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Everything posted by Bagsy

  1. Welcome to the world of leadership
  2. The reality is there are few non front-line roles in the police which couldn't be contracted out; we've seen many examples of this already. Whilst it may not sit comfortably with some of us the only thing surprising about a private contractor being brought into a licensing department is that is hasn't happened already.
  3. Terrible news, condolences to you and his family.
  4. For the record I think we're stronger as one. However, if the Scottish wish to go it alone I'm with them, provided they pay their fair share of the national debt, pension contributions etc etc....and without the 8bn subsidy they currently enjoy.
  5. The blame is with the owners, there's no doubt about that. The question in my mind is whether shooting the dog in this circumstance was the right thing to do. Chasing a sheep in lamb is one thing, chasing a couple of chicken drum sticks is quite another. Hiding behind the country code doesn't make this right in my mind.
  6. 8bn saving sounds good to me
  7. That's never done any good as half of them ******* are Scottish too - and let's not start the issue of Scottish MPs voting on English issues
  8. I've often wondered the same when visiting the dentist
  9. Blimey, my Mrs should have kicked me out years ago Best of luck
  10. Keep calm, they're only chickens. Hardy worth sticking 30g of lead shot into some poor ******* dog because it happened to stray/run into them. If he was that worried he should have them fenced off. Dogs will be dogs - all this talk about irresponsible dog owners is ********, all of us have been in situations where ours dogs have done something they shouldn't
  11. Don't forget the CCTV - you've been told the company has the event captured so you have a right to view it during any investigation. This is not a matter for the police, it's an internal matter and you have every right to view the footage if it exists. Make sure you make a formal request for the footage to be saved too. You don't want to find it's been erased after a period of time. As has already been said, keep notes on everything, what's been said, emails, procedures followed (or not) and any outcomes. All this will be vital for a tribunal if you're unfortunate enough to end up at one.
  12. Bagsy

    PC ?

    You can delete everything from your download file. Another option would be to create another log on account for the kids
  13. Depends on how much you value your botty.
  14. Yeah, I seem to remember the charity being pledged good money for that
  15. looks like we're heading for three teams, any volunteers to head up the third?
  16. Well that's two teams sorted already... Bagsy MC Taz Mungler Fatcatsplat Markio Evil Elvis PhilR Bigweed ME Bob300w
  17. As with most clay shoots it won't be too interesting for a spectator but you're more than welcome if you wish to come....Essex Gun will have a stand there and there'll be refreshments, indeed, we'll need a runner at the mid way point to help with the brews
  18. Teams to be sorted nearer the time, confirmed names to date: Bagsy MC Taz Mungler Fatcatsplat Markio Evil Elvis PhilR Bigweed ME
  19. The 2012 Essex Team Shoot is taking place on Tuesday 5th June (Bank Holiday) at Arnolds Farm. Same format as last year with two teams of five shooting a 100 bird course back to back over 13 stands. Cost is £150 per team (£30 each) and I'm happy to stump up the deposit for a team. I'm pretty certain Markio's arranging a second team too. I reckon it's only fair for previous entrants to gets first dabs with any remaining places going out to tender. Who's up for it.....
  20. Any test would be counter-productive as would any further bureaucracy added to the system. It's hard enough as it is getting new blood, especially youngsters interested without adding more. For the most part the sport is self governing and idiots aren't suffered gladly. The bell ringing leftist brigade need countering at all costs, but not by wrapping us all up in red tape.
  21. Ride of the Valkyries - Apocalypse Now, a top shoot 'em up
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