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Everything posted by Bagsy

  1. Bagsy

    Camera advice

    I recently got a Nikon D5100 which does everything I want from a DSLR. >link<
  2. Let's hope they get their customer service sorted out; they obviously haven't done their homework or they'd realise how important you are. Bad news travels far when your the owner of a forum with almost 28000 members :lol:
  3. Bagsy

    Gary Speed

    looks like he hanged himself, very tragic.
  4. That made me chuckle....would it fit a weeks shopping in at £210?
  5. I don't see the overreaction. She went outside when she heard her dog barking, presumably to see why and stop it. It wasn't a toy gun either - it was an imitation rifle. Do you honestly think it's okay to point imitation firearms at people or animals in a public place, or anywhere for that matter? Could you tell the difference between an imitation rifle and a real one when some nutter is pointing it in your direction and shouting threats at you? The only problem here is the sentence was suspended - he should have been locked up.
  6. Can't say I've ever noticed to be honest.
  7. One house in our street had decorations up on Halloween which truly shocked everyone - another put external decorations up two weeks ago. I really struggle to get into the festive spirit in mid NOVEMBER :wacko:
  8. Wesman, your predicament is not a particularly nice one and I feel for you but it is the same for many private sector workers - why should the public sector be any different?
  9. If the country was run like a private company the administrators would have been called in long ago. UK PLC's finances are in a truly shocking state and we need to get the credit card bill down before the bailiffs move in. At the end of the day it's simple maths - we can't afford the public sector wages and pensions, what is the government supposed to do? No one is offering up any viable alternatives because there aren't any, we need to reduce public spending and fast. Those going on strike need to remove their rose tinted glasses and have a look at what's going on in the world.
  10. The good old Guardian. The Home Office usually make the figures available yearly I believe.
  11. Roy Chubby Brown - vulgar individual
  12. The boy done good, they always say you never forget their first proper retrieve - and he delivered it straight back to hand too. A good day was had by all
  13. Sorry I can't make this chaps - working :(
  14. this friend thing is strange....must have been invented in Rotherham!

  15. On the day of the main events in Greenwich they're expecting four hour queues for the DLR. **** that for a game of soldiers.
  16. Bagsy

    Phone hacking

    Must admit, I was quite shocked at the news Milly Dowler's phone was targeted. It wasn't so much the hacking part that got me but the fact they deleted messages giving the family and Police false hope in the critical stages of was at the time a missing person investigation. That was about as low as you could get and the NOTW fell on it's sword as a result. The Police need sorting out as much as the press. If they're not selling our details to the press then it's the personal claims companies they're tipping off for a price. So far as the actual hacking's concerned though, let's face it you'd have to be a little naive to believe the press wouldn't do such things - and worse. Enough already.
  17. Bagsy

    Bank Fraud

    There's a surprise - a Nigerian gang involved
  18. "Elmkirk would not accept that all or any of the activities shown on this video relate to their premises". Of course they wouldn't - it was clearly filmed at Peter Pans bloody playground wasn't it. Idiots.
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