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Everything posted by discobob

  1. My wife loves sky+ but I am cancelling the Movies now If you have fibre then I would recommend Kodi on Fire for the money - if you have a local library the same also goes
  2. My back got smashed up in the back of a land rover on a training exercise in the RAF - now it is swimming, some bike ridding and walking for exercise. One thing I have found is that diclophynic tablets iare my best friend (voltoral) and take it as soon as it starts - something I didnt do at first as I didnt like tablets. By the time I would take them it would be too late as it had set in.
  3. If it was 20 years ago - yes - nowadays - nope And yes you are right - she doesn't peruse the forum
  4. Umbrellas have a limited life span with the announcement about not being able to claim expenses from 2016 (budget red book) The tax man/government is definitely after ltd as well - wait and see
  5. This + 1 - Sole traders will be forced to incorporate to get a separate business account to put their revenue through....If this comes into effect Government services are protected as well and can't be carried out by off-shore services - they can write the software but can't have access to the data
  6. Also the safety camera partnerships going Oh Shot!! were under target considering how many vans are out and about in NE Wales at the minute.
  7. +1 And don't you find that roadworks are taking longer and longer - preston is mad with them - each one planned for more than 6 months
  8. I would also suggest that you have your wifi close to it - it only connects via wifi and it can affect your picture quality. TBH I wasn't that impressed and jacked it before the end of the month (before the billing started) - instead I got a Amazon fire which has a network port (will work via wifi as well) and installed Kodi on it. I am hoping to be getting rid of sky shortly once I get my wife trained up
  9. discobob

    Tree felling

    But don't mention it to your neighbours at all - anybody can apply for a TPO and truly ****** you up
  10. Thanks for all the responses - have handed it to a guy from the local club who does a lot of people's guns- will be getting it back in a few days. He identified the stock as being oiled and will be maintaining the same finish. Cheers Steve
  11. I got myself sacked from a 3 month contract after a week - it was a horrible place. All it took was to say to a Permie on the evening before that I felt like quitting after the way somebody had spoken to me - who nicely went and told his boss (as I knew he would) Next day I was walked off sight 30 minutes after arriving. Arrived home, went on my computer and secured myself 5 months fully expensed in Jersey - although I was too busy working to see much of it - but I was hourly paid!! Oh I yes - the company that "sacked" me - I let them off with paying me a months notice - rather than the full value of the contract due to their breech of it. Don't think bad Iof me - it was one of the large online bookies...they gambled and lost
  12. I have just had a Combe raiser fitter on my 682 gold e and feel that is should put some top up oil on the stock. I do have some tru oil that I purchased however on looking at the vids on the web it looks like it would make my stock look too shiny for me - so - over to you esteemed gents for your advice. I do like a Matt finish.
  13. Good on you girl!! I wonder if JC has seen this ?
  14. If you mosey on over to avforums- there was a cracking thread that walks you through what software you need for ripping to nas It was under media players I think
  15. There was an earlier thread on this issue with certain RFD's adhering to a badly worded such and such and they were not the seller etc...
  16. Dinge in the bonnet and paint taken off to undercoat in 2 places Going to have it looked at tomorrow - SMART I recon will be towards £200 I didn't hear it hit - driving out the second peg sporting is on the left. I saw the guy on button following something with his head . I did stop as I had an idea there was a clay heading my way - but didn't hear a thing unless my breaking on the gravel masked the sound. It was bleeding windy Just my luck as I dropped the last (nominated) clay on a round of skeet - would have been my first Straight :(
  17. Fully agree on the moving goalposts they have been having lessons off HMRC!!!!
  18. No - but my car was on Saturday driving out of the grounds....
  19. If they were fraudulently claiming it - and knowingly so - Yes - pay it back with a stretch in the glasshouse thrown on for good measure. However, they were not, they went through all the official processes and this got added to their pay. There is not a self service portal where you go and tick "I have completed xyz" to generate and extra £1K on salary or an extra £100 in your packet. Going back before Pay as you Starve, mistakes would happen around your food etc... and that would be claimed back (or paid back when pointing out you had been on leave) - that would be a simple administrative cock up - fair enough. But these guys (and girls) followed everything by the book - but now they have changed the book. Legally Correct - Mirky (taking into account MP's expenses which really isn't a good analogy as most MP's knew they shouldn't be doing it) Morally/ethically correct - not a hope. Perhaps the compromise that should be taken would be only for the past financial year to be repaid as the previous years books have been balanced??
  20. +1 to this Sorry, -1 for this I am afraid I am also disappointed with some of the things said on this thread. Our boys need all the help and support from us - these serving personnel took up an offer to better themselves both educationally and financially in good faith. The MOD should wipe the slate to maintain some faith and face....
  21. I am sorry to disagree with you but they do have Ethics - just not the same ethics as the rest of the country All I can say is give us a high six Any way - on a (slightly) more serious note - got.any jobs going there as it sounds a vast improvement over where I am - two people to do the work (75% of it me - 25% of it the other guy) - too much work for us to do so the bring in 2 more guys and have put them in charge of us so they want to have meetings about the work we are doing so we can't do the work because we are in meetings .....ad infinitum They are also a right pair of twankers - I nearly walked yesterday after a run in with one of them.
  22. Well he can't because I got there first - just after them nice gents from Microsoft fixed my computer!! Just off to do some online banking now
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