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Everything posted by CaptainBeaky

  1. We don't - we *really* don't... DNA tests aren't foolproof - because they only look at a restricted set of markers, not the whole genome, which introduces a statistical probability of error - false positive or false negative. The burden of proof becomes much greater when a person's life rests on the outcome. Forget scumbag murderers and rapists - let's assume YOU are arrested for murder. You know you are innocent - you were over a hundred miles away, but would you want to bet your life on the proposition that "DNA evidence is foolproof"? If you don't, why should anyone else? Abolishing the death penalty isn't about letting the guilty off, it's about protecting the innocent, and preventing irreversible miscarriages of justice.
  2. The comments section is hilarious! Almost unanimous in slating the hack who penned that piece of drivel
  3. Try a nylon scouring pad, used wet, with the blade on a flat surface to a. Support it and b. Make sure you don't slice your fingertips off!
  4. Now being reported that all the tributes have been taken down and left on the ground, with the exception of the notes from the (alleged) burglar's children.
  5. I find I can shoot equally badly with either cheap or expensive guns - cheap ones just leave more money to actually go out and shoot. Many moons ago, I upgraded from a old Baikal o/u to a brand new Beretta Onyx - yes, I shot a bit better with it, but was it worth the money? Probably not. The Beretta had to go when my truck needed a new front diff, and I didn't really miss it afterwards. I saw a bigger improvement when I bought a cheap old pump action from Bosher's magic emporium - possibly because I enjoy shooting it, and don't feel under any pressure. ...said the man qualified to have an opinion, and who isn't trying to sell you something.
  6. You misunderstand my point - what the defender thought, at the time of the incident, was the force necessary to stop the crime being committed, is pretty much the definition of reasonable force, even if the attacker dies as a result. We are always legally responsible for our actions (except for minors and cases of mental incapacity) - in this case the householder acted to defend himself, for which he is responsible. His actions have been investigated and found to be reasonable under the circumstances, and therefore there is no legal case to answer, and he has been released without charge. I think arresting him in the first place was heavy-handed and unnecessary - he wasn't going to disappear. Also, because the incident has been investigated, there should be no chance of the scumbag's friends and/or family succeeding in a private prosecution.
  7. Doesn't have to be premeditated to be murder. If people think the law is wrong, then they need to petition parliament to change the law as a whole, not just petition the CPS to not apply the law in one emotive case. A person has died by violence - the law requires that the circumstances are investigated. I would rather he had been "asked to assist with enquiries" rather than being arrested - on the information available so far, it would appear to be a clear cut case of self defence, and he has quite enough to deal with already, but I don't claim to have all the relevant information - the police on the spot have to make the call.
  8. Note; Rant button has been pressed... Very dangerous road to go down - that way lies the lynch mob. The job of the CPS is to make the call as whether or not to prosecute - "in the public interest" is one of the criteria, but not the only one. Next time the clickerati decide that someone *should* be prosecuted, then a short step to "he *should* be found guilty". The system we have may not be perfect, but it does attempt to be impartial, as the law should be - the CPS, being in possession of as much of the facts as are available, will decide whether prosecution is necessary, desirable and viable. If so, a jury, also being in possession of as much of the facts as are available, with direction as needed from a legal expert (the judge), will decide guilt. We, the public cannot at present be certain that we have all the facts. Yes, we have what is released in the media, but media companies require profit first, accuracy second. Rant mode OFF. And breathe...
  9. Latest is that Mr Osborn-Brooks has been "bailed until May pending further enquiries". Which would appear to suggest that the police are taking the reasonable step of assuming self-defence unless there is evidence to the contrary - which a story in the Sun is not... Edit: the article in the Sun no longer makes any mention of him chasing the alleged burglar.
  10. You might not be able to add the music from the CD directly - you may need to rip to a suitable format first (probably mp3). You may still already have something built in to do this (I think Windows Media Player can do it). Otherwise CDex is pretty good (and free).
  11. Or to give her her full medical title, Gillian McKeith. Long since exposed as a scam artist with completely bogus qualifications. Ben Goldacre did a wonderful debunking article on the Bad Science blog : http://www.badscience.net/2007/02/ms-gillian-mckeith-banned-from-calling-herself-a-doctor/#more-362
  12. Tempting, but a long way to travel, and I don't have a spare day in my diary for weeks
  13. CaptainBeaky


    Brilliant! Two very talented young ladies - there is another video of them doing the same piece again five years later, which is interesting to compare.
  14. I've been dipping in and out of this thread, but that picture is the first tie I have gotten an idea of the scale of the brute! As belt grinders go, it's huge! Perfect size for making swords... Looking forward to seeing your designs in the metal.
  15. Nope - tuition fees of £9k a year, maintenance loan of £6-8k per year, without earning £45 a week in the meantime, and you start paying that £60k (plus interest) back as soon as your salary goes over £22k, for the next 30 years. Edit: a small saving grace is that the loan payments come out before tax. If I had to make the choice again now, I would think twice about doing a degree.
  16. Working in shops and factories doesn't require you to do a 4-year training course, racking up a debt of around £60k on current figures...
  17. I came from a teaching family, and am married to one... Fairly obviously, I also therefore know quite a few teachers socially - I can't think of a single one who doesn't spend upwards of a quarter of their "generous holiday allowance" doing yet more school work. I don't think I would do it for the money they get. In fact, I don't think I could do it for any money.
  18. How did you get the pattern on the blade? Etched? I thought it was a pattern wielded blade until I read the bit about it being a left-over sliver of O1. Very nice gesture, and a very cute little blade.
  19. Oops! Forgot this bit Need to remove the stress raiser (sharp angle at the end of the crack) to stop the crack propagating any further. I suspect this wasn't done the first time, and as Daf says, using the wrong glue makes it a bit of a pig to get anything else to stick.
  20. Epoxy and pin is the way to go. Something like Aerolite? Plus a couple of 3mm pins, toothed up and set below the surface, then fill the pin holes with more epoxy, mixed with the dust from drilling the pin holes.
  21. Nice job - looking forward to the finished article.
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