords on several other sites fr access. Pigeon Watch however told me my user name belonged to someone already- ME. However today changed password and back on full time. Blackpowder
  8. No they dont those in the photo look more like Norway Lobster tails rather than prawns and are caught by trawl or creel all around the Scottish coast. Trawl mainly in the north sea but by both methods in Scottish west coast sea lochs. Overcooking can ruin the taste and texture of shellfish so pick a tried and tested cooking time. Blackpowder
  9. Had a week at West Loch Tarbet about 9 years ago smashing place, June is a good month to visit pre midge emergance. Blackpowder
  10. Frenchmen been helping chase those around for over a month now. Blackpowder
  11. Nice job I always have a No. 7 Opinal in my pocket. Trouble is I manage to loose something like 2 every year. Blackpowder
  12. Thats the way to go, a bit of everything. Blackpowder
  13. Its even featured in a detective murder mystery> What is wrong with people these days? Blackpowder
  14. Perhaps because politicians have made them this way. Blackpowder
  15. Realised that after you replied, not had sloes here for a year or two but 4 years ago in Dumfries and Galloway while walking around Wigton Bay in September the blackthorn bushes , which clad entire slopes from field verge to shoreline hung thick with sloes almost like grapes on the vine. Picked a couple of year's supply on that occasion but must get out and around see if we have any local this year.. Blackpowder
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