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Everything posted by Bagsy

  1. The FEO's actions may seem steep but surely part of their job is to weed out undesirable applicants? 15 years is a long time but forgetting about a formal brush with the law and missing it off a shotgun application seems a little far fetched to me. It's about being squeaky clean and honest. By signing on the dotted line you're agreeing to the terms and conditions of the application and missing convictions doesn't go down well.
  2. I remember watching it intensely as an 11 year old too. A friend of the same age lost his dad when HMS Sheffield was sunk and it suddenly didn't seem so far away. I work with a few lads who were there, one was in 2 Para, another in 3 Para and the third was a Welsh Guard who was on the Galahad when she went down, the memories they share could fill a book. Cristina Fernandez needs a swift kick up the backside.
  3. Bagsy


    Looks like a worthy cause....I'd be interested in joining and attending a day if there's one arranged for the South East.
  4. Dog hair - lots of wrappers, McDonalds - lots of Muddy boots - several pairs Odds and **** - too much to list Kids - too many!
  5. Some are looking at a small snapshot of the incident and overlooking the bigger picture. Five officers were injured which suggests there was a lot more to this than the video shows. The guy who owns the dog has subsequently been charged with possession of a banned dog, a pit bull, not a staffy. The video doesn't look good but it doesn't show the other four officers getting injured, nor how the dog was eventually taken down before being shot. BBC link
  6. Bloomin 'eck, half the story and the poor blokes are being crucified
  7. Really interesting reading. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find him, maybe you can hire... Mungler.
  8. Exactly as she clearly did I don't know much about rape law but surely part of him was up for it in order for it to have taken place at all?
  9. One man with adequate knowledge and resources can do a lot of damage. We have one advantage over the French though - we don't have to rely on the French police
  10. 8973. It makes for a quiet but pleasant evening.
  11. Jesus H, no wonder the poor bloke's complaining!
  12. Bagsy

    The Budget

    The anti Maggie brigade never cease to amaze me and I have to wonder how they get on walking blindfolded through life. Whilst I don't like the losses my family are having to endure I accept it's the price we have to pay for the mess Labour have left us in. Again Uncontrolled immigration, limitless borrowing and a welfare state which is sucking the very life out of our economy all has a consequence but, no, according to most die hard Labour supporters it's all Maggie's fault and Cameron is no better. Happy when the government's splashing the cash, not so happy when they ask us to repay it. I don't agree with everything they do and I worry about where this is all heading but one thing's for sure; if Labour were still in charge we'd be sinking a hell of a lot quicker! On a separate note, when that muppet Miliband was urging the Tories to stand up if they benefited from the budget, did he come across as a complete twerp or what?
  13. Classy. I reckon it would have to be a full back job to get Willy Lott's cottage in it's full glory though
  14. Baz, Andy's place is up for grabs too so there is still room Let us know if DD can't make it so we can fill the place. Cheers.
  15. Remember to get off the Island before dark :yp:
  16. Yep, In my experience the more confrontational they are the more damage they do.
  17. Bagsy


    Some of the Spaghetti Westerns, particularly those featuring the Clint Eastwood were spot on
  18. Don't forget to deduct the tax before spending it all in your head, otherwise you'll be mightily disappointed when you check your bank balance
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